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Posts posted by Archdeacon

  1. The temporary train station here has moved south of the town next to Tesco Lotus. So  just  exit  the  train on the west side (otherwise you will be surrounded by a gang of Tuktuk drivers demanding upwards of B200), cross  the  track and go through the gate in the wire fence labelled Home Pro Fair; then you will be in the Tesco car park and the main highway is a few minutes walk away  where  transport to the city centre or the new bus terminal 3 is readily available. 

  2. Presumably this is the GPS location which is now prominently displayed next to a large painted anchor on one of the new pillars in the Food Court: 18.094****E, 12.945***N ; but, according to Google Maps it should be 100.8909E 12.9344168N. Or maybe there is something more relevant at the former location, which is somewhere in Chad I believe?

  3. Could some expert please explain how any flood water can drain into a pipe that ends under the sea, however long the pipe is? Surely the pressure of the sea water filling the pipe will just block the flow; and what happens when the pipe is full of sand? So far I have seen no sign of the necessary high pressure pumps needed to achieve the desired result.

  4. I was there a few days ago. The beautiful large trees at the start of beach rd, Jomtien, have been destroyed. This is nothiung short of vandalism and the result will be worse that the mess that happened to Beach Rd in Pattaya.

  5. This week I had a bunch of SMS messages (mostly in Thai) whilst using the standard PC Aircard and something has changed: there is now TH05 in the bottom LH corner; but the display panel now forces itself always to be the top window which is inconvenient. Just hitting the minimise bar moves it to the (hidden) Windows 7 icon collection in the taskbar.

    My question is this: does anyone know of some hidden switch to restore the previous behaviour, ie clicking any other window and forcing it into the background? There should be an option in Settings somewhere.

  6. Ever since the latest "upgrade" when the English language pages were replaced by Thai ones, it has become increasingly difficult to obtain the balance, Baht and hours, remaining in ones account (without phoning *101* or whatever)..

    Just by accident I discovered this link eservice.dtac.co.th/InternetSIM/profile.html?lang=eng which works after login and requires no other input. The result is a clear table, all in English, listing the money remaining in the account and the time.

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  7. While the current disastrous Beach Rd widening project is underway why do the authorities not install groynes (as they are called in the UK), ie wooden barricades at intervals along the beach out to sea, in order to prevent further coastal erosion? The proposal to import sand from Rayong is a complete waste of time as it will only end up miles out to sea or along the coast after the first high tide/full moon.

    Maybe it is because the Jet-Ski mafia could not possibly allow this as it would finish their business instantly?

    And don't make the mistake of thinking that new seats will be installed on the promenade (I have seen none anywhere so far), as in the pictures, as there is no money in this and tourists must pay their B50 and rent a deckchair!

  8. The DTAC model is new wave 153 and I know the data cap is supposed to be 384 kbps but this often fluctuates between zero (when on EDGE now) and 1500 kbps, although it hovers around the 380 mark most, but not all of the time.

    The comment about Laos being ready for 4G is extremely relevant as it indicates how far behind we are here, as Thailand is supposed to be ahead in this kind of technology.

  9. Here in Pattaya, about 6 months ago DTAC must have changed something as I was always getting the green light (EDGE) on the Aircard previously which then suddenly changed to the blue indicator (3G). With this, on my B200 for 70 hours package, I understand that the data rate is capped at 500kbps (ie 1/2 Mbps) which was usable, albeit still on the slow side.

    However recently the green indicator, ie EDGE is on most of the time now and is almost unusable, taking ages just to view a web page. The so-called 3G very seldom appears so we are back to EDGE again; and Laos are already on 4G?

  10. According to the instruction book, when the blue light is constantly on (which it is quite often now) then it is connected to a 3G network. So why is the speed seldom more that 500 Kbps (ie 1/2 a Mbps) when the advertised speed should be around 30 Mbps, ie 60 times faster. Very often the green light is on, indicating EDGE, when one might just as well go and read a book!

    Also, according to the DTAC book, a cyan light will indicate 3G+; but this has yet to appear.

  11. <br />Give them a call..<br /><br />Thomas Cook 12th Fl, Sathorn City Tower, 175 Sathorn Tai (South) Rd. Tel: 0-2679-5521 -3.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Many thanks for the address - I will call in when I am next in Bangkok and hope they will not start waving their arms about, shouting "Try other bank..."!

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