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Everything posted by kotsak

  1. Wife is happy as long as the dough keeps rolling in, which I am sure it's a lot considering the level of corruption among the BiBs. And yes, he is a pathetic POS.
  2. Yes, that was a good dance performance.. He's got moves..
  3. Doesn't really make any difference what's his name is, his photo is enough to be identified ????
  4. Just put the stowaway in the overhead stow ????
  5. They barely made it out of Thailand 0.5 and they are talking about 4.0.. Crikey!!
  6. Clear as mud as usual.. So the non-transgender trollops are legal?
  7. He looks bamboozled, shafted and perplexed. Maybe he just realized that he was duped into handing over the keys to the country ????
  8. I think the intro part should read like this: The majority of people in Thailand, who have no bloody idea what APEC stands for, are satisfied with the hosting of 2022 APEC events, according to a poll, while the Thai government has thanked the general public for being good hosts. ????
  9. Rights, if only the parents educated their kids about anything else..
  10. Totally agree with what he said. I rewatched the whole Blackadder show recently and I was thinking myself that this wouldn't have lasted one or two shows today. Actually it wouldn't even get an approval.
  11. No spit handshakes anymore ????
  12. This post should be pinned permanently as a warning and lesson????
  13. What's the big deal, just one letter missing at the end.. It's not like it said "Welcome to the Potemkin village" or something like that..
  14. Not for the private sectors, which should be emphasized..
  15. Catching covid is a good excuse nowdays for avoiding going places or meeting ppl ????
  16. Exactly.. Rendering people cashless with a push of a button if they are naughty ???? We are in for a fun ride..
  17. Great opportunity for protesters to take the streets while cameras are focused here.
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