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Posts posted by DeepSea

  1. Here's an idea.....why don't we all take a picture posing with the body. That should assist in the investigation.

    Disgusting morons. bah.gif

    The Thais aren't offended by it, dead bodies are all part of life and death; it's quite common for families to have pics of a dead relative lying in a coffin before cremation. I think your rude comment about the rescue workers is a sign of someone not being able to assimilate into the culture; enjoy your holiday, hope you're happier with your next destination.

    Regards, LJ.

    Sorry LJ, but other than the fact that quietman described the first attenders as Disgusting Morons (a comment I wouldn't support), I can't agree with your sentiment at all...

    Is death a part of life..? of course, we all end up in the same place. But traumatic death is something we surely hope to avoid when our time is up.

    Is this a picture of a dead relative of those who are framed in the shot, lying peacefully in a coffin..? No it isn't, but this unfortunate lady is a daughter, perhaps a sister, auntie, maybe even a mother. Those relatives and her friends will see this posed 'trophy' photograph... a collection of people who thought it was a good idea, to capture this moment for their own selfish reasons, and they will be rightly disgusted by the sight, I know I would be. How would you feel if it was your daughter, centre frame, un-pixelated, and the focus of this photograph?

    I'm sure this photo will be passed around to friends and relatives by those who are framed in the shot, so they can further recount the experience. Personally I feel that the victim and their families, deserve much more respect.

    Thai's do have a different take on this kind of thing, I agree, but I also think it's something that should change here in Thailand. Allowing people to tramp all over crime or accident scenes, taking photos, contaminating, moving or removing evidence should stop. It's utterly unprofessional across the board. Treating the dead and their relatives (even if not present) with a modicum of respect in these types of situations, is something that all civilized societies and people should subscribe to... just my opinion.

  2. The fundamental problem with Social Security in the U.K., and the U.S., is that these systems work as classic Ponzi schemes.

    There is no public sector large pot of cash, stashed away for future payments to be made to retirees, whatever age they retire. Money is confiscated from individuals and businesses and used to pay the Social Security commitments on a month by month basis. If you did this in the private sector, you would (hopefully), be locked up for a very long time.

    Nobody should be surprised by this. In the U.S., the General Accounting Office is a non-partisan, independent watchdog, working for Congress. They have clearly stated that the level of U.S. Debt and unfunded liabilities is unsustainable, and that Social Security in the U.S., will be bankrupt in the next 10 years.

    Thankfully there is enough BS on TV, and little shiny objects being flashed in all directions, to distract the majority of the disengaged general public from issues of real importance. In large part, we are responsible for our own demise, a shrinking sense of personal or collective responsibility, and a hands out entitlement culture and this is the result.

  3. The fool is the one that ignores a petition like this one. The result does not have to be a ban, but a discussion must be held...

    Christian Iraqi Women, and Yazidi girls are being tortured, sexually abused and decapitated in Iraq by 12th Century ISIS throwbacks... read this. The animals who are committing these heinous acts, are following an ideology which calls for the destruction of Western Civilization... did I miss your post on the need for a discussion to be held about this issue? No... didn't think so, puts the whole ridiculous argument about Trumps comments into better perspective dont you think..? or maybe you would if it was your mother/daughter/sister in their crosshairs.

    ISIS have the ability to print their own passports, using Syrian printing equipment removed from their passport offices, providing them the ability to forge genuine documents. I believe that Trump has called for a moratorium on travel to the U.S., until they can figure out how to deal with this situation, and the utterly pourous Southern border of the U.S., NOT a permanent ban on travel.

    Seems pretty logical to me, of course, when you have the luxury of distance, when youre not facing the sharp edge of a knife, or an AK47, its easy to be high handed and insist that this man is held to account for... for what exactly? For saying what all but the most politically correct, self hating apologists recognize to be common sense?

    I was very alarmed by your information that ISIS members carrying Syrian printed passports is raping white women on the southern border of the US. So I did some research. Guess what? A bunch of right wing looney ignorant blog sites appeared. You think you are speaking the 'Truth'. You think Trump is speaking the 'Truth'. You are such heroes. Spreading your ill conceived, hysterical mis-information around contributes what to any discussion? We get it. You're a Trump fanboy. Lapping up everything bit of vacuous nonsense that comes out of his mouth. Bedazzled by his billionaire status.

    You believe that Western civilisation is at risk from a bunch of extremists and terrorists? Fortunately there are those of us who are made of stronger stuff than you and we do not give into fear-mongering and hysteria.

    I'll type this slowly, so those of you who appear to have trouble reading English, can play along too...

    I understand that when liberals can't discuss facts (or dont like what they hear), they prefer to derail a conversation by ignoring the points under discussion, and shifting to another subject. Invariably they'll hurl accusations that the poster is an uncaring, homophobic, islamaphobic, hysterical, right wing nut, hell bent on sowing misinformation... but try to stay with me on planet Earth for a moment, go back and actually read what i posted... in fact try reading it twice... perhaps you can ask somebody to read it for you if its a challenge.

    Where in my post did I state that ISIS members carrying Syrian passports were raping white women on the Southern border of the U.S...? You're dug that nugget out of your own fevered imagination. What i did say was that Christian Iraqi and Yazidi women are being tortured, sexually abused and murdered in Iraq by these animals... and because I knew that you and your ilk would immediately scream about right wing looney ignorant blog websites; i chose to link you to RT.com, did you bother to read the link, do you even know who they are, or did you just leap straight for the keyboard without pausing for a second to digest what was being offered to you for consideration. By no stretch of anyones imagination, could RT.com be considered Conservative.

    Secondly, i didnt say that I believed Western Civilization was at risk from a bunch of extremists and terrorists did I..? What i said was that these animals are following an ideology which calls for the destruction of Western Civilization, and you dont have to take my word for it, you just have to listen to the propoganda they are vomiting out on a daily basis. Personally, i believe they can be countered and should be crushed, period. Unfortunately it will require some backbone, and policitcal will from a new generation of leaders, who are not wrapped up in political correctness, the way the current crop are (Merkel, Cameron, Obama et-al). Why dont you ask the families of people slaughtered in London, Paris and New York, if they think that its just fear mongering and hysteria.

    Respectfully, you need to educate yourself Sir. Learn how to read, pause before responding, consider facts, and formulate a response which isn't rooted in the same old liberal groupthink. Then we can have a respectful, informed, mutually beneficial discussion based on the facts.

  4. The fool is the one that ignores a petition like this one. The result does not have to be a ban, but a discussion must be held...

    Christian Iraqi Women, and Yazidi girls are being tortured, sexually abused and decapitated in Iraq by 12th Century ISIS throwbacks... read this. The animals who are committing these heinous acts, are following an ideology which calls for the destruction of Western Civilization... did I miss your post on the need for a discussion to be held about this issue? No... didn't think so, puts the whole ridiculous argument about Trumps comments into better perspective dont you think..? or maybe you would if it was your mother/daughter/sister in their crosshairs.

    ISIS have the ability to print their own passports, using Syrian printing equipment removed from their passport offices, providing them the ability to forge genuine documents. I believe that Trump has called for a moratorium on travel to the U.S., until they can figure out how to deal with this situation, and the utterly pourous Southern border of the U.S., NOT a permanent ban on travel.

    Seems pretty logical to me, of course, when you have the luxury of distance, when youre not facing the sharp edge of a knife, or an AK47, its easy to be high handed and insist that this man is held to account for... for what exactly? For saying what all but the most politically correct, self hating apologists recognize to be common sense?

  5. It may be woth mentioning that the Prime Minister is a Tory and the right wing of the government. He and the Conservative party have condemned Trump for his comments. According to the media the vast majority of the petitioners were not Muslims and the Muslim communities have welcomed Trump so that he can actually learn something of the reality.

    To the person who thinks that the labour party and the conservative party have more or less the same political views shows just how ill-informed he is. I don't expect our American friends (or Australian ones come to that) to understand the workings of the English system but I do wish they wouldn't believe their media to try and justify their warped views.

    I didn't say they had the same political views, go back and read my post again. I said that most politicians are hell bent on 'growing government and feathering their own beds'... but don't let mere words get in the way of your attempt to obfuscate the issue.

    I notice by the way that you chose not to comment on the link i posted, how surprising, doesn't fit your agenda i guess... and oh... by the way, I think even our American friends (or Australian come to that...), know that we in the U.K., have a 'British Parliamentary System', not an English one... pardon me for being pedantic on this issue, but I couldn't resist.

    As long as far too many U.K., citizens remain uneducated and ignorant about the workings of Government and the steps politicians and other ideological special interest groups take, to undermine real liberty and promote tyrany; it will always be a realtively simple task for them to be led along by the nose. Thank you for your post, the irony (which will no doubt be lost on you), is that you've helped to make my point.

  6. ...you just couldnt make this up.

    While the politically correct, naval gazing, enlightened and incredibly offended progressives criticize and protest Trump, what else is happening in Europe? Paul Flynn is an idiot, if he wants to use his tax payer funded time to protest something, he should take a look at this... because the silence is deafening from the left wing, politically correct, mainstream media, worse still, it seems that they are actively attempting to suppress the story.

    Is it really any surprise that Trump is resonating with people? for the most part politicians exist to grow government and feather their own beds, we are constantly lied to, and you couldnt get a gnats hair between labour and the so called conservatives in the U.K., at least Trump is perceived to be honest about his opinions, whether you agree with them or not. If we continue down this politically correct path, we are sowing the seeds of our own destruction, thats the bottom line....

  7. Thaksin is a polarizing figure for sure. But love him or hate him, and whether you think he is innocent, or guilty; would you be confident that anybody, accused of any crime in Thailand, could actually return to this country and receive a 'fair' trial under the Thai justice system? The entire society is so riddled with cronyism, nepotism, corruption, acts of revenge, etc., only the most naive would place any trust in it.

  8. RT@W7VOA: Police display one of the passport seized in room of #BangkokBlast suspect (no confirmation if real identity). http://t.co/yJCvVWKvaG


    Why does it say date of expiry two times?

    Someone with same passport let us know if Date of Expiry is listed twice on yours.

    The passport is valid for 10 years. re-read it.

    This is a fair point, looking at my own passport, not only does it say 'Date of Issue' and 'Date of Exipry' but the date of expiry is normally one day before the date of issue, so if issue was the 5th day of the month, expiry date will be the 4th... this might reasonably suggest a forged document.

  9. Insurance fire?

    Are all fires in your homecountry insurance-fires??

    SVI, the company in question here have assets of more than 7 billion baht, and a profit of 2.3 billion baht in the first 6 months of 2014!!

    So stuff your conspiracy-theory. This was not insurance-fraud, but a disaster for a very succesful Thai company!

    PS. The shares of SVI was halted today on SET because of the fire.

    I'm a consultant engineer and work on the periphery of the insurance industry in Thailand. I can tell you from experience that most fires of this type in PCB manufacturing plants begin within, or in close proximity to the plating lines. It is not unusual for these fires to burn aggresively for many hours, they are notoriously difficult to extinguish and unfortunately are not unusual within the industry.

    • Like 1
  10. ...as a Mancunian, I find the Manchester Evening News to be pretty much dead on regarding all issues related to Man U... for anybody who would like to take a look at local Manchester sports reporting here's the link http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/united-dismiss-van-gaal-deal-7035873

    Secondly I think that the Glazers, and Man U decision makers would be mad to make any definitive decision before they see how the supporters (the real supporters, those that pay money to attend matches) and players react to the 'X factor' of Ryan Giggs, Nicky Butt and Paul Scholes taking over on the management front. These homegrown players love this club, know the current crop of talent at Man U and are incredibly well respected by the players, so much so that they are already beginning to jostle for positions in Ryans first team against Norwich.. .lets see...

    None of them have had any experience managing a football team, sure they've won it all but so had Roy Keane and look at his coaching record. United need an experienced proven name managing them to attract fresh talent and rebuild the team.

    I'd love it if the Untied board were that romantic about the 3 stooges, but i doubt it.

    You're correct about their management experience and Keane's not the only former Utd player to fall flat on his face as a Manager, but football players are a fickle breed. A record of winning games, silverware and European football will attract fresh talent as much as a proven name. Even though they are out of the Champions League this year, there is still a chance they can qualify for the Europa Cup competition, so lets see if he can pull that out of the bag.

    Yesterdays game against Norwich who admitedly are struggling at the bottom of the leauge wasnt a bad start with a 4-0 win, Not a great first half, but they looked more like theyre old selves in the second. My only caveat on a big name would be Mourhino to be honest, there's a guy who wanted that job more badly than anybody else out there, has personality, character and a winning way about him. I think he's given all the signs that he will stick with Chelsea, who are probably doing all they can to ensure he remains happy, but if Utd could coax him into the spot I'd say break the bank and get him on board.

  11. ...as a Mancunian, I find the Manchester Evening News to be pretty much dead on regarding all issues related to Man U... for anybody who would like to take a look at local Manchester sports reporting here's the link http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/united-dismiss-van-gaal-deal-7035873

    Secondly I think that the Glazers, and Man U decision makers would be mad to make any definitive decision before they see how the supporters (the real supporters, those that pay money to attend matches) and players react to the 'X factor' of Ryan Giggs, Nicky Butt and Paul Scholes taking over on the management front. These homegrown players love this club, know the current crop of talent at Man U and are incredibly well respected by the players, so much so that they are already beginning to jostle for positions in Ryans first team against Norwich.. .lets see...

  12. And why not have the test in Thai, they will be working in THAILAND.

    If and when I visit my home country if it happens that I have to visit the doctor I would assume that I could converse with him in my language in my country, why should it be different here.

    If you have been paying attention to the Thai Governments strategy in preparation for the implementation of AEC in 2015; you will be aware that they are encouraging all Government agencies (and private businesses who wish to take advantage of AEC) to enroll their employees in English language training. The aim is to facilitate easier communication with fellow AEC member countries, many of whose citizens already possess a fairly good standard of spoken English.

    If a Thai national were required to take a similar test in The Philippines, would you expect them to pass if the requirement was to take it in Tagalog? The answer is quite reasonably No... In response to your specific question (in my humble opinion); the reason the test should not be taken (written and orally) in Thai, is because English is being promoted as the language of business opportunity within AEC and because it increases the opportunity (as a result of mobility) for AEC member state citizens if they are not forced to clear unreasonable language hurdles such as this.

    Quite frankly it smacks of Xenophobia to implement such restrictions (not only for foreign nurses, but all AEC citizens), at a time when trade and employment barriers are ostensibly being lowered. You raised the issue of being able to communicate with your Doctor in the language of your home country. On this point I agree with you, but we are talking about nurses, not Doctors. There is a world of difference between two people being able to communicate effectively; and passing a written and oral Thai literacy test, which 90+ % of foreigners, even those with a relatively good standard of spoken Thai, would fail with flying colours (I would include myself in that group).

    You've clearly never spent a decent amount of time in hospital. Nurses are more than shit picker upperers. They are your first point of contact and the ones who generally 'have seen it all' and to a large extent, know the answer before the doctors. Spend anytime in a hospital, and you'll see a doc for maybe 5 to 10 mins during the day, if you are lucky, the rest of the time, it is the nurses who are the primary care givers.

    If you are a poor sod from Issarn stuck in hospital with a nurse who only speaks Vietnamese, then you are screwed.

    Respectfully you're missing the point... Nowhere in my post (please read it again, thoroughly if you have the time), did I denegrate the role of a Nurse, or suggest that they are anything other than the backbone of any hospital operation, which is my personal view.

    In my original post, I mentioned Philippino Nurses; chances are that if you were in Issan and lucky enough to be attended by a Phillipino Nurse, she would likely speak better English that 90% of the Thai Nurses on staff. The issue I raised was about the opportunities which are supposed to be offered to AEC citizens by the free movement between member nations, and the fact that Thailand isnt really on-board with the spirit of the idea; not Nursing the specific role of Nursing staff per-se.

    • Like 1
  13. but won't all this be relaxed regarding citizens of neighbouring countries when AEC comes into force?

    No. The Thais only care about Thais having the possibility to go to other ASEAN countries, but will implement whatever ways they can think of to prevent the others coming to work in Thailand. The whole free movement idea will be watered down to nothing.

    Many hospitals in Thailand are desperate to hire good quality nursing staff. You would think that a well qualified nurse, from say... The Philippines (of which there are many, most of whom speak good English to boot), would be able to fill those postiions when the AEC comes into effect. They probably think the same, but will have something of a shock when they find out that the application includes a written and oral test, which has to be taken and passed in Thai... Amazing Thailand...

    And why not have the test in Thai, they will be working in THAILAND.

    If and when I visit my home country if it happens that I have to visit the doctor I would assume that I could converse with him in my language in my country, why should it be different here.

    If you have been paying attention to the Thai Governments strategy in preparation for the implementation of AEC in 2015; you will be aware that they are encouraging all Government agencies (and private businesses who wish to take advantage of AEC) to enroll their employees in English language training. The aim is to facilitate easier communication with fellow AEC member countries, many of whose citizens already possess a fairly good standard of spoken English.

    If a Thai national were required to take a similar test in The Philippines, would you expect them to pass if the requirement was to take it in Tagalog? The answer is quite reasonably No... In response to your specific question (in my humble opinion); the reason the test should not be taken (written and orally) in Thai, is because English is being promoted as the language of business opportunity within AEC and because it increases the opportunity (as a result of mobility) for AEC member state citizens if they are not forced to clear unreasonable language hurdles such as this.

    Quite frankly it smacks of Xenophobia to implement such restrictions (not only for foreign nurses, but all AEC citizens), at a time when trade and employment barriers are ostensibly being lowered. You raised the issue of being able to communicate with your Doctor in the language of your home country. On this point I agree with you, but we are talking about nurses, not Doctors. There is a world of difference between two people being able to communicate effectively; and passing a written and oral Thai literacy test, which 90+ % of foreigners, even those with a relatively good standard of spoken Thai, would fail with flying colours (I would include myself in that group).

    • Like 2
  14. its possible some non-thais do know the issues!

    Not only do some non-Thai know the issues, but unlike the majority of those posting within this forum who identify themselves as tourists; many of us are gainfully employed and pay a huge amount of income tax here in Thailand... does this give us a right to question the kind of cronyism and nepotism which is fueled by our hard earned cash...? Just asking...

    • Like 2
  15. We live in a Sansiri house now for 8 years. Superficially all looks very good, but beneath the surface we have problems that stem from substandard construction. One only finds them, when a little repair is needed, or something goes wrong.

    I found wood used in parts of the roof where there should be steel, I found electric switches wrongly wired, plumbing issues, terraces going down, low quality materials as it turned out etc.etc.

    Of course all that starts to surface after warranty period is over...

    We have decided the next time we buy a house, we built it ourselfs.

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    *Important Information for Housebuyers in the ABAC Bang Phli Area*

    As this thread is getting sidewide attention at the moment, I'd like to bring the following to the attention of any Expats who are currently looking at buying a new house close to ABAC university in Bang Phli (Bang Bo)... and also Mr. Uthai Uthaisaengsuk at Sansiri if he happens to read this post (yeah right...).

    My office relocated to Bang Phli a couple of years ago, and I began renting a house here (if you look on Google Maps, the road which runs past ABAC university is called 'Rural Road Samut Prakan 2003' )

    I live in a small housing community at the end of that road (well it was at the end of the road a couple of years ago, but the road seems to be getting longer). Since that time, property development has exploded in this area, with condos and housing projects popping up all over the place. The road has been destroyed by the hundreds of double trailers hauling fill which travel back and forth along this road every day (another issue is the degree to which the existing infrastructure is able to support the massive growth in traffic resulting from all of this additional property).

    To my point; Sansiri have just completed buidling a few acres of housing further along the road from me. I exercise by running along this road everday and I can report that 4 months ago, this was swamp land (still is in fact, including the surrounding area). I watched day by day, as they bermed and drained the land, cleared it, then brought in truck after truck, after truck of fill. After letting all that fill settle for a mammoth month or six weeks, they merrily began building houses and now there they sit, shiny and new waiting for their new owners to roll up.

    Swampland is swampland after all, whether you throw a bunch of dirt on top of it or not. I understand that non-ethical business practice and **cking your customers are the norm in Thailand, but I'm sure Mr. Uthai Uthaisaengsuk wont have any issues with paying for the repairs required to fix the never ending list of problems they will experience once subsidence begins in earnest. My advice to any would be Expat buyer would be to steer a very wide course around this place.


  16. Can any electricians out there tell me which of the following electrical supply systems are in use in Thailand please...

    380 V 3Ø 50 Hz (5 wires - 3Ø + N + E)

    230 V 1Ø 50 Hz (3 wires - 1Ø + N + E)

    220 V 2Ø 50 Hz (3 wires - 2Ø + E)

    110 V 3Ø 50 Hz (4 wires - 3Ø + E)

    I know the voltage here is supposed to be 220/380, but I have often seen the voltage climbing above 400v thanks in advance...

  17. Hi Naam,

    Not replying to your post to provoke you or in response to anything you have said, only because you seem to be a fairly reasoned thinker when it comes to the subject of investing and other matters financial, so to my point...

    Of course JP Morgan (cited as the source explaining 'why' the Gold price has plummeted), as a thoroughly respectable financial institution, has no vested interest in manipulating/depressing the price of precious metals (do they have an unsustainable silver short position anybody?).

    Looking at the facts (sorry I'm old fashioned) and setting conventional wisdom aside for a moment, how about taking a look at the post on GATA's website, which suggests a more reasonable explanation for this turn of events (far be it for me to suggest that powerful banking institutions collude in any way, perish the thought). http://www.gata.org/node/12456

  18. Right so a precedent has been set. lets see if a certain ferrari driving cocaine taking spoilt brat gets the same sentence!!!

    Only if it can shown that the circumstances were the same. At this time they are not. Please note that;

    1. There is no allegation made that the accused Ferrari driver was trafficking in illegal drugs. Nor is there any evidence to indicate that he was.

    2a. One case involves the accused engaged in a criminal act (drug dealing) who attempted to evade arrest and then allegedly tried to run down the police officers. He was ordered to pay Bt1.64 million in compensation to the dead policeman's parents. In addition, he was sentenced to seven years in jail and fined Bt375,000 for drug trafficking.

    2b. The other case involves a driver accused of reckless driving, and hit & run. The maximum penalty in law is 10 years incarceration and 20,000 baht fine. The Ferrari driver has already made a compensation payment of Bt 3 million. At this time, no evidence has been made public which proves the Ferrari drive intentionally ran down the police officer. There may be insufficient evidence to indicate anything other than the motorcyclist inadvertently collided with the Ferrari,

    If you wish to claim a precedent, then the Ferrari driver should have paid less, and he will most likely serve far less than 7 years. I would expect that in the event of a conviction, he may either be given a suspended sentence or at most a few months. The precedent in such cases is that people with no criminal records are not sent to jail. My unde3rstanding is that the convicted drug trafficker had a criminal record. the Ferrari driver does not.

    I understand your point that hit and run is a serious crime and merits a stiff penalty. Unfortunate, in Thailand, hit and run is "normal" behaviour and it would be unusual to give a hard penalty should there be a conviction.

    In respect to the description of the Ferrari driver as being a brat, I think you are a tad hysterical. He was 27 at the time. Hardly young enough to be a brat. Since the incident, he has been on family lockdown. He can't take a leak without a family member knowing. Unlike the drug trafficker, there has been a strong intervention because of the embarrassment to the family the incident caused. He's on a short leash now. I don't know if you are aware, but he didn't have a bad reputation before the incident. He's a small guy and somewhat shy. He screwed up and did wrong. He should be judged on that and not on the fact that he comes from a wealthy family.

    FYI - Judicial precedent in Thailand is 'not binding' and Thai Judges are free to exercise their own opinion and rule as they see fit, regardless of previous findings which one may regard as having set a precedent for consideration in future cases.

    Cronyism, nepotism and downright corrupt behaviour aside, the justice system in Thailand leaves a lot to be desired.

  19. Hi Guys,

    I have a '97 Honda VFR750 for sale.

    Bike is in excellent condition for the year, well maintained, bulletproof 4 stroke with that wonderful Cam Chain whine. Replaced the tyres, chain, sprockets about 500Km ago, seat recently recovered, fairing/tank/wheels resprayed. The bike DOES NOT have a green book and I am not encouraging anybody to purchase this bike for normal road use, only for track days at BIRA or KK.

    I genuinely do not want to sell this bike; the Honda VFR750 was my first big bike as a testosterone filled young man (deep into midlife crisis territory now smile.png; my company provides me with health insurance, but I failed in my responsibility to make sure my GF had sufficient coverage. She has had significant abdominal pain recently, the diagnosis is gallstones and the operation in a half decent hospital is going to run me the best part of 200K including room, nursing charges etc, so one of my toys has to go. Off topic, but guys, if you are in committed relationships here and your partner doesn't have decent cover, you can get a reasonable plan for about 1000THB per month from BUPA... hindsight is a wonderful thing, kicking myself here.

    Bike is garaged at my house in Samut Prakan, I am looking for as much as I can get and will take the first serious offer around 120K, but please feel free to get into a bidding war, it'll ease the pain of selling her. You can PM me if you would like to arrange a time to take a look, evenings are ok, but the weekend would be better, you'll be able to check her out in the daylight - Photos below:




  20. Hi Guys,

    I have a '97 Honda VFR750 for sale.

    Bike is in excellent condition for the year, well maintained, bulletproof 4 stroke with that wonderful Cam Chain whine. Replaced the tyres, chain, sprockets about 500Km ago, seat recently recovered, fairing/tank/wheels resprayed. The bike DOES NOT have a green book and I am not encouraging anybody to purchase this bike for normal road use, only for track days at BIRA or KK.

    I genuinely do not want to sell this bike; the Honda VFR750 was my first big bike as a testosterone filled young man (deep into midlife crisis territory now smile.png; my company provides me with health insurance, but I failed in my responsibility to make sure my GF had sufficient coverage. She has had significant abdominal pain recently, the diagnosis is gallstones and the operation in a half decent hospital is going to run me the best part of 200K including room, nursing charges etc, so one of my toys has to go. Off topic, but guys, if you are in committed relationships here and your partner doesn't have decent cover, you can get a reasonable plan for about 1000THB per month from BUPA... hindsight is a wonderful thing, kicking myself here.

    Bike is garaged at my house in Samut Prakan, I am looking for as much as I can get and will take the first serious offer around 120K, but please feel free to get into a bidding war, it'll ease the pain of selling her. You can PM me if you would like to arrange a time to take a look, evenings are ok, but the weekend would be better, you'll be able to check her out in the daylight - Photos below:




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