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Posts posted by fullcave

  1. In the area of protecting the right over Pra Viharn area, and zoning in the Gulf of Siam, Thai gov. (Armed Forces included) is too soft, and too shy. Over appointment of TS advisory post, it over reacts. Thailand need not create an enmity out of Cambodia or other neighbours. Abhisit has many times shown his desire to be tough, all at the wrong times. Where he should be more open and direct, he dodges and goes around. Where he should be more diplomatic, he is childishly rude and stiff. If he cannot take he leader roles right, how we can trust him to lead. What is Thailand gain in going blatantly against Cambodia? A popular PM?

    It was not long ago I was reading about military causalities on the boarder and then there were the threats made by Hun Sen about shooting down Thais. :)

  2. Ahh yes a another RED revolution this time in neighboring country Thailand. Get rid of the pesky Elite so we can all be peasants again, its unfair for people to have more money and education than you... unless of course you are chinese!

    The Thai Chinese are an overseas Chinese community who live in Thailand. Official statistics show that six million people in 1987,[2] or about 14% of Thailand's population claim to be of Chinese ethnicity.[3] Extensive intermarriages with the Thais, especially in the past has resulted in many people who claim Chinese ethnicity with Thai ancestry, or mixed.[4] People of Chinese descent are concentrated in the coastal areas of Thailand, principally Bangkok.[5] They are well-represented in all levels of Thai society and play a leading role in business and politics.

    (Source: wiki)

  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Press_Freedom_Index, http://www.rsf.org/Reporters-Without-Borders,4116.html

    I'm not trying to prove any point. According to Reporters Without Borders press freedom improved between 2002 - 2004, and since then it is downhill with the exception of 2008.

    Again, I did not claim that all indicators improved during Thaksin's reign, but most.

    Will add placement to the values, for ref.

    2002 - 22,75 - #65

    2003 - 19,67 - #82

    2004 - 14,00 - #59

    2005 - 28,00 - #107 !!

    2006 - 33,50 - #122 (Coup was in fall of 2006...)

    2007 - 53,50 - #135

    2008 - 34,50 - #124

    2009 - 44,00 - #130

    And you wrote that 'there had been improvements for 5 years in a row' [before Thaksin was ousted] and mentioned 'press freedom'. If this was in error, then please say so.

    Oops! :)

  4. I am amazed at how anti-Taksin most of the members of the forum are - and how pro-Taksin so many of the normal ordinary Thais are - Could the reason be that as PM he did lots for the poor and disenfrancised and very little for the elite (of which the expats and other members are part). Well then, as there are a lot more of the have-nots or have-very-little - than the have-enoughs, and have-a-lots in Thailand - we should see his political return at the next free and fair election - what ever we think.

    I imagine the Thai military may be concerned that Thaksin could pose a threat to national security. For example if he provides any information of military value or consequence. The Cambodians have after all been very aggressive as late and Thaksin has a vested interest in overthrowing the current government and installing himself in power. :)

  5. Thailand opts to build nuclear power plant

    Thailand will proceed with a plan to build a nuclear power plant to serve the increased demand for electricity, according to Thailand’s Energy Minister Piyasvasti Amaranand.

    Addressing a speech on "Why should a nuclear power plant be built?", Mr. Piyasvasti said the nuclear facility is needed because of the rising consumption of electrical power.

    Electricity use has risen 1.14 per cent in comparison with economic growth of one per cent, he explained.

    The nuclear power plant is an alternative to produce electricity with no affect on the global warming, the minister said. The action plan to build the nuclear power plant will be finished at the end of this year and

    preparation will take another seven years. Construction will be completed in 2020.

    Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) governor Kraisri Karnasuta said that construction of the nuclear plant is necessary, and that EGAT will clearly explain its necessity to the public before construction begins.

    The project, however, is under way and EGAT is looking for an 800 acre site to build the 4,000 megawatt power plant.

    The budget to build the nuclear power plant is estimated at US$6 billion.

    When the construction is finished, the cost of producing electricity at the nuclear power plant will stay at Bt2.01 per unit, lower than the Bt2.05 per unit of the electricity produced by conventional coal-fired power plants.

    Source: TNA - 11 June 2007

    Anybody know where are they building it???

  6. If a little slap on the back gets you excited, wait till episode 4. A big fight erupted at the TP Van and I am in the thick of it, trying to stop everyone fighting!!!! It actually happened in April 2008 and was filmed for the pilot of the show.

    The point is that you claim you are there to help tourists and that you aren't a police officer, yet you seem to think it is acceptable to slap people from behind because they have been annoying earlier. You then stand there smiling while a tourist, who you're there to help, is assaulted, even making a little joke about it. That is not the behaviour of a professional and the slap was completely unjustified, unnecessary and constituted common assault, regardless of what your supervisor thinks.

    I personally would be embarrassed to stand on the corner all dressed up like a clown but for some it's an ego boost. In reality they have no authority what so ever, quite harmless really. :)

  7. WhiteShrek:
    Mrs wasn't too impressed with the portrayal of Thailand and a bit annoyed at first until she started to just sit back and laugh at it.

    That's the predictable reaction from Thais with most things that are undesirable in the country. Laugh at littering, laugh at corruption, laugh at scamming. Laugh at ever becoming a mature and fair society, it seems.

    I don't think the spirit of Article 23 is intended to encompass filming unscrupulous activities by locals. I assume it is intended for deliberate misinterpretations of events in Thailand.

    As for Article 34 (submit footage to the Tourism and Sports Ministry?), this is a technicality. If the show had portrayed Thailand as a crime-free paradise, no one would be talking about any infringement of articles of law.

    I want to put this out there again: This jet ski thing was not "staged." Staged means that all or most of the participants were working from a script or plan. We know that JJ has pulled this stunt before, evidenced the other Youtube video, and having a jet ski with old damage shows that this is part of his modus operandi.

    My feeling is that the producer of the show could have implied (wink, nod) that he would like to have something on film that was "interesting." JJ knows that he can get away with whatever he wants and has an ego the size of Issan.

    The fact is that JJ is a crook, and the Thai authorities should be targeting people like him, not the film company. It's sad that the Thai authorities first reaction is that the foreigners are wrong and breaking the law.

    Regarding the foreigner "police," I would like one of them to post here on why they are needed. That they can't speak the local language would disqualify them from this sort of job in any country, so why is Thailand different? Why can't Thai officers take care of their own law enforcement? Foreigners understand foreigners is no answer. Chinese volunteers don't police Chinatowns in the US (or anywhere), so why is this sort of thing acceptable here?

    True about the foriegner police, they remind me of the union reps in one of me earliest employments. They were completely useless.

    True the so called foreigner "police" are nothing but foreigners playing dress up while the real tourist police are nowhere to be found. :)

  8. I've got a 2008 vigo 4x4 but it handles like shit in the rain. Be sure to use the four wheel drive when it's raining. Also the brakes seem inadequate for the weight and power ratio to me. I know they are anti-lock but are they really strong enough to stop one of these tanks (4x4 model) at high speed? :D

    I also don't care for the front end as it's 100% plastic so literally shatters on impact in even the smallest collision. I bumped into a motorbike once when I was parking in front of 7/11 and the front end fell off! Fortunately, I had duct tape to hold it in place so I could get back to me home. :D

    Also ever notice when you drop something between the seats like your keys, billfold or passport that you have to get out of the car and nearly remove the seats to get the dame things? :D

    The driving lights are halogen on mine as nothing else was available but these are not nearly as comfortable for driving at night as the modern lighting available on some of the others. :D

    The Automatic transmission is nice on the road but it does come at a cost to off road use and fuel economy also when the batery fails (and it will) you can't bump start an automatic so you will need assistance! :)

    I had a Tiger 4x4 before this one and in my opinion it was a much more robust and a better handling truck. :D

    Must be a terrible truck for you. I ll trade it with a Tiger, no cash :D

    According to BKK post testers, 2008 Vigo handles on par or better than the other trucks, lights are better than most others. Plastic front is to pass collision tests, like all others.

    2009 Vigo is the only truck with ESP (stabilitycontrol). Makes it handle better than any other LOS truck.

    2009 Vigo has 16 inch brakes, makes it brake better than any other LOS truck.

    16 inch brakes is that a spec.? :D

  9. If I wanted 'high speed' why buy 'a tank'

    High speed is maybe 120km (it'll do 170km!!) but the breaking is weak on this as compared to the Tiger DVD but the Vigo is a heavier faster more powerful truck. Anywhere to get the specs on these Thai approved trucks as to make a comparison. :)

    That impact zone may just save your life in a crash

    I just hope the air bags work as I believe max. liability is 400,000 THB and my life is worth just a little more then that. :D

    Yes, xenon blind other drivers much better

    Is this true or did you just making this up? :D

    That situation applies to ALL auto's

    That's why I'll go with a manual next time. :D

  10. I've got a 2008 vigo 4x4 but it handles like shit in the rain. Be sure to use the four wheel drive when it's raining. Also the brakes seem inadequate for the weight and power ratio to me. I know they are anti-lock but are they really strong enough to stop one of these tanks (4x4 model) at high speed? :D

    I also don't care for the front end as it's 100% plastic so literally shatters on impact in even the smallest collision. I bumped into a motorbike once when I was parking in front of 7/11 and the front end fell off! Fortunately, I had duct tape to hold it in place so I could get back to me home. :D

    Also ever notice when you drop something between the seats like your keys, billfold or passport that you have to get out of the car and nearly remove the seats to get the dame things? :D

    The driving lights are halogen on mine as nothing else was available but these are not nearly as comfortable for driving at night as the modern lighting available on some of the others. :D

    The Automatic transmission is nice on the road but it does come at a cost to off road use and fuel economy also when the batery fails (and it will) you can't bump start an automatic so you will need assistance! :)

    I had a Tiger 4x4 before this one and in my opinion it was a much more robust and a better handling truck. :D

  11. Proof of truth in this respect means nothing in Thai law.

    And that seems to count for ThaiVisa as well. Here one can state whatever one feels to, no proof needed, regardless of all evidence to the contrary, as long as one hates Thaksin. :)

    Hate? No just feel sorry for him as he is obviously suffering intensely but why does he suffer so?

    "The kind of seed sown

    will produce that kind of fruit.

    Those who do good will reap good results.

    Those who do evil will reap evil results.

    If you carefully plant a good seed,

    You will joyfully gather good fruit."


  12. Would make it much easier to calculate import costs! Now basically it's hit and miss (mostly miss) and a hassle. Also sometimes the bribes are more then the actual duty should be as they always exaggerate the price in order to "help you" on the side. :)

  13. Totally agree,

    Ive been plugging away with a 22 hp kubota clearing and working land to put in 10 rai of corn after 15 inches of rain in the last half of may as a bigger tractor cannot get on the land.

    This wet start to the season is an exception to the rule.

    The question for the op is does he want a tractor suitable for income for him and his wife or is it a present with all expenses paid for the bil to make an income.

    Having dug myself out of the bog so many times lately i actually purchased a set of steel wheel duels for the small tractor,havent been bogged since.But a shrewd dealer charging 16000 baht for a set is going to take a lot of wet fields to pay for them,anyway still happy to turn a wheel.


    Interesting. So the smaller ones don't sink in as much. What about the beach or sand? Thanks. :)

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