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Posts posted by jumpybongo

  1. hi,

    am looking to see if anyone currently uses these in thailand and whether they are good for everday use specifically use at ATM'S booking flights/hotels etc.

    i previously used my santander debit card here but lots of added costs/restrictions on the a/c since transformed from the old abbey national,worst being thank you can no longer do bank/wire/swift transfers from uk branches to thailand anymore!


  2. Bangkok 8 and Bangkok Tatoo by John Burdett, The Big Mango by Jake Needham, Thai Horse by William Diehl, all the Christopher G. Moore books...


    Memoirs of a Bangkok Warrior: A Novel - Paperback (Sep 1999) by Dean Barrett

    also bangkok haunts 3rd book in john burdetts excellent trilogy


  3. Thanks for the info people. Had a look around and think I will just get a single and take my chances. Not sure how I will come back so might not be flying back from Bangkok anyways.
    Given the current situation for visa's on long term for Thailand you might wanna bear that in mind or you could also find yourself having to fly back into LOS just to catch your return flight.

    What is the current situation?

    If your flying on a one way ticket you MUST have a visa in your passport otherwise you will have to jump through hoops to get the airline to let you board, best to check out the visa threads for latest info but I believe that the new situation is that overland entries are restricted to 14 days and no more than 4 of those...but for exact details check out the visa threads.

    try airasia.com for flights between stanstead and KL KUALA LUMPUR.

  4. just how bad is the islamic problem in the south?

    i heard previously of a beheading of a monk there, surely if true the govt would have called in the army to react strongly to uphold the law?

    very bad also in the phillipines its a shame to see the spread of virtual no go areas.

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