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Posts posted by punkonater

  1. Learn the language and the culture. Don't be to tightfisted. Thai whiskey isn't Johnny Black Label or Glen Morangie.

    No it's not Top shelf, but do it once too often and it will be expected, then word will get around and he'll be expected to buy whiskey for the whole village. Better to start off as you mean to go on.

    Thai "whiskey" is actually rum

    and Mekong Whiskey is rum that's actually gasoline

  2. Well, if the Thai government paid foreign scientists/engineers, from Germany or Canada for example, to build, run, and maintain the plant, I am all for it. The amount of pollution that would go away (from burning coal) would be amazing. Although, I think that if Thailand wants to cut down on pollution... they should do something about trucks, buses and motorcycles that billow out that lovely black smoke.

    I'm for it I guess, but I have my doubts.

  3. Is this too short?


    personally I think that's fine. I go to BUIC, and a lot of girls there wear INSANELY short skirts, and massive high heels. Whatever, they should be able to dress up like sluts if they want. I just wish they would let female students have the option of wearing trousers (obviously a feminine cut).

    TBH though... in the end, I'm still allowed to show up in jeans. But one thing they should work on is just the actual quality of teachers and courses first. One of the biggest things that Thai Universities are missing as a whole, is international reputation and standards.

  4. Well I go to Bangkok University, I'm farang, and I'm studying computer graphics and multimedia there. Its a good school, not over-priced, and the staff is very easy to communicate with. It's a very laid back atmosphere at the uni itself, and they've renovated recently, making labs and such much nicer and classrooms very well designed. You'll have to wear a uniform, but most teachers don't enforce it and I usually wear jeans and my school shirt.

    I would avoid Abac... they're a joke. Before finding out about BUIC I checked out abac, they didnt ask what I wanted to study, didnt even look at my grades, and barely speaking english handed me a slip that said "please deposit 1000 US dollars into this account, then you can register!"

    ... how nice.

    but yeah, check out BUIC... heres the site


  5. A firm whose staff steal from passengers' bags more than three times will have its contract terminated, Mr Piyaphan said.


    -- Bangkok Post 2009-07-31

    Did anyone notice the comment lower in the Post article that the employee would get fired after he had stolen gear from bags 3 times!!??

    Yes, I missed that initially. I wonder how many times someone has actually stolen something before they get caught 3 times. What a joke. :)

    I think they mean that if any staff steals one time, they immediately get fired. But if 3 employees of a contracted firm steal, THEN the firm basically gets fired. You guys need to read stuff through a little more carefully.

  6. This will probably put a few people out of work. :)
    The Cabinet has approved new regulations that prohibit karaoke parlours from providing drinking or singing partners to customers, with their business licences being revoked if they do.

    Another reason the tourism here is failing so fast. Most people who sing karaoke want to have a few drinks to loosen up anyways. What a terrible idea.

  7. Hi there,

    So, story is, instead of getting real ubc, I payed 5000 baht to have a "Wizard Receiver" installed. Today it stopped working though, and I can't seem to be able to contact the person who got it set up for me.

    Anyone have a number of someone I can call to have this fixed.

    (yes, i know it's illegal, i don't care, don't bring it up)

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