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Posts posted by krading

  1. I taught myself to read Thai script after I got fed up with trying to work out the transliteration systems that seem to vary from book to book. As for phonetics, another language again. Anyway, whilst reading about varieties of fruits in LOS I noticed a number of them have มะ as the first syllable. Asked TGF without success, looked it up in dictionary but only got a long list of fruit names. Anybody got an idea on the meaning?

  2. Anyone have problems with True Vision satellite reception? Every night the tv freezes more often than it works regardless of the weather conditions. I have the internet and tv deal together and the internet works fine but the tv isn't worth watching. Anyone know if I can adjust something in 'satellite settings' mode? They sent someone to look at it but of course it worked beautifully the whole ten minutes that they were here for during the day. I'm thinking of telling them to jamb it.

  3. I don't know what PVR is but I am getting peed off with TRUE VISIONS tv reception. Try to watch anything and it freezes up for varying lengths of time. Off for ten minutes to an hour and on again for 15 seconds. Rang them but when the man came to look naturally it worked perfectly. Anyone had the same problem? Not going to pay the bill until they fix it.

  4. I'm confused about the definitions of internet speeds, download- upload etc. I have DSL through True and although it seems fast to me (after having been using dial-up back in Oz :o ), I really haven't got a clue if I'm getting what I pay for here. I ran the T.Visa speed test and got these results-:

    download 1741 kbps 217.6 KB/sec transfer rate

    upload 391 kbps 48.9 KB/s trans rate

    ping 208ms

    My connection icon shows a speed of 12 Mbps

    How do these numbers rate compared to what other members are getting and what speeds would be considered acceptable?

    Any help greatly appreciated. Kra-ding

    p.s. although maybe off subject, my True tv programs freeze regularly for varying lengths of time. Doesn't seem to affect the internet. Rang to report, "only the wind" was the reply. ??

  5. A friend of mine's Thai wife died recently in Korat BKK hospital after 2 days in ICU. The cause of death was stated as 'Brain Infection', a condition I seem to hear being diagnosed quite often. Her symptoms were a severe headache for 2 days during which she became unable to move her left leg. I'm no doctor but I would think from these symptons that it would be more likely that she had an aneurism which was leaking and putting pressure on the brain. They did 2 xrays but said there was nothing to be found. Is 'brain infection' a Thai medical term for the condition of "Buggered if we know"?

  6. I have TOT adsl and for a month have had no problems with emails at my two addresses, picknowl.com.au, using Outlook Express, and hotmail.com . Two days ago OE said 'outgoing server not found' I found a code on the web ( ) and ran 'Test Account Settings' with 4 out the 5 tests completed ok but unable to send test email message. Error message 'Please verify the E-mail address'. If I try to send/receive through OE I get asked for my user name and password which gets rejected with error (0x800CCC92). Is there a standard password for TOT ? When I log on to Picknowl remotely there is nothing in my inbox. I am running Windows XP on an Acer laptop

  7. There is no such thing as a Work Visa. You can work on a Non Imm O Visa or a Non Imm B Visa if you have a Work Permit.

    There are minimum wage restrictions but there do not apply to teachers.

    Sorry Lite Beer, I meant 'work permit'. Can you tell me the difference between the Non Imm O and Non Imm B and which one would suit an unmarried 56 year old who wants to live with GF in her (our) house. I have the 800.000 for a retirement visa but would rather keep it in Australia. At present I use a double entry visa and stay 3 or 4 months at a time. Thanks again

  8. I'll try this again, my first attempt disappeared into the ether (read the instructions you idiot)

    It has been suggested to me that I teach English in a Government school thereby obtaining a work visa. I am over 55 and don't really need the money but the visa would be handy as would the excuse to get out of the house (legally) for a couple of hours. Also, the 800,000 baht is better off in my pocket than in someone else's. My questions are:

    Is there a minimum number of hours per day, week or month that must be worked to retain the visa?

    Is there a minimum annual salary requirement.

    Is there a minimum amount of income tax that must be paid regardless of the income received, ( obviously I don't want to pay more in tax than I earn in salary) or is the tax assessed as a percentage of the salary earned, as in Australia for example.

    I am attracted to the idea but surely it can't be that simple or everybody with a dozen words of English in their vocabulary would be trying it on. Any advice on this subject from Thai Visa members would be welcomed. Thank you in advance.

  9. Where will the opportunities be probably in land you got to find that guy who has some extra that he really isn't using about to lose his pickup. Then you can actually deal on price.

    Thats one that has been common in this neck of the woods for years.

    if Thai were to allow falang to buy land - that would perhaps prevent a property bubble burst and keep the economy rolling....

    Give it to me simply, do I buy a house now or wait for a better rate for $AUD?
  10. Where will the opportunities be probably in land you got to find that guy who has some extra that he really isn't using about to lose his pickup. Then you can actually deal on price.

    Thats one that has been common in this neck of the woods for years.

    if Thai were to allow falang to buy land - that would perhaps prevent a property bubble burst and keep the economy rolling....

  11. Five weeks ago I bought an Acer Aspire notebook. Being in a village near Pak Chong I can only get dial-up. I can live with that, but in that time I have blown 2 modems. Fixed under warranty no worries but the bus trips to BKK or Korat are getting me down. They seem to think it is caused by a spike through the phone line during inclement weather. I've checked the line and it is earthed properly. Does anyone know of a "surge protector" type device that I can install between the phone line and the computer to prevent this from happening again? I asked at Acer but they say they don't know of anything that will help. I'm not game to go on line if there are any clouds in the sky.

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