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Posts posted by peacefulwarrior

  1. False flag attacks are very popular again these days, look how the Russians just allowed bombs to go off in the subway again. Right next to the headquarters of the almighty secret service FSB. Pearl harbor was a false flag, because they knew what was coming and in a few years it will be undeniable facts that prove that 9/11 was an inside job.

    The patterns are always the same, let something go off, by either 'looking the other way' or proactively leading some idiot down the road. Lee Harvey Oswald style would be the latter. With the violence then being shown you justify tighter laws, more checkpoints, more surveillance and more fear, which keeps the sheople controllable.

    Much of what's out there is government made or sanctioned.

    It's the left right paradigm they want to keep us in, because at the end of the day the rich nobs which run the show (yellow & red) meet the same elites in private and receive their orders. Politics is their chess-board and fun. Who suffers is the public. Like when Americans fund Hitler & Stalin. Divide and conquer. But we are supposed to side with one party and stay dumb and down.


  2. I'm pleased there is no violence. I hope they get their way and get an election. Abhisit isn't a bad man, he just isn't elected.

    He was elected by the Members Of Parliament with full quorum, and all duly elected in 2007.

    All the oppositions attempts at votes of no confidence have failed miserably.

    By the laws of the land, and all logic, he is a 'Properly Elected Prime Minister of Thailand'.

    And he is not a bad man, which is a rarity in this seat it seams.

    But still his party took 236mil Baht from 'a petrochemical company', which is clearly over the allowance of 30mil. For this alone his party would have to be 'duly' dissolved. It is this little Oxford-Chinese elite that is pissing off the people and I can totally comprehend them. This here is little Britain with the nobs owning everything and the peasants are cattle and serfs. And it's the same in many places... And just not to finish to quick here. Thaksin is all the same a bum, since he ripped off the state by manifold which 'he has given to the poor'. His media campaign has worked out though and people still see him as rescuer of the oppressed. His gang is also not interested in the welfare of the state, their ALL gangsters. Two party system or the left-right paradigm is a farce in many countries to get the people to fight each other rather than seeing the puppet masters aka banks, industrials and military complex.


  3. FALSE FLAG TACTICS ! This is braising your own troops to create the image of an enemy and it is not the last nor the first time they do it. Remember 6 bombs at Victory monument at new years. Or the grenade on the lawn of the Justice Department... It's all staged but this time they would even cut them selves a little to create more animosity. Well, as Kissinger said "soldiers are but swine to be used for foreign/internal policy".

    Pearl Harbor - declassified

    Gulf of Tonkin - declassified

    9/11 - questionable

    Grenades here - very questionable

    As long as people are in the left vs. right paradigm there won't be any change, the elite's rule, the color does not matter and so don't some dead serfs. The chess board is for us to be fooled and distract of REAL ISSUES that matter to the people.


  4. Oh man, it seems people still take the news literally, which is kind of sad.

    This is just part of the gov. propaganda to make people hate and be suspicious about one faction.

    There is NOTHING behind this story, you could walk into any hardware store and make claims like that.

    In times of crisis you burn the Reichstag and blame it on the opposition.

    When finally are they going for a fake attack on Abhisits life, or will they make him Mr. Kennedy?

    This fish stinks from the head. Always these fakes in times when the reds are becoming active.

    HOAX! but not a good one... :)

  5. Call me a 'nut' but I reaffirm that IMHO these events are ALL staged... not by terrorists but by some arm of the gov. to give people boring talking points, further separation and confuse the nation. It would be a novelty that such things coincide with things that matter and should be the focus like :

    - The dissolution of parliament / democratic party because they took 236m Baht from the industry... allowed are 30m

    - Thaksin case, where probably the rest of his assets might go to the gov. since there's another 10 criminal lawsuits

    - health care (and I don't mean dangerous vaccination crap, that's another scam from the pharma-mafia)

    - growing economic concerns and what is going on in the ASEAN region which is going to be like the EU in short


    "lo and behold; then I saw the Reichstag burning"


  6. Remember the Democrats took 236m Baht OFFICIALLY, being obviously to stupid to read the laws that only 30m are acceptable; and therefore actually must be dissolved. So now you guess how MUCH MORE went to 'individual party members' in suitcases without them dam_n ATM receipt? So to comment on "Mr Sitthisak said that if any bribe was accepted, the Thai authorities could trace it to its source by checking the money transfer route."

    Yes sure, as easy as finding a non-prostitute on Nana after 9pm? How tf will they check every guy in the city with a suitcase? Yes we can trace the money... That insults the intelligence of a 10 year old!

    At the end of the day, they're all corrupt, none the matter what color, they all wanna be close to the honeypot. Which means making policy for concessions and a business friendly environment (labor laws, social security standards etc.) checking the cash after-wards, not bank accounts... The big corporations have more than the GDP of some 'sovereign states' is.

    Really wish the Thai's would start to look past the fake two faction game. It is business which DICTATES policy, not just since the term of globalization came up. When the British and French etc. left Asia after WW2 they were sure to put the right local people into key positions, why else would all those *X* meet up in Oxford and Cambridge again?

  7. It's media fear mongers... Trying to keep up, but the soup thickens, like some nice RatNa Gai:

    - M79 grenade (military equipment) :)

    - 3lb bomb on a lawn next to judiciary building

    - chamber of commerce ASKING for enforcement of security act / martial law

    - foreign tourists warned to STAY AWAY from Thailand

    - now there is going to be peace (under martial law?!?) but maybe more bombs?!?

    Just see this as a run up to some 'invented' events that might reshuffle the state...

    looks just like - Gulf of Tonkin - Pearl Harbor - 9/11

    all the same false flag B$

    and the media is doing the drills

  8. Naice move... If anything could come out of the red-bashing, it's them coming back at the others with the corruption they want to conceal. The Counter Corruption Division is obviously not getting in the way of the big fish. Love to see them throw heaps of shaissa at each other until the PEOPLE get it that neither side has 'sympathies' for the public. It is just bears fighting for the best spot close to the honey-pot.

    Btw. when finally are the Democrats being chopped for the 236m they took as a bribe, excuse me, 'party contribution' from some petrochemical co. ?

    Maybe there is hope for this country, if the yellow's and red's are fully defrauded there has to be another movement, maybe one that cares about Thailand and is not all show. Get me here, I'm not for Thaksin nor for the yellow army of slimers.

    How about green shirts? Complete government transparency, social programs, welfare, ey? Anyone into utopia anymore? We could be the first in the G20 *g*


  9. Seems to be the new way of 'social engineering' or as they call it in China 'harmonization' - it's all codewords for CENSORSHIP. Like they play these cards all the time. Threats or lets call them considerations of enacting the security act, which is new-speak for martial law. This government would be gone in 3...2...1... if not some generals would be 'in favor' of the current puppets. This is such a douche expression "Watch your mouth", and actually intimidation. What's this here? Democracy? It's not far from Saudi-Arabia and Egypt. Last word G20... Liar number one's note to brain 'keep a good image, keep smiling, be on TV, say the others are the bad ones, forget to care about people'

    If the press is ordered to maintain 'integrity' , this means nothing more than ... the fish stinks from the head


  10. an unknown group of gunmen?

    Extrajudicial killing? Almost certainly! Any particular loss to the human race? Certainly not.

    I doubt if anyone will mourn these scum.

    Your the scum, if you talk about human life like that! A mum and her daugther wanted for beating up a teacher, sure. This fish stinks more than baraaa... Man grow a conscious. This is unbefknlievable!


  11. And I will tell the tell till...

    Problem (self created... M79 grendade and the 3lbs bomb)

    Reaction (the 'public', no, actually just some old boys club like the chamber of commerce asks for 'action')

    Solution (less freedom for the public, more control of the government, as if Thailand had not enough of draconian laws like l.m.)

    There you go, all down the road with them headlines. This is state created terror, I raise the question if this is not a false flag attack so to keep the 'terrorists' / red shirts / & GENERAL PUBLIC! out of politics and in fear. As Hermann Goering said "It is easy to start war, it works everywhere the same: You claim being attacked and everybody who is not with you against the 'common enemy' (and the reds are being stilized like that by the media) is not a patriot but a coward and better shuts up!"

    Guys, this left vs. right, red vs. yellow game is a smokescreen... this country is just dealing with personality cult and obidience, the legislation never servs the serfs. There is no real opposition, it's just bears which want to be close to the honey-pot.

    Some more examples I need to mention:

    - 'Blue' shirts vandalizing in Pattaya at the G20 meeting (policemen?)

    - Abhisit's cracked windshield after his 'motorcade' was attacked

    - bombs at Victory Monument during new year's

    The list goes on and on...


  12. Oh come on... This is classic:

    Problem (self created)

    Reaction (blame it on someone)

    Solution (have the infamous security laws on the day when the reds want to march with all those draconian devices like the sonic boom machine that can disperse people in a radius up to 2 KILOMETERS)

    This regime would stop at nothing!

    Look how the Nazis did it! They burnt down the Reichstag and blamed the commies...

    the fish stinks from the head!

    Same with those 6 bombs at Victory Monument last time, it's the show to have new legistlation passed and to have a boogie man... it's all them, yeah, there ya go

    Sick of these fake games!


  13. This left right paradigm is just the fighting arena for the public, you need some fake gladiators or as I call them:

    Mr. T = kamoi ti nueng (robber #1)

    Mr. A = gohok ti nueng (liar #1)

    red shirts vs. yellow shirts

    democracts vs. republicans

    It's made up to take the focus away from things that really matter.

    Just wondering when politicians start to use lesse majeste laws for their protection... like lex Berlusconi

    The end of the day all these 'representative puppies' are put there by the money people and the military

    Maybe one day there will be a new movement that really want the good of the public, welfare, social security

    and not just bumboozle the people with their games. In the end it all comes down to money.

    You saw them democrats take 236m Baht from a petrochemical firm, well what ya think how much

    some party individuals have received and not reported about? Bribes from the industry run politics!

    If you really love Thailand you gotta think about that... :)

    Just one for Mr. T - if you can 'amass' 1.600.000.000 BILLION !!!EURO!!! in Thailand

    - then the fish stinks from the head!

  14. Absolute media whores would believe the award is given for 'something' and not to make the current government look like nice guys, we are a G20 nation now, gotta keep a good image for the sake of image..

    Touching corruption, the Democrats took what, 238m Baht from some petro-chemical company to get concessions ? No there is no corrupt government... They face dissolution because of that... LOL ... awards for the show, opium for the people...

    It's all good, stay calm, return to your business. So 'transparent'

    The award is not given for being perfect, it is given for doing the best they can.

    And given the current and past state of it here, this award shows that more is done now than in the past.

  15. Big time scam once more, the non-danger in like 99% of all cases should be obvious after even main stream media is questioning. Right, but just after the doses have been sold to the first wolrd and nobody wants them there. So you need markets where people are not that 'informed' yet and a simple scare that cost a few bucks to bribe a journalist will get you the sales you need.

    It is proven by statistics that children which never ever get ANY vaccine have stronger immune systems!

    Look at this please and think twice before you or your loved ones get the needles and the toxins in your blood-stream. This is shere madness and a hoax too, the WHO just changed the definition of pandemic to FORCE countries to react. In 'severe' cases of pandemic the UN is allowed to take over governments even and declare martial law.

    This pharma mafia wants nothing but your money, not your health it is they care for!!!

    watch: youtube.com/watch?v=hoQN1to3C2U

    All cases in which people died were related to PREVIOUS illnesses and were simply put in the swine flu death statistics to spread fear and a run for the vaccine...

    Embarassing indeed that they start here allover again. This is like dumping blankets full with small pox on your door-steps. That was what they did to native Americans btw.

    Need more proof ? Search YT for Codex Alimentarius

  16. Let's face it...

    01. Still a very tight group of people run the show, like some 0.8X per cent of the populous which own every thing

    02. Thailand is now a G20 member and no more 'golden triangle' or 'tiger' - state & desperately tries to westernize; i.e. 'jay-walking' laws

    03. There's much concern about Farang mingling into the power circles - protectionism - see Russian & Western housing/building companies

    04. Wouldn't you be kind of jealous or 'not amused' to see places and the stuff going on in like Pattaya as a Thai citizen - brothels etc.

    05. You can get teachers and other low level 'employees' from countries like the Philippines or Morocco for a 1/3 of what 'white people' get

    06. There seems to be a movement to regain control of certain areas & get rid of people which just bump around in 'their' country

    07. Everyone in the region sees the ASEAN Union as the emerging force which makes 'western investment' rather unnecessary / avoidable

    08. We see enough coverage in the media of Farang's bad behavior, i.e. the Australian Mom stealing sitting matts & swinger cartels

    09. Aggression is best focused against 'outsiders' to divert the internal struggles, i.e. yellow vs. red shirts (which is a farce)

    10. We can just hope that it will not end in repossession-ism / deportation B$

    Please read and think twice if you will; this is not a condemnation but a point of view and many of you I guess have seen similar movements and streams. Honestly I am sick of the newsletter when every second blurp is dealing with 'crackdowns' on this and that. As for myself, I always tried to maintain a respectful and honest approach to the Thai's in general but I also am concerned of the 'status' of the Farang's image in the Kingdom. There is a breaking point in every relationship sometimes; sorry to say, but these messages simply tell: 'Behave, play after our rules or be kicked out / not allowed to come back'. Seriously hoping that our 'image' and 'treatment' will continue on a basis of mutual understanding and R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

    Thanks for your time


    stay healthy and happy in this wonderful country!!!


  17. Mingle, mingle and kiss the Chinese butt. If the AfricanUnion, EuropeanUnion, NorthAmericanUnion & ASEAN are working sometime by 2015 we will see the next crisis (WWIII maybe) and then world government. These guys all want to keep the population in the ranks of serfs. Corporations run countries not fake democrats or republicans. Grasp what is being told between the lines and what is already predictet by those great visionairies. Unite & smite is what I hear. Sovereign states are a hoax today, so why not blend it all into even greater untouchable institutions. No more states fighting each other only terrorists and seperatists. The wording is coined today for future generations to wake up robbed naked & devoid of reality. Btw. Singapore... great example of dictatorship. 60 years ruled by one family, only state television and 2000 Dollar fines for spitting out chewing gum. Good one to follow. China, death penalty state #1 - getting rich is now allowed but you still better shut tf up. Burma, ohhh don´t get me started, everyone kissing their but and also <deleted> because of their resources, where you think Thailand is getting it´s gas from? That´s why they are so quiet about their ´partner´. Better waiting for a UFO than to expect the minion race of politicians ever to give a -s- for the better of the people...

  18. Jom and his bosses at Mcot were probably just testing the water.

    They, of all people, know how to abuse their positions and cry about media freedom at the same time. These guys never ran a politically unbiased story in their lives.

    Perhaps they thought if Democrats are not ordering to run any propaganda they can start working for the old boss.

    Satit had to put them in place.

    All this complaining about media freedom is for internet junkies consumption only.


    Yeah, 'the democrats are not ordering propaganda' - So what about the fake attack on Abhisit's car? The blue shirts in Pattaya, the complete backing of the power to be by media showing him everywhere giving 'encouraging' speeches on all topics but what the real situation is.

    These gangsters finally managed to play the big game called G20... and if you are of this magnitude, nothing is left to 'coincidences'. And so you just need like the US had their Saddam's and Osama's somebody who is outside the system being a 'threat', producing controversy but just distracting from the stinking fish head.

    All these democratic systems are wonderful fakes, keeping people in oblivion, having to choose one side and opposing the other. This is the game of the oligarchs which names haven't changed neither in this country nor in the others where families can run a state for some 60 years, see Singapore.

    It does not matter if you are yellow shirt or red shirt supporter. You will always just be the pawn and suffer for the plans of the families who choose at time if democrats/republicans are giving the short handle for 4 years. It's ILLUSION of the biggest proportion.

    Forget the color revolutions and the other B$

    It's about the haves and have not's that's all that matters.

    And it seems they breed those deceivers in places like Oxford, Princeton and Yale, where the 'haves' mingle and decide the next game.

    Look through it.

    P.S. and if you get lost watching the game all day you might miss one of those wonderful sunsets by the sea...

  19. Let's just hope they can wait until January. Abhisit has said a few times, if I remember, to give this government a year and see how they do, and that he would probably call for elections after just a year. Let's see if he stays true to his word. If he doesn't, then I think protests can be justified. But red shirts, have a little bloody patience.

    Protests are justified anytime for any reason. Violent demonstrations are not. Why the postponement? They were allowed to rally. You figure it out ...

    Yes exactly! & the news was also that the house might be resolved very soon, they are all pushers! They push the laws to be more restrictive and then give the spoon to the next rich brag from the Oxford studied elite, so to make it more 'consistent' / 'elusive' what is changing. You don't read the 1000pages documents they call laws and so does the elite not, so where is it coming from?

    Why can they say in the Bangkok post, that they have 4000men waiting for trouble aka police/military which is extremely good at dealing with protesters? See Songkran!

    Why can they say they have a 'high-tech' military device (from the 40ies) which gives people 'headaches' in a 3km radius if the situation gets out of hand? This is psychic warfare and against ALL REGULATIONS concerning civilians.

    Why can they put one puppet after the other in place ALLOVER THE WORLD restricting citizens what they can do (make their voices heard) ?

    Don't get me on one side with these statements, I neither want a red Thaksin which has stolen a lot of money by not paying taxes and so forth, nor the yellow old 'elite' of corrupt crooks, see Bangkok mayors for example, to lead the country. I was seriously thinking about showing up at Sanam Luang wearing a green shirt and telling them all that either side is just an illusive group which does NOT CARE ABOUT PEOPLE but how to get the most power and money out of their positions.

    FKN B$ ... and we are just caught in choosing one side (democrats vs. republicans it is usually), where they all piss about it and laugh their asses of the end of the day, seeing people falling for simple Machiavelli Agendas. Yeah, yeah don't bother I don't like it and will leave soon, so keep your 5 cents of rant put... thanks

    Cheers to the people and FK the self declared leadership aka snobby holes from some 0.87% of the population

    Maybe the last one :)

    Cya's in a better place!

  20. Thailand belongs to the Thai.

    That is at least what the people are told.

    What a B$ view on reality is this please? The country is owned as most of all 'developed coutries' by a group of people which is way below the 1 per cent margin of the population and which has under their thumb some 90 per cent of all wealth. The nation belongs to 'the people' LMAO! big time... oh maybe we shall add, all peoeple are free and born equal... NOT


    Anyone singing the hymn please... 'the international' one I mean...

    I know, don't even get me started, I am paranoid anyways :)

  21. No foreigners found violating law on buying, renting farmland in Thailand

    BANGKOK: -- Concerned Thai officials will continue monitoring whether foreigners have violated law on buying or renting farmland to engage in agriculture in the kingdom although initial investigation found that such a practice does not exist, Deputy Commerce Minister Alongkorn Ponlaboot said on Saturday.

    Related discussion (Farming in Thailand Forum):

    Govt Probes Foreign Money In Paddies, Worse worries than land grab:


    I don't know what surprises me more...Yet another "anti-foreigner" crackdown...Or the fact that they didn't find anyone! :)


    More political distraction for the peasantry during the silly/wet/cold season.

    It just bothers me that they bothered to even do this...

    Call Peter Mandelson, who it appears is on holiday this week, running UK & the World from a Rothschild estate in North Corfu - he'll fix it....

    Arf & regardz,


    I even more so wonder why nobody in this whole gamble mentions CODEX ALIMENTARIUS and the UN 'admitting' that by those (soon to be) worldwide 'rules' for food production, that approximately 3 billion people will die by malnutrition (GMO food, allowed pesticides, fungicides etc.) and death from 'preventable diseases' is the outlook... and it's furthered from all major governments who want a bite from the big pie aka G20 or as I call it, the minion states of the global banking scum & NO they are not 'the elite' , though having 90% of all the capital around they are SCUMBAGS! wake up servs... 1984 is in full bloom! C4 yaselves... and sorry, if this is an info board why the heck can't you post a stupid URL to give people some info!?! sorry... it's a wild world there and it's gonna be even wilder in bep nueng... youtube . com / watch?v=MPcTsHagBdQ

    May we survive the SCUM and their dis-info train!

    Hail to the people!


  22. One might excuse my ability to comply since I obviously lack the use of my brain. But, just a question:

    1. not checking the million a drunk drivers at night, I never seen them checking after 4 years

    2. child labour

    3. prostitution

    4. taxis going 140 at night, after 10 bottles of MROI

    5. motorists ignoring red light ALL THE TIME

    nobody cares, but if I try do a 'quick move' and don't conform with the LAW OF THE WALKWAYs? they take me out?

    sorry, wth!


    Hail, Hail, Hail!

    we the sheeple! :)

  23. schools are not there to make kids smart... but conform... training a monkey to do well in a certain 'environment' and being usable as human 'resource'. Some people who can think out of the box will never cope with this system and therefore not excel in the society. The rest is about heritage, money, families. We all know how it works. Anyhow, it's good for someones ego to be so ... 'fit' to work.

  24. The only one who is profiting by this scare and fear monger game is the Pharma Mafia... come on see the numbers

    7667 infections


    44 deaths

    (and mostly 'underlying diseases' and already weakened people die?)

    So now the hospitals, helped by the media are advertising their shots at like 800 Baht?

    It is nowhere REALLY ! proven that the existing 'symptom suppressing' and not 'curing' medication of Tamiflu and the sorts is effective! The people taking it actually develop flu like symptoms!!!

    The vaccination is PROVEN - to weaken the immune system (especially in youngsters, who then do NOT develop a working immune system), due to it's toxic components and metals like aluminum (which is hardly debates as a MAJOR contributor to Parkinson & Alzheimer syndromes), mercury and so forth.

    Guys we need to look into this! I think the vaccination is the real killer knocking peoples system down low and then the real virus is 'released', eh found I mean, of course... Isn't it strange that those new killer virus strains are mostly coming out of some laboratory or other (military associated organization) ??? Anyone remember the Anthrax scam years ago?

    Make up your minds!




    P.S. dprogram . net/2009/07/05/video-jane-burgermeister-interview-on-swine-flu-depopulation

    P.P.S. and isn't it funny that the mind programmers out there are fiddling with our brains since MONTHs always reminding and enforcing the picture of the coming PAN(dem)IC ? LMAO! problem, reaction, solution - par excellance !

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