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Posts posted by kd2000

  1. Hi


    I Have got all required documents for ED visa (language course) so Im ready to go and apply for one.


    I stayed here on ED for some 6 year, all my previous visas were obtained in Vientiane and so I would be willing to go there again.


    The problem is that I used to stay here on ED for to many years and Im worried to get rejected. 


    Although I do have a new passport since 2 years but obviously there are records in the system...


    I have heard of people who were successful beeing approved in similar case as my (changed passports)  but I sense that it could not be so smooth anymore after the online appointment came into life. 


    I guess the system has been designed not just to have the que booking to be easier but to allow better check of applicats previous records even before they appear in the consulate...


    What is your view on that? 

    What other consulates would be a good go except Vientiane?


    Thanks for all advices, specially those based on facts rather than  common sense ????

  2. Thank you for all responses. 


    I have found a shop near home pro. 

    Here is google location 



    My order was dining table 2m x 1m + 2 bench. 1350 thb for the set. 


    Untread bamboo furnitures under roof will be OK even for 2 years. 


    IMO best preservation is good varnish and repainting it every year. 

    Much better protection than borax or diesel soaking. 

    I use a TOA varnish which is designed for boats. Blue can with a saling boat picture on it. 


    Have been treating 2 salas exposed to rain which survived 2 raining season so far. They do have little bug holes but wood is solid and due to varnish maintain it's beauty.


    Bottom line the very low cost furnitures could be done very nice and you don't care if they deteriorate within few years. Just replace. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 2/16/2019 at 6:40 AM, BigT73 said:

    Chong Choms a real friendly border crossing, everyone in immi both sides are really helpful and polite!  Just dont forget to tip the first window on the cambo side!  Its also not busy so your through pretty fast.  It costs 300bht not to stay over night if your coming from the Thai side and just need a quick extension.  Its a night and day experience compared to Poipet.

    That worked really well and indeed as described. 


    A million thanks! 

    • Like 1
  4. Well, I have arrived at SR few hours ago and booked a flight to Bangkok already. 


    I'm now seeing posts suggesting that flying in is not the best option. 


    Is there any reports of refusing entry at Suvarnabumi?


    I don't have any 30 day stamps in my passport yet.  Only stamps related to 2 years ED visa. 


    I was able to withdraw 500 US at the airport from an ATM. 


    Should I book a hotel? 


    Any further suggestions? 


  5. 3 minutes ago, cleopatra2 said:

    there was a guy near the Cambodian immigration entry requesting to see passports and insisting that the Cambodian VOA had to be used same day issued and I would encounter an overstay issue.

    Precisely so


    My guess is they are letting people without stamp in purpose so to get them charged as for overstay later on.. 

    Which border crossing point at which country would make it so easy to allow people to enter without a stamp?! 

    3 minutes ago, cleopatra2 said:



  6. 31 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Bus to Siam Reap ($7), then plane to Bangkok (3,000bht).

    No Cambodian entry stamp in your passport is not a scam, VISA purchase and Cambodian border control are two different buildings, you buy your VISA (room empty) then walk another 50m to the border entry (room packed) for the entry stamp.


    24 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Go to a different border crossing and enter the country. The Poi Pet crossing is known to make problems for people trying to enter the country.

    The nearest crossing is the Ban Laem crossing south of Poi Pet.

    Map showing where it is located. https://goo.gl/maps/AtTBypzBghk

    Thanks for quick reply. 


    Just to make sure.. 

    Is this issue really only in poipet? 


    I got across this 


    Its old but it says that all border check points on Cambodian border are no go! 

    Is that not an issue anymore? 

    Especially ban leam. 



  7. 2 minutes ago, phuketrichard said:

    As Brit man says above, Many people dont realize at Cambodia u go to one office to get ur voa

    BUT another office to get stamped in/out


    Ignorance is not always the officials fault. Been in an out of Cambodia dozens and dozens of times at all borders.

    Agree. My fault. I got disoriented by the chaos going here + on top would never think one would be able to enter a country without a stamp and anyone stopping you crossing the border technically illegal. 


    What's more, surprisingly, the officials seamed very pleased to help me out to get the stamp through the back door for a bribe. 


    That's why it got me thinking it was a scam...

    • Like 2
  8. Hi

    I got stucked in poipet Cambodia trying to get 30 days exempt stamp. 


    Arrived to poipet from Thailand by land yesterday. Got my Cambodian visa, headed straight back for reentry to Thai immigration.

    Have been told by immigration officer to show up next day from 6am. 


    Next day... 

    Waited 4 hours in a que. 

    After finally reaching the window, they pulled me away for an interview... 

    What I found out there is that my Cambodian visa has no entry stamp, the interviewer seamed to be extremely upset by that fact, told me to go back to Cambodia and go to Thai consulate. She had warned me that if I go to properly stamp my Cambodian visa and get back again she will stamp my passport with a denial stamp and put me in trouble. 

    On top of that she was rude and not willing to talk more.. 


    I got back to Cambodian immigration to find out that no stamp at my visa is a scam. Finally got the stamp after paying "fine" 300 thb (negotiated from 700)


    I'm polish national, 2 years old passport with 2 years of ed visa issued by hand to hand combat and ed visa cancellation. 

    42 yo


    What options do I have? 


    I have not been prepared for that at all, very frustrated and stucked here. On top of it internet connection is horrible so it's hard to research the problem on.. 

    I have all back in Thailand, need to get back asap. Going back to home country is no option. 







  9. English privet? No. Banyan tree: NO. Anything that grows fast will need trimming three or four times a year. Plenty of choice out here,

    Wht don't you go to the plant market in Chiang Mai and ask there? Ixora would be my choice, followed by Bougainvillea (needing a few trimmings per year)..

    Both Ixora and Bougainvillea are awesome but they need time to form a tall screen. I need some visual barrier right away, so I focus on ready, grown plants. Found 2 m. high Ficus Benjamina in online stores today at 200 baht. Other choice would be Ton Khoy but I cant find any info on it in the net.

  10. I'm about to decide which plant to use for a hedge but got lost completely on naming and availability here in Thailand Chiang Mai.

    So, first of all I would love to get names for:

    1) English or Latin Equivalent of Thai name: Thon Khoy



    2) Thai translation of "Privet" (English name) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privet

    This was advised by someone on this forum long time ago as very common hedge plant in Thailand.

    Beside that maybe someone could provide general advice on plants that are good or not so good and why?

    I do consider Banyan tree (Sai Korea), Fukien Tea.

    The banyan looks nice but expensive if you want mature plants forming the screen instantly. Also, Im not sure if they would form a perfect square hedge from bottom to top.

    Fukien Tea probably long waiting time to form dense screen too.

    We have 50 m of house boundaries which needs privacy barrier instantly or fast as the windows are just 3.5 meters from the street and there is no fence/ perimeter wall at all.

    What else could I use?

  11. I'm trying to do a research on hedge plants commonly used in Thailand.

    I'm based in Chiang Mai. When driving around I found many square shaped hedges which look as this:



    This has been introduced to me by Thai people as "Chia Fukien" which in English would be Fukien Tea. However I can't find any guide or information on it being a hedge plant. Most google links relate this plant with a bonsai. Nothing on hedge.

    Usage stated in Wikipedia is just this:

    "The plant is popular in Penjing in China. The leaves are used medicinally in the Philippines to treat cough, colic, diarrhea and dysentery"

    I also found topics on this forums which introduce Privet as a most common hedge plant in Thailand. Thought for a moment that it must be same thing under different name, but in fact it is different family of plants.

    So I wonder if I'm on a good track. Is Fukien Tea rely a hedge plant?

    Also what would be a Thai name for Privet Plant?

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