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Everything posted by harada

  1. Ah yes, the fatal rare blood disorder followed by a quick cremation (skip the autopsy) was an old favourite, those were the good ol days. ????
  2. The overseas mansion is being cleaned and polished as we speak. ⛷
  3. A complete farce, the winner will be decided from high up and far away. ⛷
  4. The hub of big brown envelope politics. ????
  5. There’s nothing like travelling a couple of thousand k’s Just to see what you’re trying to get away from.
  6. They’re obviously back in the black if they can afford to give away 2 brand new 777s. ????
  7. I could understand the Buddhism and animal thing a few years ago but considering that it’s now been replaced with Bahtisum if it was stressed that if the dogs go you will make more money I’m sure that they would disappear, but I would be avoiding locally made burgers for a year or two. ????
  8. Ah yes those were the good ol days when the Rabies Control Unit would do the rounds at Patong with their strychnine stick and a Pickup load of dead dogs, you could actually have a meal outdoors without dogs fighting under the table for a few weeks until they regrouped. ????
  9. I think they’ll blow 20000 deaths out of the water this year when the whacked out of their heads on ganga whilst driving numbers are added to the tally, I can feel a new hub coming on.
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