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Posts posted by coulson

  1. Last time I was in Phuket (10 years ago) I stopped into a (dead) girly bar filled with dogs, ordered a Jack & Coke and decided to leave about the time it hit my table.

    650 baht was my bill for a single Jack/Coke.

    I know very little about Phuket, and do not care to learn any more about the place.

    I'm an old Pattaya hand too. Phuket is off the charts.

    I lived in that crazy place Pattaya for years. If all of Thailand was like Phuket I would have never considered living in Thailand.

    It is utterly venomous.

    650????? Extortion!!

    You sure you didn't leave with someone tied to your elbow? ;)

  2. This is like talking to an wall the Greedy pricks won't lower the prices Business is all about profit,,,,that's the only thing they are thinking about.

    I suppose operating a business should be about making a loss instead of a profit?

    Where did you work? If they operated at a loss would they have been able to pay you?

    It is extraordinarily difficult to operate a business when you ain't makin' no money.

    Crying about businesses making money is PURE SOCIALISM.

    It's also ridiculous that banks have been asked to increase financing these SMBs that won't be profitable.

    Get them started, demand goods prices drop, what next.....tax them more (increased revenue has been brought up recently).

    If this is some sort of stimulus philosophy then i think the mental stimulus issue needs to be addressed before any effective financial one might see the light of day.

  3. Body temp scanners? I was thinking more to the tune of them asking you a question like "do you feel sick?" upon entry. I can't imagine them spending the kind of money it would take to add more scanners . By the time they are added, Mers will bee a long forgotten disease.

    Infra red cameras. They already have them in the swampy store rooms

  4. The word maintenance is so wrong. Whatever the tax and it's intended use the fact that a simple word is used to highlight the fact that foreigners without any rights or privileges are expected to maintain a country's tourist assets. I don't even know why i should be bothered considering hidden taxes paid on anything and everything almost everywhere else. It's just the connotation. Maintenance......i pay enough fuxking maintenance, now I'm expectee to pay more maintenance just for the right to enter a country i want to spend my money. Grabbing and clasping money, against every buddhist sentiment proclaimed to be virtuous in thailand, the land of hands out.....

  5. Isn't this almost the same as the rice scheme? It will be interesting to see how this pans out.

    The rice scheme was a careless game of poker with the world market and the farmers. This is a knee jerk reaction to a bad market. Given the cap at 100k tonnes, it will not go very far into anyone's pocket and will buy little popularity which is possibly the biggest intention.

  6. I used to take a lot of fish oil, dhea, multi vits, aspirin, statin, etc.....gave them ALL up a few years ago and get a full physical every year...my numbers are better now then when i gulped all that sfuff down every day....

    of course everyone is different but i for one am glad to be done with the daily dose.....

    Have to agree with you. Despite obvious short term benefits in cases of low immunity, taking excess doses of various supplements puts pressure on your liver and requires huge amounts of water to process effectively and eliminate from your system.

    It also leads to mild hypochondria.

    The best doctor i ever had was a good friend, he never prescribed any pharmaceuticals. Once i was suffering from anxiety and restlessness he suggested i take some time out alone, drink a single malt amd smoke a cigar to help make some decisions.

    When i had a bad flu and prolongued congestion he presribed stretching exercises to expand the chest and a large glass of warm water with honey and lemon every morning.

    When i was fatigued and lethargic from work he prescribed food and rest.

    Granted, i don't think the same type of prescriptions apply to the clap, but he got the drift.

  7. Wow and thanks for the great pictures, I truly hope for the best in the finished product. This makes me want to consider a project like this also as my girlfriends father has offered us some land he owns to build on if we ever wish to. Thanks again.

    Had you said wife it may be different, however I read that as 'pops' inviting you to build his daughter a house on their land.

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