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Everything posted by harada

  1. The temporary resident hiding in the background will dictate who’s running the show.
  2. The Thais need to get their marching shoes on and get rid of these two faced dinosaurs.
  3. Yet another dinosaur that should be consigned to history for Thailand to go anywhere.
  4. The Thais might have a different opinion of them if they read up on what the Bolsheviks got up to, but I guess a baht’s a baht. ????
  5. Sudden heart failure or a fatal rare blood disorder coming up ?
  6. A sign of things to come, there’s 26 million people who voted for MFP wanting to get the dirt on 250 certain individuals, like they say, pay backs are a bitch.
  7. I would have thought international drug smuggling would trump kidnapping and blackmail, this guy’s got the prerequisites to join PP.
  8. You don’t have to be psychic to predict anarchy on the streets, just watch the news.
  9. It’s that, the puppet masters back in town and you can’t touch me look. ????
  10. But, we’ve got more guns than you bullying is ok.
  11. I’m surprised Uncle didn’t don his silk monkey suite and croon to the masses after his pep talk.
  12. The smiling Ms Shinawatra might need to change her red jacket for a yellow one now, I can see this situation turning ugly before long. ☹️
  13. BIG brown envelopes are on the move. ????
  14. A civil war might reduce these numbers somewhat. ☹️
  15. The people or the country don’t come into it as far as the junta is concerned, it’s about protecting the big bank account.
  16. And there’s a fair chance that the porkers fighting over who’s going to get their snouts in the trough will cause large numbers of people to hit the streets and put an even bigger hole in their revenue, I’m sure that a lot of people are waiting to see how things pan out before booking tickets to Thailand, or going elsewhere.
  17. The logistics involved in redistributing all those big brown envelopes will be a nightmare.
  18. Thailand’s future, political or otherwise will be decided from far away, and unfortunately it will probably be more of the same same.
  19. So once again the Thai people suffer while the porkers fight over positions at the trough. ????
  20. I’ll miss his Friday night crooning.
  21. It’s a bit early for anyone to be celebrating, they’ve still got the big guns and a very big bank account against them, sadly I’m not optimistic that things are about to change sadly. ????
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