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Posts posted by DeepSea

  1. Supporters gathered around Kanokrat Booth, 42, waving banners saying ‘Stop Judging Thai People’ and ‘Marriage is not a love service and needs no probation’

    I'm just thankful that farangs who marry Thai women don't have to suffer the kind of embarassing and judgemental behaviour handed out by the cruel, nasty U.K. authorities when they are at the mercy of Thai immigration...

    I mean it's not like farang women who marry Thai men are eligible for Thai citizenship and farang men who marry Thai women aren't.... errrrr... hold on a minute.... violin.gif

    • Like 1
  2. Hi there...

    Further to my last post. I have the employment contract in hand now and the section relating to tax payment reads as follows:

    'Unless the company is required by law to make income tax deductions from salary payments to the employee, the gross monthly amount will be paid to the Employee and the Employee shall be responsible for paying tax on income, allownces and benefits at the prevailing rate.'

    So I guess my question (in advance of actually being on the ground to pose this question to the local office in Thailand), is; under normal circumstances, is a Thai registered subsidiary of a multi-national corporation required by law to make income tax deductions from salary payments..?

    If not, I would appreciate a referral to a competent firm of tax accountants in Bangkok. If anybody else out there has experience of using a competent accountant in Bangkok please feel free to PM me.


  3. Hi there,

    I am due to begin work in approx 6 weeks time in Thailand. The company i will be working for has a regional office in Singapore and have just opened a small office in Bangkok. I don't know yet whether they will be witholding taxes from my salary or if I will be responsible for filing my own taxes. If the latter is the case, could you recommend a reputable firm of accountants who work with expats on Tax issues.


  4. I appreciate the comments and in large part they account for the reason why I'm not inclined to jump at the first opportunity. I would prefer to do business with a bike owning expat who has additional space if possible. You may be correct in your assumption that it is illegal to sublet as many of the Thai nationals want to keep the arrangement under their hats so to speak; In respect to my current arrangement, I approached the building management rather than a resident, or security personnel at the bulilding in which I rent an apartment whilst in town, and it is they who have agreed to let me store my bike... further I have a good quality German lock and chain set which is looped around an 8" riser and my back wheel so good luck to anybody who wants to spend a significant amount of time hacking thorugh the bloody thing. The building is in a good area, cameras up the wazoo and the security staff know me, so I feel quite relaxed about leaving it there, it's not a 'long term' solution however... my search will continue....


  5. Hi - maybe depends on how long for, but twice I have left my bike with Yamaha dealers in places I've lived while I've been away 7-10 days for visa/holiday.

    Both times I'd dealt with them for services/parts etc, they had room in the back of the workshop; first time I was going to offer 500 baht but he got in first and said 100.

    May be worth a try if you know one, should be safe/secure.

    Hi Genghis,

    Thanks for the advice and offer of assistance, apologies for the delay in responding... I have managed to come up with something to tide me over for the next six months and there is another chap in Bkk who is in the process of buying a Harley with a similar requirement for secure, private parking, so we're going to work together to try and find something appropriate.

    In the event that anybody ever reads this thread and is looking for parking, you may wish to try the Thai version of Craigs List as a first port of call, look under Parking/Storage, there were a number of listings in the 1000/2000 baht per month for secure parking, but invariably they are Thai nationals looking to rent out their condo spaces... if there are any expats out there (for ease of communication in the first instance) who can offer this service, please let me know as we are still looking for a longer term fix.


  6. Hi Guys,

    Hope somebody out there may be able to help with this request...

    I have a VFR750 I would like to keep in Bkk whilst I'm overseas, am happy to pay rent if you have a secure location (downstairs in an appt building would be fine if the building staff dont mind).

    Please let me know if you can help, IM or email is fine, thanks for taking the time to respond.


  7. Hey Guys,

    Have a VFR750, apologies for the small picture, it just happened to be in the shot.


    Off topic; have just finished riding Khon Kaen to Mae Sot - Mae Sot to Kanchanaburi - to BKK... don't know how many of you have ridden between Tak and Mae Sot, but pack a bag and get up there, you wont regret it... next time I'll rig up some kind of camera on the bike, the last 20Km to Mae Sot through the mountains is sublime riding and well worth the trip.

    Also wondered if there's anybody out there with a little room to spare in Bkk who may be willing to garage my bike whilst I'm overseas... happy to pay rent, if you have room in a secure location (or downstairs in an appt block if the building staff are happy enough)... please let me know.


  8. I've been considering a generator for a couple of years because we suffer from brownouts a lot and everything stops working. I'm not ready to buy yet and I didnt really understand how the connection is made to the house from the generator. I contacted the guy from link posted by elkangorito (hes got an ad somewhere in the forum), and he has emailed me a few times with lots of info on how generators work and how they are connected to the house, he seems to know what he's talking about so if anybody needs advice on this kind of thing you could do worse than drop him a line...

  9. I think the British guy heard someone else talk about setting fire and then repeated the words, as heard in the video. Now he's going to be used as a scapegoat. I've seen some video footage on Thai channels showing a Thai guy setting fire to CentralWorld, but haven't been able to find the video anywhere online. I'm sure others saw it as well. Not sure though if that's one of the fires they extinguished or if it's the one that then made the entire building go up in flames.

    But yeah, good job. Blame the farangs for the problems. That will bring the tourists back.

    They have a video of a farang shouting "We are gonna burn the F#cker down and steal it all" and you think its a "Get the farang" conspiracy :):D:D

    I think the problem here is not a question of whether this guy should receive whats coming to him for his ridiculous comments and that he actively sought (to whatever degree) to engage in riotous behaviour; he quite obviously should. But rather whether his presence (and evidence of his words on camera) will be used as a point of focus for those looking for an opportunity to engage in political sleight of hand...

    If you read Wattanayagorns remaks below (if reported verbatim and, notwithstanding the standard of reporting in Thailand by numerous rags), the troubling aspect of his comment is that he seems to be suggesting that HE (Savage) was convincing THEM (the hardcore redshirts) to set fire to Central World, when to anyone with a brain out there, it's quite obvious that this guy was very much a 'wannabe' trouble causer rather than a man of any influence.

    "A white Westerner was involved in the arson attack on Central World, convincing them to set fire to it. And an Asian was also involved in the arson attacks on the banks," said government spokesman Panitan Wattanayagorn.

    One idiot farang (Brit, Aussie, Yank... they're all out there guys, despite the desire of some on this forum to tag only the brits with this label), alone on the street, with zero followers and looking for an opportunity to ham it up to anyone with a handycam, does not suggest he is/was a man of any influence at all during this riot, but I guess the opportunity to suggest otherwise will be far too tempting for many with an agenda out there...


  10. Deep Sea,

    I hope you don't mind me asking you, but I am curious to know why it should be an all girls school by all means?

    Hi Keestha,

    No, I don't mind you asking at all. In my opinion (and it is only my opinion), girls seem to perform better at school when they are not distracted (directly or indirectly) by boys in the classroom. There will probably now be an avalanche of 'expert' opinion informing me of the errors in my thinking, but c'est la vie...

  11. Hi Tinkelbell,

    I am presuming that you are a Thai national...? Your impressive command of the English language (Syntax and Grammar) is streets ahead of that posted by the one individual who decided his time would be well spent attacking my decision to 'consider' educating my daughter in a boarding school environment and is testament to a quality education.

    Thank you so very much for taking the time to post your experience, you have restored my faith in the kind of people who populate these forums. I appreciate your comments and will look closely at the schools you mention.

    Kind regards,


  12. Simply to highlight your ignorance;

    Maybe this is why rich people seem to be so "bad". No thought on what it actually takes to make a good human being. Just throw money at the child to give them the best "opportunities" while neglecting the actual most important opporutinies: love and guidance from completely interested parents.

    Rich people (incidently, I am not one...) are so bad...

    Love, emotions, feelings...

    The war cry of Liberal bleeding hearts for countless generations.

    Your line of thinking is how the worlds Hitlers are made

    No Sir, Hitler was the product of the most Liberal (read above) upbringing and we all know how he turned out. Liberals; their caring, feeling, all concerned ideology has led to utter misery and poverty for countless millions... Perhaps if you yourself had a well rounded education, you might hold a more informed opinion and perhaps have something tangible to contribute. But I guess nothing beats a pointless existence, spoiling for an argument in these forums.

    I'll look elsewhere for advice in future, thanks for your outstanding contribution.

  13. Boarding school for a 9 year old is a huge mistake and smacks of lazy disinterested parenting. You would trust strangers to be the actual ones that raise your child? And where does love and affection come into play? On holidays? Ridiculous.

    Ridiculous, is your assertion that parents seeking the best possible education (and thus opportunity to enter a good university and be presented with options and opportunities in life) for their children are 'disinterested, lazy and do not show love or affection'.

    IF, she enters a boarding program at age 11, not 9, it will be a collective decision based on the quality of the academic institute, the experience of other boarders and our daughters desire to attend. Showering her with love and affection for the next decade as she embarks upon an unremarkable secondary education experience will not provide her with a future full of opportunity, which is what most, loving, affectionate parents want for their children; Sir.

    I've seen these threads disintegrate into slagging matches in response to posts such as yours; I refuse to be drawn into a similar experience, this will be my final post on the subject.

  14. The thread covering schooling at the head of this sub-forum is full of good information, but my daughter is slightly older and I would like to consider my options for her secondary education and hope I might be able to draw on the experience of the readers here.

    I have been working overseas and visiting Thailand for the past 15 years. I built a house about 10 years ago and have a 9 year old daughter who speaks much better Thai than English (you know the story, she is surrounded by Thai family and friends day in day out and she finds it easier to communicate with me in Thai, even though I have always tried to make an effort to speak English with her; I simply spend far too much time away from home).

    She attends a small private school and I am fairly happy with her academic progress to date, but as she approaches secondary school age, I want to find a good 'all girl' school (not necessarily an international school... Regent et al are out of my price range) which will provide a good stepping stone for university entrance.

    I am not concerned where the school is located (Bkk, Chiang Mai, Phuket...) and will consider full time boarding in an effort to imbue a little independance, but they must have a sound academic record and as I said, be an all girl school. To date, I have only found one such school with a full time boarding program Rajinibon School they are located in Bkk and have a good math/science program, but I would like to consider other options.

    Thanks in advance for taking the time to read and respond to this post.

  15. She is 9... have you asked her if she wants to go to boarding school?

    As there are no good local options, and I don't want her to spend hours a day commuting our options are limited. There are certainly pro's and con's to boarding, but she is a confident, well behaved girl and if I can find a suitable school with a good academic program and a safe reliable boarding program we will visit the school together as a family, she will have an opportunity to talk to the teachers, other children and will then have the opportunity to discuss whether she feels 'happy' to attend. The decision on what represents her best interests at this point in time is best made by us, her parents, however mature a 9 year old may seem; but we do not 'impose' anything of signifcance on her without first discussing and explaining our reasons for doing so.

  16. I have already posted this in 'Teaching in Thailand', but as no sub-forum exists that deals with the specific subject of schooling for the children of Expats in Thailand, I thought I would post it here in an effort to cast my net a little wider.

    I have been working overseas and visiting Thailand for the past 15 years. I built a house about 10 years ago and have a 9 year old daughter who speaks much better Thai than English (you know the story, she is surrounded by Thai family and friends day in day out and she finds it easier to communicate with me in Thai, even though I have always tried to make an effort to speak English with her; I simply spend far too much time away from home).

    She attends a small private school and I am fairly happy with her academic progress to date, but as she approaches secondary school age, I want to find a good 'all girl' school (not necessarily an international school... Regent et al are out of my price range) which will provide a good stepping stone for university entrance.

    I am not concerned where the school is located (Bkk, Chiang Mai, Phuket...) and will consider full time boarding in an effort to imbue a little independance, but they must have a sound academic record and as I said, be an all girl school. To date, I have only found one such school with a full time boarding program Rajinibon School they are located in Bkk and have a good math/science program, but I would like to consider other options.

    Thanks in advance for taking the time to read and respond to this post.

  17. I have been searching the forum looking for advice on schools in Thailand, but to my surprise, cannot find a thread that specifically covers schooling for the children of Expats. I'm hoping that the readers in this sub-forum may be able to offer me some advice.

    I have been working overseas and visiting Thailand for the past 15 years. I built a house about 10 years ago and have a 9 year old daughter who speaks much better Thai than English (you know the story, she is surrounded by Thai family and friends day in day out and she finds it easier to communicate with me in Thai, even though I have always tried to make an effort to speak English with her; I simply spend far too much time away from home).

    She attends a small private school and I am fairly happy with her academic progress to date, but as she approaches secondary school age, I want to find a good 'all girl' school (not necessarily an international school... Regent et al are out of my price range) which will provide a good stepping stone for university entrance.

    I am not concerned where the school is located (Bkk, Chiang Mai, Phuket...) and will consider full time boarding in an effort to imbue a little independance, but they must have a sound academic record and as I said, be an all girl school. To date, I have only found one such school with a full time boarding program Rajinibon School they are located in Bkk and have a good math/science program, but I would like to consider other options.

    Thanks in advance for taking the time to read and respond to this post.

  18. Billionaire financier Jim Rogers has predicted that the British Pound could completely collapse within weeks, sending shockwaves throughout the global economy and heralding the beginning of a downturn that would make the recent economic crisis look tame in comparison.

    I've seen these quotes by Rogers and similarly those by Soros regarding the Euro, but you fail to add that these barracudas are currency speculators who make sh*t loads of cash by lobbing well timed comments to the nervous masses... they should be gagged and locked in a closet.

  19. The last couple of pages of this thread tells the story:


    If you've got money in Pounds it's probably a very good time to sell it and buy US Dollars, that's what everyone else in the world is doing.

    Hmmm... and doing what everyone else in the world is doing is offered as good advice...? Think very carefully before you fall in line on this as a precipitous fall of the U.S. dollar is on the cards...

    Stimulus package my a*se; extending welfare benefits to 99 weeks 99 weeks on the brew and using money they simply don't have to prop-up bloated union contracts country wide does not create jobs in the private sector, far from it, it simply adds to an already unsustainable level of debt and it's getting worse by the day, can somebody please explain how this stimulates anything..? Tax revenues are created in the PRIVATE SECTOR and yet the private sector is under attack by a Socialist Idealogue. Government cannot create jobs that add tax revenues to the state coffers, pure and simple, the only anwser to this is for jobs to be created in the private sector, but only an idiot hires additional staff when there is no demand for products or services and the future tax burdens (health care anyone..?) and regulatory constraints on business are unknown, otherwise known as 'no political stability'. What was an annual deficit under Bush, is now a monthly deficit under Obama... the writing is on the wall.

    Oh, lets not forget the elephant in the room... Opinion is growing in China (amongst those with sway in the 'party'), that the dominance of the U.S. needs to be challenged (and not just verbally...) Calls by PLA officer to challenge the dominance of the U.S.

  20. Don't want to get you too confused, but if you're in BangKapi, you might want to take Ramkamhaeng all the way out to the end (it opens up after you get past Ring Road), turn right onto 304 and to thru Chachoengsao towards Chonburi, 304 turns into 314 and you'll run into 7. It's not a bad road, I just hate bang Na Trad.

    I appreciate the advice. I'll have to try this and the other suggestions and will post my thoughts on the ride and state of the roads for anybody else out there contemplating the trip.

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