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  1. Maybe bought these canned beans at Rimping?? If so, while at Rimping, should have checked out the price of Australian imported fruits. Excessive...
  2. ....in awe of their ingeniosity. We will all be in 'awe of their ingeniosity' when Thai students can be somewhere other than at the bottom of international academic achievement tests.
  3. What is your experience with Parkinson Disease doctors in CNX. Who's good/excellent? Who to stay away from?
  4. Pronto2, I think we're talking about the self-same 'visa manager.' Still there now after all these years. Brusque manner, doesn't know how to interact with people. He's not a native English speaker, but comes from a European country not known for its people skills and overall warmth. I'll say no more, except to say that the Director of ATV should surely have had feedback about him by now and had a set-to with him. Incidentally the retirement visa extension price is now a whopping 7,700 baht (includes 1900 immigration fee). But does include a shuttle van to Central Festival where the extension process will end with a photo and your renewed visa. Is that all, now?
  5. Thanks to the two who replied. History: In the past I had used ATV for maybe 5 years. Totally satisfied until the English visa manager who left several years ago was replaced by another individual who couldn't spell the word 'customer service.' I also noticed about this time that the Thai staff was dwindling and not as many customers. I went elsewhere -- equally bad. Left a message today for the ATV 'visa manager' to return my call. He has yet to do so -- don't expect he will. So, now in need of a visa agency again. Is there any other place, other than ATV, who can at least call one back?
  6. I need to extend my annual retirement visa. Looking for a good visa agency to do this for me with good customer service. Can you recommend one, or several? What is the normal charge for this?
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