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Posts posted by Smile4u

  1. "Help make a updated list" was the heading here. Sorry if some misunderstood me.

    I was hoping for a new thread with up to date info from the region. I just got my 2 entry tr visa, but planning ahead. To clearify, I talk about us longstayers with back to back visa's.

    Any new info about Perth? Do they still issue Non O for visit friends?

    1 member pm me and said that Perth have stopped issue non o for visit friends, is that confirmed ?

  2. Last 3 weeks many got the red stamp in Laos. Many dont know what to do now / where to apply for next visa. This consern people under 50,

    single all ages, and those with less than 800K/year. Here are my ideas:

    Perth: I've seen t/r tickets with Airasia low as 6K included taxes. Add taxi, hotel, food, visa fee . Total of 15K and up should be possible, when back with a new multiple Non O visa.

    Hull: airticket t/r, train, taxi, hotel, visa fee, total 3-4 times more than Perth.

    T/r trip by air to nearby asia country with return same day. Free 30 days TR visa on arrival for many countries, total 3-4K up monthly.

    Going back home and apply might not always be a good choise.

    In my country the Embassy only give 2 entry TR visa. Total cost travel incl. 80K+. ooouch!

    What other options for a new visa ?

  3. Apply for a multiple NON O visa in Hull UK. Then you ok for a total of 15 months.

    After that, every 6 months go to a neighbour asia country ("friendly") and apply for a 2 entry TR visa, with extension totals to 6 months.

    Or go to Perth or Hull again and repeat step 1 for a new Non O visa.

    These 2 places are known for being friendly = give Non O visa for visit friends.

  4. lovelomsak: if you want a long life in Thailand, live by "live and let live".

    Dont care so much about other people do and dont.

    If you want a long life on this forum, when you already have 1 topic Closed = you should have get the message!

    :Lay low, stop posting for a while, read and learn from others.

    If you think you are so much better than the rest of us, please keep your thoughts for yourself. The topic did not "hit to close to home" as you say. You just come on as someone who think you are better than all others, and like to bash them with your thread.

    The locals shure not appreciate it, something you will learn the hard way soon enough.

    I would say you just made the same mistake twice.

    If you get a topic closed and have problem with that, you should email support at thaivisa com or send a private mail (PM) to a moderator. Not try to reopen same thread!

    If you are "soo upper class", aren't you in the wrong country/forum???

  5. Want to buy 50' HD Plasma or LCD, for use with Ubc.

    Before another member reported problem with the quality of pic, so he changed from Samsung 50 to a 42 inch.

    I have a old 42' with low spec who work ok.

    Resolution 1024 x 768p

    Brightness 1200 cd/m2

    Dynamic contrast 10.000:1

    Most new 50' tv today have

    Resolution 1920x1080p(HD) or less 1366x768p

    Brightness 1500cd/m2,

    Contrast 20.000 up to 2.000.000.

    Which of these spec can influent the picture quality when watching ubc?

    UBC: Maksimum Resolution? Brightness cd/m2? Dyn.Contrast?

    100-200-600Hz ?

    (Seen some 50" on offer now for less than 40K)

  6. Here we go again....

    Actually he's a nice polite although shy fellow, nothing wrong with him.

    Use the search function down on the page, he is quit famous.

    Been on tv and in the newspapers here.

    He like to make people smile, and that he do indeed.

    Next time you are in Thailand, have a talk with him instead of write all this .....

  7. Excuse me, I am not confused.

    I am a expat living in Thailand 10 years and what I wrote about consern my Passport.

    This topic is about "crackdown on back-to-back visa applications" = long stayers = expats.

    Most of us do apply for a new passport here in LOS, and must go to Immigration to get the old Visa transfered to new Passport. We all get the mentioned stamps in the first page of new passport!

    Not many go home to make a new passport, as the total cost would tenfold.

    Again, this topic name is "crackdown on back to back visa applications" and are not about the tourist who comes here 1 or twice a year only.

    Who was confused? :)

  8. Immigration do link the old and the new passport.

    On first page in new passport, Immigration have a stamp where they fill in the old passport number, date of issue, date of entry to Thailand, visa class and previous enter Thailand + last Passport issued in Thailand. This should be a giveaway to the Consulate that this is a "long stayer".

    Guys I talked with had 3-6 TR visa from Laos already in their passport.

    Tropo: old passport was full, was ordered 2 months ago. Only 1page left there. Would have missed my 2nd entry if I had used old one.

    Doesn't make sense that they make a new Consulate in Laos and free visa's - then start to issue red stamps again. Tourism is down big time all over the world - have they missed that?

    Well, I should be ok for 1 more trip up there (unless they change again before I wake up in the morning).


    Bring umbrella if going soon, rain up there now.

  9. :):D:D

    Just in the door now, from Laos.

    Got my new 2 entry TR without any red stamp.

    Had 3 back to back TR (2-entry) from Laos before this, in previous passport!

    Remark : I had a brand new Passport this time !

    We was a group of 15, only 2 got the red stamp, all the others did not.


    Remark2: driver told me most got red stamp on the previous trip earlier this week.

  10. Acer, stand on a laptop cooler, room aircon'ed after 10 pm. Long time ago I had a program that checked the cpu temp. it was around 60-62 celsius. Too hot?

    They had it for 10 days and claimed they checked all, and did not find any.

    Then they changed mainboard and cpu.

    Did they check vga card? I dont know.

    What driver? Your guess is as good as mine.

    I forgot to mention, last 2 days also has a new warning on the screen. "Too many 16 bit system is use", and refer to system file.

    This message on screen only a few seconds, so I never have time to write it down.

    That message might indicate video card as you mentioned (?) + system file???

    I realy appreciate any input.

  11. 2 weeks ago I got my laptop back from service center.

    After 1 year with multiple blue/white screen - cpu full speed in idle -

    and never ending "driver problem", they finally changed both mainboard and cpu.

    When I got it back, I did not install any other program.

    12 days later, and the driver problem starts again:

    - not see the mouse

    - not see usb dongle (can not online).

    - not see wifi network.

    This last for a few hours up to 1-2 day. Then without anything, it works again!

    1/2 year ago uninstalled Vista and install XP, still driver problem, so back to Vista.

    Experts, what to change now?

  12. I agree with NanLaew, going home to her city/village is a good idea. Near her family and their support is of great value.

    We had normal birth, 4 days in Vip room (aircon,bathroom,tv,fridge) total bill 7.400 only.

    The first weeks as a mum can be very hard, what is better than have mother and sisters around to help?

  13. You made an agreement - you broke it = you loose your money.

    " if we deserve to get at least 50% of the money back?" No.

    Same all over the world.

    Seems that your opinion differs from all other responses here ...

    Check out the place daytime/evening/weekend, before you pay any money. What happend to you, have happend to many of us before.

    Not fun to "loose 11K", but again you was the one who broke the agreement.

  14. My first 3 years I lived in a small village, next to the Wat. Never overslept. Infact the chickens woke me up around 4am every day. So when the Munks started their morning talk on the speakers 6am, I was already up. Kind of enjoyed the village life in the beginning. The relaxed slow pace of life, and the locals friendliness towards me.

    But all the fights in the village, the village pedophile, the village drunk, the never ending rumor mill, got to me in the end. Made me depressed and "you think too mut". I moved far away. Looking back, the only good thing from that time, was that I learned to speak thai.

    Moving on a few years, I visited my new gf village many times before living there 50% of the time. Took time to learn her family and let them know I am not a millionare.

    Now I balance it: 2 weeks up in the stick - 2 weeks in Pattaya every month. Keep me sane.

    Admire those who manage to live in the village full time, without going insane.

  15. Lets see:

    Medical insurance B 2,500 month

    Rent cheap room B 5.000 month

    Electric/water B 1.000 month

    Motorbike rent B 3.000 month

    Gasoline B 1.000 month

    Visarun 1year B 2.000 month (2 x Laos, 2x Extension, 2x Cambodia in 1 year period)

    = left Baht 850 per day for food, drink, "company", clothes, dentist, medicine, passport renewal, etc, etc. (40K a month).

    Not much life.

    Not fair to compare with the native who dont have farangs expences like insurance, visarun, etc.

    I know people who manage to live on 40K but they sit most of the time in their room.

  16. @p_brownstone : the keyword is Warranty.

    Can get a extended 3 year warranty on most brand Pc for 3-4000 only. Build to own spec, means shorter warranty (many parts only 1 year).

    Build one myself is tempting, but when something doesn't work, I have to do all the footwork as each part has different service center. Having a Brand name (service center) save me the time running around.

    My last pc been to service more times than I want to remember. Last time change mainboard and Cpu (on Warranty).

    @ chiang mai: have you ever put a economy cpu pc, besides a Quad core pc?

    Load the same multiple 10-15 tabs. Amazing what that does to loading time when only surfing the net.

    Back home with super 3G speed, a economy cpu and 2Gb ram would do the trick. That speed is only a dream here. Multitasking shure go much faster, with more ram and cashe (Quad core).

  17. Amazing indeed.

    Last month I've seen a photo on the net somewhere. The first 4-5 owners getting their keys and drinking champagne, inside one of their very "High So" apartment.

    Was it all staged then?

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