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Posts posted by chickens4me

  1. For sale: 2 young Saanen goats.  1 buckling and 1 doeling, 4 months old.  Both in excellent health.  Milking/breeding goats only.  I will not sell for meat.  They come from top rated milking goat breeding stock.  The mother of these goats, at the peak of her milking season, gives me 1.5 litres of milk a day.  (Note: Most people milk twice a day...for my convenience I only milk once a day).  I cannot provide delivery, you must pick up from Chiang Mai.  Price is 4,500 baht for the doeling and 2,500 baht for the buckling.   If interested please email me at [email protected]

    Thanks ?






  2. Thanks everyone for your replies.  Have contacted local headman at our Tessaban.  Hopefully will hear of progress today when I return.  The krait (and what looks like at least one baby) are living in our pond behind a clump of rocks cemented into the pond.  Seems there is a cavity there for them to hide in.  Periodically during the day they swim out of their hiding place, which is how we noticed them.  One of our young boys went for a swim in this pond a few weeks back!  Didn't know about the snakes then.

  3. We have recently seen 2 banded Kraits (identification is correct).  I've phoned the Mae Sai Snake Farm for assistance but it seems they are not interested.  Does anyone have any info./contacts as to who I should phone for removal please??  The snakes are in the pond of our Children's Home so it's preferable that the snakes be gone.  We are in Sansai, Chiang Mai. Thanks.

  4. Thanks for your response.


    We have already thought of putting in a remote gate....offered to buy remotes for the neighbours but unfortunately the neighbours have said no to this too.  Not sure if we can press the point?  He appears to think of the drive as "his".  The drive is clearly shown as ours on our Chanote.  He is farang, with a Thai wife, and they own the multi-million baht property behind us.


    Love the idea about a dobermann....we do already have three dogs but are not keen on our own dogs wandering in the soi so we keep them in a large penned area behind our house.


    Any other thoughts??

  5. A couple of questions please.....


    1.  What are the obligations of the neighbours using our driveway for access to their property?  (They have legal accessway through Land & Deed office).

    2.  What are our obligations towards the neighbours using our driveway?

    3.  Might their be any legal reason that we could not install a new gate across the entrance to our property at our gateway at the soi? (There is a pre-existing gate already, but for many years the neighbours fought the previous owners insisting they never close the gate so that they can have 24/7 access to the drive and thus their property.  Note: they have their own gate at the point of access to their property which they themselves close at night).

    4.  Are there any legal rules to easements which would prevent the neighbours dogs from entering the driveway easement and our property and doing their "business" on our property.  Note: the easement is still legally our property.

    5.  Same as question 4. above, but the problem is the other end of the drive at soi/gate entrance, and this time surrounding neighbours dogs have free access to poop and wander, due to question 3. - no gate.


    All help gratefully appreciated.  Note: we are opposed to fencing off the shared driveway.  It is our property.  The neighbour would love nothing better than for us to "give" him this piece of land.



  6. Advice urgently needed please smile.png

    Apologies first if this topic has already been covered elsewhere. I searched a bit and haven't really come up with any specific advice covering this particular area sad.png We are about to move into a new house and are busy with all that, so not much time to put into research at the moment. All help greatly appreciated. Happy to be directed to a thread that covers Pa Phai.

    Discovered that 3BB, True, AIS, TOT and Sinet cannot connect up fiber optic internet, nor ADSL to the new place! We are just too far away from their nearest transmitter and/or all slots in the area are currently full with no indication on how long we might have to wait. Admittedly, we did not research this thoroughly enough before buying.

    I can possibly get an aircard through either True or AIS. But we're not computer savvy enough to figure out how this works and how we set this up. Does anyone have any other suggestions please? We move tomorrow....so this becomes an urgent issue for us now.

    Many many thanks.

  7. Thanks for your reply. :)

    I'm wanting the lime for two things....a) to sprinkle around the coop and inside the coop mixed in with the litter, and B) to limewash the inside of the concrete walled coop. Just not sure of the correct lime to buy here.

    I often use 'off label' meds with my chickens and have never had any problems. Although, I don't just randomly use stuff, I do check it out carefully first. See this thread for info.


    I've been receiving personal help from one of the long-standing and experienced chicken breeders on this forum.

    Hope this is helpful for others. :)

  8. I'm currently haIving a tapeworm problem with my own chickens, and just last week likely lost a hen to tapeworms. I've discovered that the best medication is something with praziquantel in it. The only available meds I've been able to find in Thailand with this in is Drontal for dogs. 1/4 tablet per chicken. Dosed yesterday. Hope this helps. :)

    Don't like to hijack a thread....but maybe someone could advise me? I want to use lime in the chicken coop and also make up a limewash. Can someone please tell me the Thai name for the CORRECT type of lime to use...not the stinging type. Many thanks :)

  9. No, they don't fight, they're not fighting cocks.

    Not running a livestock business, simply a backyard flock of hens to help support our own food bill. I would offer them for free except that most likely interested parties would eat whatever they received free? If people were only wanting to take them for free food then we might as well eat them ourselves. These chickens are free-range and fed the best quality food we can offer. While not 100% organically fed, it's close to it. And they are not fed hormones.

    I'll try to post a few photos later today. smile.png

  10. I posted earlier today in the general Chiang Mai forum. I now realise this may be the correct area to post.....

    I've been merrily hatching my own laying flock of RIR (production reds really), and Red Sex Links in order to increase hen numbers. Unfortunately, as nature would have it, we've produced more young roosters than we require. These are really nice looking birds so, while we could simply eat them, I thought I'd see if anyone is currently wanting any roosters for breeding with their own flock.

    The parents of these young lads are good natured birds and prolific egg layers, so any hens they produce I would expect to be excellent egg layers also.

    If anyone is interested please PM me and I can send photos of the boys available.

    Many thanks

  11. Firstly, apologies if this notice is in the wrong place. I wasn't sure where it was best placed.....please correct me if I need to direct this elsewhere.

    I've been merrily hatching my own laying flock of RIR (production reds really), and Red Sex Links in order to increase hen numbers. Unfortunately, as nature would have it, we've produced more young roosters than we require. These are really nice looking birds so, while we could simply eat them, I thought I'd see if anyone is currently wanting any roosters for breeding with their own flock.

    The parents of these young lads are good natured birds and prolific egg layers, so any hens they produce I would expect to be excellent egg layers also.

    If anyone is interested please PM me and I can send photos of the boys available.

    Many thanks

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