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Posts posted by Chunkton

  1. Just another junket for politicians to get their snouts in the travel trough. All this climate talk seems to be more ways for politicians to raise our taxes and blame it on saving the climate. Evidence is shaky, but increased taxes are gold. Besides with all the obscene deficits being run to ensure re-election, ah saving economies, new stealth taxes are needed.

  2. Why worry? I ain't joined the one foot in the grave brigade yet :D

    Still got another 20 years before they tell me I've got sclerosis of the liver :D Ummmmm :) , (thinks about last weekend, or what can be remembered therof :D ) OK, make that 10 years :D

    Don't forget adding heart disorder, cancer, prostate, HIV, Thai drivers, greedy partners, Hep C, etc to the list.

    Don't know why the OP got hammered by some grumpies. I suspect he has good reason for asking that question, bad taste me thinks.

  3. I have observed numerous school vans driving in a dangerous manner (ie the usual), and have even been almost run off the road on my bike by a couple. I drive my kids to school myself, and would never trust them to a Thai van driver, regardless the inconvenience.

  4. As a general rule I do read the OP. Then Plus, I rely on you to explain it to me.

    Everyone has the potential to understand news articles and restrain himself from immediately posting anti-PAD rants. You just have to put a little extra effort.

    And it's not only your problem, so don't despair.


    I would hardly equate Nation articles to news articles, they are opinion pieces with an agenda. And looking at their balance sheet it would seem most are not impressed with their biased slant and are no longer buying.

    Cambodia hassles Thais at border following a PAD thug attack at border. Yeah, can't see any connection there, why would anyone even mention it and upset your sensibilities?

    Are you trying to set yourself up as the thought police? Sounds like the Ministry of Truth. Is this a discussion forum or not?

  5. Thanks for your thoughts Blondie, sounds nice, actually thought there were more motor heads on the motor forum? Guess not, just excited about their unique Jazz or Dmax.

    Friend bought an old Daimler and 928 Porche quite cheap and had them fully restored ay a reasonable price, thought it an intersting idea and just wanted some ideas on makes I hadn't thought of to do same. Another bought an old Mazda Capella that ended up nice. Seen Lexus IS200 under 800k (showed my girlfriend the pic and she thought it was a new exotic, as would most Thais), plus MGBs and the later shape MG cheap. Also some nice vintage cars around Chiang Mai. A Prelude at 350k, fun driving car if manual with sunroof.

    I'll keep hunting.

  6. More propaganda...

    Abhisit is a nice speaker, and very useful to the generals; giving them a nice exterior to the outside world that errrm, say: Burma, don't have.

    My feeling is that he is either incredibly naive in thinking he will be able to eek democracy from the generals bit by bit and save Thailand... or (and this is my belief) he is the next iteration of corrupt elitist using his skills to rape the Thai people. :)

    Noticed the military quietly just picked up an additional 10 billion (to their already swollen budget) in allocations from funds the country is borrowing, wasn't mentioned on this forum of course as only cite The Nation.

  7. Say what you will about our PM - he makes many of the past PM's attempts to speak English pale in comparison. I'm sure some of our TV posters would rather have Samak up there talking, or Thaksin, or best of all, Charlerm.

    Yeah and my PM speaks Chinese fluently, however his socialist retrograde policies, unwarranted deficits, spin and lies will eventually cost the country dearly. Words are cheap, in fact the only thing a politician does that is, it is only actions and intelligent policy that amounts to anything. Actions means of course actually implementing intelligent policy not just talking about it in generalities.

  8. In the unlikely event that you were possibly bored with the latest Toyota/Honda duopoly offerings and wanted a car less common and mundane and yet under say THB 800,000, what older vehicle would you buy and restore/upgrade?

    There are good mechanics/spray shops/upholsterers in Thailand at very reasonable prices, so it should be much cheaper than the west to bring something up to as new condition. That may even include a complete engine exchange for something easier to get repaired if in the sticks.

    Some initial thoughts: Jaguar, MG, Lexus...

  9. LaoPo:

    Your Poll is silly.

    Yada, yada, yada!

    Make your own then. Typical!

    It seems like to LaoPo I hit a NERVE he doesn't want exposed, eh?

    Note to those of you who don't find any choice close enough to your view: don't vote then, how about that?

    It is also totally legit to limit a poll to subgroups. For example if you were polling Bulgarian Catholics, the first question you would ask is are you Catholic? Then are you Bulgarian? If the answer was no to either, you would stop the questioning and move on.

    All polls have a structure, with set choices. Like any thread, people (including me) are free to post and make comments on the topic, so its not as if anyone's freedom of expression is being curtailed.


    Every Taksin related post, namely most, that you make is personalized propaganda intoxicated with mindless drivel that is an assault upon the senses of those of us here capable of independent thought. Look, get over the Reds closing down the Gay Parade in Chiang Mai already. Find a useful cause, how about gerbils?

  10. I prefer to use cash, as that way I know how much I have spent. Use a debit card and at the end of the month I would have no idea what was spent until I got the bill for the card. When I use cash I know what I have spent with a quick look.

    Very easy to go through the money when you don't keep track.

    Besides when someone gets into your account and goes through $8,000 in one month it tends to put you off having a debit card. Got it back but it was a pain the the arse.

    From the home country I use an internet based, no fees whatsoever, account that pays about 4% in interest at the moment. Obviously we are not talking about the US "savers hel_l" here. I also have a debit card account in which I keep little money as it pays no interest and has a small monthly charge. When I want to use the debit card I transfer funds, as much as I like, in via internet banking prior to using.

    So what fraud, maybe can be hit for $20, even that is refundable if I complain. In Thailand I use cash. Also seen the idiots in the checkout paying a 200 baht bill with credit cards, extra wais for them wannabe hi-sos.

  11. Donating to Hill Tribes seems a very worthy cause. Just be aware to do so though a proper recognized medium as some foreigners in Chiang Mai choose to directly sponsor 14 - 15 year old Hill Tribe boys. If this ever hopefully blows up in their miserable faces you wouldn't want to be remotely near it.

  12. The border crossing is actually only for Thai people, But then they decided in agreement with the Myanmar Imig. that let people with real visas to pas the bridge.

    Meaning people that live and work in Thailand. So last time I was there was several with Tourist Visas that was denied to pass.

    My bother crossed over twice earlier this year with just an entry stamp to pick up two extra weeks each time. He crossed originally in Malaysia not knowing the laws had changed or he would have come in by air into Bangkok.

  13. Everyone needs to find what works for them. I was 95kg and am now 82 kg over several months.

    I skip breakfast, except coffee and coconut juice, but always have.

    Lunch, fruit only.

    Dinner, sandwich or some fish etc, plenty of veges.

    Still drink 3 times per week.

    Once a week can snack out, usually after a low cal fish meal though.

    Swim laps 4 times per week.

    Do my own renovation labouring, sanding walls etc. Builds up the arms, back and shoulders.

    When I hit 78 kg I will start adding back in to find what keeps me there, as the current regime will go past that otherwise.

    Best to ease it down and your body will adjust and still feel full. As you start to see the kilos coming off it inspires you more.

    Next time I hear "handsome man" I may even believe it.

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