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Posts posted by kotsak

  1. It's an arse state of  a company to not give a toss about its customers and send a simple message, no matter how that will be done, to simply applogize for the service disruption. I am not even going further to the issue of the compensation. Just the fact they decided to essentially tell us to sod off by not communicating paints the corporate ethic in this country. Appaling to the bone.

  2. As long as people can get away with it by doing a wai or playing monk for a couple of weeks there is no way this place will ever change. Not to mention the corruption among those who are supposed to uphold the law.. Things are so rotten that even Dorian's Gray picture looks like a beauty compared to it.


    Bottom line is that the place is F*U*B*A*R with no indication for a change to the better because it suits those who've got the dough. 

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