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Posts posted by bill1369

  1. Normally 10 % but some also hit you for 7% vat as well

    You will find it at the bottom of the menu or shown as ++ also on the display board outside if in a mall where there will be an advert for what you think is a bargain.

    I generally avoid these places

    I would much rather see a menu with the total price

    I'd like to know where you are eating. I eat out nearly every night (admittedly same 8 or 10 spots) and all have the ++. I seen this trend rise more steadily over last 3 years. Now I have no idea of any nice place that doesn't have it.

    BTW: The minimum wage is 300 baht for a 10-hr/day. Most places open around 10AM and close 10PM; a 12-hr/day for which employees are not compensated for 2-hrs of work. So I don't particularly mind if a 72-hr/workweek worker (if they do get 1 day off) shares in service charge splitting at the end of the month, especially when their salary is only 7,500-10,000B/mo. (Provided, of course, the boss isn't pocketing the service charges.)

  2. With a number of idiotic posts on this serious Q, perhaps someone can give my a decent answer about a renewal.

    My 5-yr license expires next year. If memory serves me to get my initial license I had to go to US Embassy and get some BS notarized paper for $50. Then to my Dr to get a medical certificate.Maybe there was more, I forget.

    So what do I need to walk into Mo Chi office with and come out 30-minute later with a new 5-yr license?

    Thank in advance

  3. I subscribe to what an old-time ex pat told me when I asked him years ago about buying an iPhone 4 at MBK.

    He said for the amount of money an iPhone cost then (and now) do you want to run the risk of a copy or for some other reason the iPhone isn't quite suitable for Thailand?

    On the other hand, I have bought cheap phones for friends of mine kids and they all work (until kid breaks or loses it.

    Good luck.

  4. For years I have gotten a single entry stamp at the same time I get my annual visa extension at Chaeng Wattana. Since I have not been outside of Thailand for last 4-yrs and have wasted the 1,000 baht on the stamp, this year I didn't bother with a re-entry stamp.

    Well, now some friends want to take a few day trip into Laos. so I need to complete the TM-8 and get a stamp.

    Is Chaeng Wattana the only place I can go to get the re-entry stamp or are there other Immigration offices in BKK where I can get it? (I live about 100m from US Embassy.)

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  5. There are going to be a lot of class action lawsuits filed over the failure to label that seafood products had been harvested using slave labor. I've been monitoring this as part of my work. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I'm not sure they can prevail on this claim for unfair and deceptive advertising. They're basically arguing that if the customers had known through labeling that slave labor was used to catch the fish, the customers would not have purchased the food products. This consumer protection law has never been used in this manner - to prosecute for failing to disclose something (other than a safety risk associated with use of the product).

    In deciding whether it is an unfair and deceptive trade practice, the courts consider whether it violates some established concept of fairness, whether it is immoral or unethical, whether it is likely to cause substantial harm to consumers and whether it is dishonest and/or violates the general notion of fair dealing between sellers and buyers. The buyer does not have to intend to act unfairly. There is no intent requirement. If the conduct is conduct that most people would consider unfair, it is illegal whether or not the seller meant to act unfairly.
    It's not like failing to disclose that your candy factory also makes candies using peanut products, an act that could endanger people allergic to peanuts. Or, labeling a product organic, which isn't organic.
    So, the class action is quite speculative. However, there's going to be a lot of them filed, until some of the federal appellate courts make rulings.

    As long as California doesn't start to thinks its laws or the way its courts interpret them are the world's laws then fine.

    I'm no fan of Nestle or other large Western organizations that have turned a blind eye at best at illegal labor practices, unsafe conditions, child labor, slave labor, bonded labor all whilst claiming wonderful CSR in their bs annual reports.

    But, American state law is for that particular state - not the world.

    You do see this is a Federal action - and not Calif - don't you? Or are you just bitching?

  6. OK I have been lifting for 30 years and have never heard of this, just buy a good pair of shoes, tennis shoes, cross training shoes. I wear Rockport walking shoes but I also walk a lot. They are a very sturdy shoe with good support. I have seen power lifters wear work boots and others wear slippers. Just buy some good shoes.

    I have inflexible ankles, which makes squatting with decent form difficult. Weightlifting shoes have a firm raised heel which should help solve this problem.

    Good pair of cross trainers should do it. (Running shoes are more inflexible.)

    BTW: Try front squats. You might be surprised by your form. (Use fewer plates as you cannot squat as heavy.)

  7. Somewhat related - I live near a 5-star hotel with 2 other high-rise buildings in the complex + shopping.

    The day after the bomb, security was stopping all cars with 1 guy looking in car windows while a 2nd guy walked around car with a mirror looking at undercarriage. 2nd day after bomb the security were sitting in chairs holding on to the undercarriage mirrors but never actually getting up to inspect vehicles. After 3rd day - no inspections and no security.

    Alfred E. Neuman: "What, me worry?"

  8. ^^

    How many times do we hear the same old story "my wife is different"

    How many times did it work out "my wife wasn't different and I lost a fortune"

    None of my wives have been different, they would all strip me bare given the chance.

    Luck saved me in the UK, hopefully her not having the chance will save me in Thailand.

    Why does this post - and 100s similar throughout TF - always draw responses from guys married to Thais and raising families??

    I've been married (2X) and last divorced in 1988. I'll never do it again. So, I could give a flying <deleted> about all the posters and their 'troubles' or 'happiness' with the wifey & kids. Go do your thing; I could care less; I'm doing 'my' thing.........

    Are there others here who just enjoy their time time in Thailand (8 yrs for me) and neither need nor want encumbrances upon their solitary lives?

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