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Posts posted by marquis22

  1. They've invaded a hospital, messed with TV signals at Thaicom, blocked highways, stopped public transit, frightened sick women and children, threatened arson, committed terrorism, kidnapped people, taunted police, closed shopping malls, canceled Songkran, ruined the tourism industry, poured blood on the streets, stolen bodies, barricaded public roads, cost thousands of people their jobs, broken numerous laws, intimidated politicians, harassed citizens, fought the army, and threatened to send Thailand into a downward spiral of civil war that could tear the nation apart for decades to come.........

    But McDonald's. You've gone too far, you've supersized our anger now!

    OK for you Yanks to get angst at one Macs store being bombed.

    You have heaps more to go to.

    Where do us Aussies find a decent lamb roast in the whole of Thailand?

    WHAT?!?!? They don't have one at the Outback???

    I'm out the back of Bourke now ... well, past Ubonratchatani anyways, not a lamb in sight.

    Just a few 'red shirts' following a judas goat !!

  2. They've invaded a hospital, messed with TV signals at Thaicom, blocked highways, stopped public transit, frightened sick women and children, threatened arson, committed terrorism, kidnapped people, taunted police, closed shopping malls, canceled Songkran, ruined the tourism industry, poured blood on the streets, stolen bodies, barricaded public roads, cost thousands of people their jobs, broken numerous laws, intimidated politicians, harassed citizens, fought the army, and threatened to send Thailand into a downward spiral of civil war that could tear the nation apart for decades to come.........

    But McDonald's. You've gone too far, you've supersized our anger now!

    OK for you Yanks to get angst at one Macs store being bombed.

    You have heaps more to go to.

    Where do us Aussies find a decent lamb roast in the whole of Thailand?

  3. Gee whiz! Why did they charge me 2000 baht for my 2-month Tourist Visa at Viantiene on April 5, 2010? Could scheme and implementation be not one and the same?

    Sawasdee Khrup,

    Yes, why did Vientiane charge me 2k baht on the 20th. of April for a double-entry ?

    The day I was there, the consul himself was down among the mob with a bunch of angry farangs, most British (judging from their accents), demanding to know why they had to pay.

    The consul kept saying : "The cabinet has not notified me."

    I was amazed the consul even put in an appearance. Needless to say, I did not join in the conversation, wanting not to ruin my already bedraggled "jai yen."

    best, ~o:37

    Hmm same same. I was there on April 24, and the jolly Consul was trying to keep his cool again with the Brits.

    (I won't repeat the worn out quote about the poms).

    After sitting around for 90mins, why get hotter under the collar, well T-shirt then?

    Talking of shirts, why do Thai's wear jackets when it is 38c?

  4. I have been married to a Thai woman for the past 18 yrs.

    I still can't work her out.

    It's very complicated. However, I will say that there are a number of obsrvations I can share:

    1. Your wife/girlfriends group of friends will pick-and-choose the best bits of all the husbands/boyfriends and expect you to be all of those things.

    2. They will often say how clever, handsome, hardworking, all of your friends are, but never tell you how ..clever, handsome, hardworking you, or the children are.

    3.They will leave the stickers on expensive items!

    4.They wont clean the house above shoulder hight.

    5. They are incapable of organising anything.

    6. They are obssesive about smells!

    7. Everything is dirty!

    I can't remeber why I'm still married, but....there must be something there!!!! :)

    8. They take you to the expensive restaurant in town and order four or five dishes and eat only two or three!!

  5. Mixed feelings. Just sent my wife to Nonthaburi but she's driving my new truck.

    Hope it is painted red, mate?

    Your first post on ThaiVisa? Did your other username get banned or something?

    Why ask a stupid question like that?

    Do we all have to be as mundane as probably all your 2000 odd posts are?

    Lighten up man and have a smile or a grip. I am here on holidays for a good time, and from what I have heard from the Thai's I have come in contact with, is that they are neutral to all 'this' and just hope it blows over

  6. Let me break it down for the Americans out there. The Red shirts are like hill billies from the Ozarks and Appalachians. Poor, not well educated and a bit marginalized by the rest of the country. They idolize a corrupt billionaire named Bernie Madoff, they thinks he's the cat's ass. Bernie is in jail for his misdeeds but sees these rubes as his ticket to freedom and the restoration of his ill gotten fortune. He tries to enlist the help of a million of these fine folks, but through bribery and angry rhetoric he only manages to get 50,000 to participate in his scheme. He has them march on Washington, he even puts gas in their pickups so they can make the journey. They occupy the streets of the nation's capitol. They piss on the sidewalks and make a nuisance of themselves. They loiter and block intersections and hang out at the Lincoln memorial. They hope by doing this that Obama will not only pardon Bernie, but that he'll declare him the new President. Sounds insane doesn't it? What about the other 300 million or so citizens? Shouldn't they get a say? No, all that matters is that Bernie Madoff gets rich and powerful once more. And when he does his protesters can go back to moonshining and marrying their cousins.

    And that in a nutshell is what it is like to live in Thailand these days.

    I am an Aussie, can you explain all that in aussie lingo ?? :) I am from Moe ( :D

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