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Everything posted by DumbFalang

  1. ..but, but Mr Satoshi Nakamoto said it will replace fiat currency
  2. Nope - it's just fake news
  3. I never expected you to. Just to put your mind at rest I will quote something I put on my website for people like you to give them fair notice that I am a scammer: "I don't want to waste anybody's time. I also don't want to waste my own time, so let's cut to the chase. If you have never been called a conspiracy theorist before, then this site is probably not for you. My educational resources and platform have been developed for critical thinkers - those that have the ability to think for themselves and are capable of making their own decisions. Less than one in a hundred people have critical thinking skills, so my target audience is very small indeed." Honestly sparky, I'm the most honest scammer you could ever hope to meet ????
  4. Well apparently, my dedication to this subject and the hard work I did over the past few years has been a complete waste of time as sparky has decided that I am a scammer. Oh well, I will have to think up some new evil master plan and hope I get away with it without sparky catching me.
  5. The way you think and the things you say are giving me quite a giggle tonight - Thanks ????
  6. Sorry - I can't give out that kind of information here. A small number of traders pay me a subscription each month to learn about this kind of thing and change the way they trade.
  7. Thanks, but there's actually not that much tin in it. It's made mainly from metals sourced from old Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and some bomb fragments from the world trade center.
  8. Yeah OK ???? Meanwhile.... many of the critical thinkers amongst crypto traders may have been suspiscious about manipulation for a while now and some will have looked into it more than others. I cannot say anything about it on here but I have spent many thousands of hours studying their algorithms, candlestick movements and other manipulation techniques. Rest assured - you are being lied to and manipulated in the crypto space.
  9. Your instinct is correct - it is completely controlled and prices are manipulated.
  10. Some people consider buying crypto as an investment and others view it as gambling. Same as Forex and the stock market really but without the regulation. The people that control it can do anything they want, whenever they want, for as long as they want. This week they excelled themselves.....and the pantomime is ongoing...
  11. I'm a day trader too but the problem is the exchanges we use can fold at any time - just like FTX. Their scams are becoming a bit too much and I ask myself daily if it is worth the risk.
  12. As a non smoker and someone who wouldn't be able to tell the difference between tobacco and the best weed in the world, I really appreciate information provided by people like yourself. Would love to talk to you again once you have completed your research.
  13. It's fun trying to identify the various Thai strains taking into account the language and cultural barriers. A local near me in Samoeng, Chiang Mai is growing what he refers to as 'the local strain'. The wife is trying to figure out what it might be - maybe I should post some photos in here. The wife's friend gave her a couple of plants yesterday and they call it the hmong strain I think (sounded a bit more like monk as they talked about it). So, it's a 'hill tribe' strain but let's find out what it turns out to be.
  14. Thanks for your other comments. The way I see things is there are only two projects they 'might' not 'destroy'. ETH because so many other projects rely on it and BTC simply because it is the largest and some people actually believe it is decentralized and not controlled by the bankers. I use the term 'project' lightly and treat every single one of them as a 'tradeable asset' made available to us in the Crypto Casino.
  15. Similar here - I trade BTC and ETH only.
  16. Smart - you have figured it out ???? The biggest problem most traders seem to have is selling and taking profits when appropriate.
  17. It seems to me that many of the projects that were pumped high last year will not be making a comeback. CRO, GALA, THETA and others are not looking good at all. We all have a different outlook on where crypto may be heading and there are various ways to trade in an attempt to make a buck or two. For me, there will be no more 'long term' holding for sure. What about you guys - are you comfortable hodling?
  18. How critical is the type, location and timing of lighting for reliably keeping a mother plant in a vegetative state?
  19. Growers and sellers will both lie to you. As someone mentioned above, if you are serious about getting a 'clean' product then you need to build trust with the grower/seller.
  20. I had never heard of PGR prior to reading this post, so I for one appreciate you starting this thread ????
  21. Yep, heading there this afternoon hoping to pickup some passion fruit but I've never seen tomatoe seedlings for sale anywhere before. Hoping someone may have sown a few too many seeds at home or on the farm and can spare a few plants.
  22. I usually start growing tomatoes from seed at the end of September but I forgot to do it this year. I have just sown some seeds but it would be great to get a head start and find some seedlings. I'm not too fussy about varieties - I just want to get started asap. Anyone know where I could find seedlings in CNX? I'm also looking for some passion fruit seedlings too if anyone can help ????
  23. It's out of warranty, so they are under no obligation to replace anything. The cost for me to replace would be approx bt100K
  24. I remember those days well. Rest assured, my next vehicle will have plugs, points and a distributor ????
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