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Everything posted by kotsak

  1. Experience shows that it's a double whammy, prices up and smaller portions.
  2. New form? If I am not mistaken, this has been the form since I came here (a decade ago).
  3. Nah.. I would be surprised if the title said "Restaurant takes over a bus", then that would be something new.
  4. So stop talking about it and do it. We all know very well that money talks but BS walks..
  5. Giving away some plastic bags really enticed millions of voters.. yeah sure..
  6. Bloody morons.. They can't get off the gravy train..
  7. These guys are unbelievable.. Lack of public cooperation? Where is your bloody law enforcement?
  8. How long before they find some irregularities and other excuses to deny him the seat?
  9. I think we all know very well where did the majority of that money go..
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