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Posts posted by StatlerandWaldorf

  1. Let her sleep in it and do not change any of the bedding.She will then quit being lazy and get up to use the toilet..

    Christ! alternatively you could beat her with a stick every time she does it. We are not living in Victorian times! Although looking around me I do sometimes wonder :)

  2. In my military days I knew guys in their twenties who were wetting the bed every Friday and Saturday night!

    On a serious note, there is normally an underlying reason for the bed wetting, is there something that is causing her anxiety? School? Bullying?

    Bullying is not necessarily being beaten up on a regular basis but is anything that is repeatedly performed deliberately to stress or some kind of negative reaction from the victim.

    I would look at external factors rather than thinking there is anything wrong with your Daughter.

  3. I don't know where you're living, but decent housing can be found for 1,500-2,000B/month around me.

    Most lower-class Thai people don't need 50B for every meal.

    50B for transportation seems a bit high too, depending on where you live and how you get to work.

    Talking about Bangkok centre.

    Food including drinks and snacks

    50B is a short ride with BTS/MRT + Bus + Motorcycle

    The BTS is beyond the reach of people working in blue collar jobs. Forget that.

    If you are more than one person, it is cheaper to take a taxi. The BTS is there for middle class people to use until they can afford a car.

  4. As soon as the farang woman started berating the young Thai man and finally slaps him, it was never going to end well for her, A young Thai man would never stand for his girlfriend or wife having a go at him like that, so he did what came naturally to save face, he decked her just as he would have done had it been his girlfriend or wife!

    Or Mother, or Grandmother or Daughter, I could go on.

    I believe you are correct in your statement, which just goes to show that they are rotten to their very core, with very delicate little egos and incredibly low self esteem.

  5. This is utterly shocking, the violence towards foreigners seems to be on the increase the past few years. Could there be some correlation between this and the increasingly nationalistic attitude of some of the leadership?

    The stamping and kicking of heads when people are already down seems to be a particularly repellent thai trait.

    I personally am genuinely concerned about my Children growing up in a place where a percentage of the population are so unpredictable and have never had any morals instilled into them. I personally believe that the standard of parenting here is at best sub par, I have seen the way some members of my wife's extended family 'raise' their kids and they are not going to grow up into responsible adults.

    Just because you can have kids, it doesn't mean that you should.

    It is truly a race to the bottom at the moment, what is next? beating the bejeesus out of a 3 year old because they looked at you in a way you don't like?

  6. I believe that although they claim that most rabies cases come from pets or friend's pets, the stray dog population is largely the cause of the transmission of the disease between animals.

    The stray dog issue is a cultural problem and is ultimately borne from selfishness. Why do I say this? Most vets in Thailand will not put an animal to sleep regardless of it's condition and suffering (I have personal experience of this) because they believe it will bring bad karma to them. The condition and suffering of the animal is secondary, or perhaps not even considered, when it comes to thinking of how this will affect 'ME'.

    The animal cruelty laws are all well and good, the major flaw in this in my opinion is that they should clean house first. These laws in Countries where the stray animal population have been cleaned up are valid and often required, but with so many strays wandering around and in some cases being a serious menace and danger to Children it is difficult to see how such laws can work in a fair and balanced manner when Children are being put at risk by dangerous and possibly rabid animals.

  7. There was no safety boat or plan in place at the river to take care of emergencies. His niece had not received first aid and it was an hour before she got to hospital, he said.

    He further claimed that the hospital made them wait and pay for an X-ray before giving treatment that may have saved her life.


    Money is again the great god. The emergency case can wait, until you cough up the money. Shameful and scandalous. Name the hospital!

    Unfortunately if anyone names the hospital they lay themselves open to be sued by said hospital for defamation, truth is not a valid defence in Thailand.

  8. Police reported 'no signs of a struggle'

    He was packaging himself to mail himself back to India as he was too tight to pay the airfare.

    He was struggling to zip up the last bit of the bag and he fell into the klong bruising himself all over on the way down.

    Death by misadventure.

    Perhaps he hadn't thought through how he was going to get to the post office once he was zipped into the bag!

  9. A number of new so called cycle paths I have seen, they have basically just painted a picture of a bicycle on the path or at the side of the road. There has been no new construction and in true Thai style nobody takes any notice of it anyway, road markings here are nothing more than paint on the road, they have no actual meaning to anyone.

  10. I used true internet for a few years and it mostly worked ok but then I had a number of repetitive issues which they could not resolve and they seemed to give up trying. They kept promising to call back but never did, so I was basically paying for a service I was not receiving.

    Consequently I changed to 3BB fibre (30Mb) which also allowed me to get rid of the overpriced crud that is true visions. I now have expat tv and netflix which combined, cost less than half what I was paying true visions for their antiquated satellite service with poor content, if you are able to find it after they change the channels around every few months.

    I personally will never have anything from True again as long as I live.

  11. Good job! Straydogs shouldn't be on the streets. I also got bitten by one.

    A friend of mine is undergoing painful rabies shots from getting bitten last month. Since strays are taken care of by someone then they aren't actually strays and laws should be made to make the person feeding them accountable for medical expenses. This dog should have been put down and that man had every right to shoot and kill it. If it was me I would have taken the dog and my wounds to the hospital though for a rabies check and them gone to hunt down the owner or people who feed it.

    They really need lease laws here and strays should be put down or given to responsible owners. Ohh wait! Sorry! This IS Thailand I am talking about. Hmmp

    The dog that bit me was in a shop, i guess it's the owners dog since it's always there.

    I told them the shots costed 10k baht but they didn't care.

    It would be better if there were no dogs at all in Thailand since the Thai are too irresponsible for them. Many of my neighbours have dogs, they never ever walk them and if they bark all day they also don't care. Some even sit in a cage all day long and this is a nice moobaan where we live.

    There's a rule of max. 2 dogs at a house but of course some have 3 or more dogs. They also seem to love very fat dogs because they are so cute and than you look so rich.

    Many of them give the dog away when it gets one year old, also they just open the gate to let it walk itself....

    A hiso lady here likes to drive her big car around and feed all soidogs, we have big groups now waiting for her to come feed them.

    There is a woman in our moobaan who also goes around feeding the dogs, they are a liability and are dangerous to road users and children. My Son is afraid to ride his bicycle around the village because some dogs will always chase him.

    They should be culled in my opinion.

    Also something should be done about the dogs.

  12. Absolutely devastating, my heart goes out to the family and friends of this little boy.

    The standards of electrical work in Thailand are at best abysmal, I never let anyone mess around with the electrics in my house as they have repeatedly demonstrated that their level of knowledge does not even come close to a basic understanding of electrical principles.

    Just what are they teaching in the myriad of vocational colleges in this country?

  13. Why are so many on this forum so cynical.....why would a person be charged for an accident when it is not clear exactly what happened. The motorbike came out of a side street, the driver of the pick up may not have had a chance to avoid hitting them....I don'r know...neither does anybody else....except possibly the driver and the motorbike passenger.

    Agreed, there is a reason that most people here do not use the inside lane. I think 9 out of 10 vehicles just pull out of side roads without bothering to look, if you almost hit them and honk your horn then they look at you like you are to blame.

    I try to tell myself that it is actually not their fault, they don't know any better, it is down to ignorance plain and simple. Don't get angry with them for endangering your life, they literally do not know any better.

    As for the motorcyclists doing it, you would think that after a number of near misses they would learn, but apparently not.

  14. If I were you to play it safe, and if you have the time in BKK is to just treat the whole thing as 2 separate trips. Check in domestic to BKK collect your bag, go upstairs and check in again for the international flight.

    I say this purely from the standpoint of the likelyhood of your bag/s going astray if you try to check all the way through with 2 different airlines who are not within the same group. I think the hassle of rechecking in in BKK outweighs the potential hassle of not having your bag/s when you arrive in Kenya.

    Technically there should be no issues with checking all the way through but I just like to minimise the risk where I can.

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