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Posts posted by eateer

  1. Huh... Paragon is a luxury shopping mall... Prices are high because 1) there's people willing to pay that price, 2) location 3) lots of imported products. What does it have to do with inflation?

    The Food Court (ie where you pay with a card) is actually not THAT expensive.

    As for McDonalds, filet of fish sandwich a coke & fries for 109 baht... Seems like the right price to me. That's less than 4$ US. I'm pretty sure you would pay twice in Australia, for example.

    I don't really think it is in line acutally... In thailand Mcdonalds empolyees earn 29 baht an hour. So the labor costs are signifigantly cheaper... Houses in Hua Hin cost twice what the cost on the NC coast, construction wokers here earning a few hundered baht a day, and for the most part absolute crap construction. Just seems weird to me, i understand there is demand... its just hard for me to wrap my head around.

  2. What I want to know is why are the food prices basically the same here as in the US. I.E. Mcdonalds cost 6 bucks back home and costs the same here, yet the staff here make a out 10 bucks a day at these places.... So labor cost is a min 5 times more in the us, constructions costs, taxes, licenses, insurance.. All cost loads more in the US. What am I missing???

  3. Rest in peace. Horrific accident also in Korat Saturday. Sympathy to the families. In God we trust.


    Then why did god let it happen? I wouldn't trust someone who does this to innocent people. That's why atheism rules.

    I am still amazed how people can still say nonsense like that. "Horrific accident, 8 innocent lives lost, in god we trust" What crack are you smoking?? "God" just snuffed out 8 lives to amuse himself, if your looking for help i would start looking elsewhere.

  4. There is porn all over the show! And it is a double whammy because it's all coppies.

    I have to say though that I have never seen child porn while walking around! But then again I don't look for it.

    Saw some dildos today in Silom!

    And a few hookers!

    I have noticed child porn between soi 15 and soi 13. I had to do a double take as i walked past the dvd shop.

  5. In order to reduce the number of people trying to bring in dangerous drugs, Thailand should impose the death penalty and or life sentence like many countries are doing. The law is here in Thailand, but unfortunately not being imposed properly.

    Look at how Singapore and Malaysia handle drug dealers. Manatory death or life sentence if caught, depending on the amount of illegal drugs being brought in. Thailand should learn from these two countries if the Thai Government is serious in stamping out drug being brought into Thailand.

    good call. Lets kill some more. Its not like the war on drugs hasn't already killed enough. You should read some case studies on Portugal and the effects of De-criminalization.

  6. I feel sorry for you my friend, but getting panic makes your situation worst.

    Here is what i suggest, give visa run company a deadline and tell them if they don't keep their promise and deliver you the passport safely, you will sue them for everything they have.

    You are still illegal in the kingdom but atleast holding passport with a valid visa will make your situation at least somewhat better, then you can go through a lawyer who will assist you and clearify at the immigration what actually happend.

    Everytime you enter or leave thailand, there are the details along with your picture in immigration system.

    Good luck!


    I just spoke with the visa service. My passport was left on the desk at the the Thai embassy in Laos. I have been assured %100 my passport will be returned to me on Tues. First time i have ever done a visa run and hopefully the last. Very bad choice on my part to allow this to happen. I hope on tues i can just check this off as a lesson learned.

  7. @eateer

    Actually it is illegal, anywhere in the world, to enter a country without a valid passport. It's not a question the immigration check every single person or not your problem now is not a "mai pen rai" problem.

    And the last person I would listen to in this regards is a owner of a visa company or the driver of the Van.

    If you caught for some reason in Thailand now without your passport you are in deep shit, because you are not supposed to be here. Beside that, if the Visa company put a faked stamp in your passport now, you are even in deeper shit. Not to mention if they do something illegal with your passport...

    I would clear this issue immediately with the Visa Company and you should never ever give your passport to anyone in Thailand, except (personally) to the Immigration officer when entering / leaving Thailand.

    Any other options here? What should i do, the company isn't being that helpful.

  8. How did you enter Thailand if your passport was still in the embassy?

    I was with a group of people on the visa run. The owner told me not to worry and about it. When your with a group they don't check anybody at the border.

    In other words, all the PPs were stamped in together by the immigration officer but (say) 20 persons entered Thailand on 19 passports.

    Sir you are in serious trouble! In the country with no record in the immigration system of your arrival.

    Step one, get hold of the visa run company and find out how they intend fixing your problem. But remember, even if you get your PP back with an entry stamp and TM6 you are still here illegally.

    I have contacted the company. Now he says there was a delay and my passport will be here on tues. What can i do.. I am in panic mode now. I have a really bad feeling about this. I had never done a visa run before and thought nothing of it. Now i realize what a idiot i was for allowing this to happen

  9. I recently went to Laos on a visa run, my passport was full so i had to go to my embassy to get pages added. But i wouldn't be able to hand my passport in to the Thai embassy on Thursday and would have to wait until Friday. The owner of the Visa run service told me i could go ahead and return to Thailand with the Van on Friday and they would return my passport to me in Bangkok this past Tues. It is now Friday and I still haven't gotten it back. Now i am a bit worried that by allowing this to happen i may have done something illegal. Looking for advice.

  10. First, I want to offer my heartfelt condolences to the family. This is a tragedy that never should have happened. Unfortunately, as has been pointed out by others, these types of crimes seem to increase as the economy worsens, and there really is very little the police can do about it.

    Second, about 6 months ago an American expat was buying a new gold necklace for his wife at the Tesco/Lotus on the way to Hang Dong. This individual is not an imposing figure at 172 cm tall and 66k, with a slender, athletic build, even at the age of 60. As he was closing out the sale he noticed two young Thai boys who seemed to be taking an interest in him. He pretended to not to notice, while keeping an eye on them. As he left the store and headed to his motorbike, out of the corner of his eye he saw the two young men from the store come out and motion to two other men about their ages who were straddling motorbikes. The man went to his own bike, which happens to be a new CBR 150, and pulled out of the parking area wearing his full helmet as if nothing in the world was wrong. As soon as he pulled out onto the highway he saw the 2 motorbikes following him. He gradually increased his speed until he reached the intersection of the highway which would take him home. He gunned the bike around the curve, went about 200 meters and then stopped and got off the bike, removing his helmet, and waited for them.

    Sure enough, they came around the corner, and when they saw him standing there they just laughed and stopped their own bikes and got off, thinking they had easy pickings. It took less than 30 seconds to be over with. The police were then called and soon arrived, and then the ambulances, which took the 4 young men to the hospital.

    It turns out that the "little old farang" they targeted had spent 20 years in Special Forces, and now unofficially works as a self-defense martial arts instructor for a local police unit. Naturally he had to go to the station to file a report as to what happened, but was not arrested or charged with anything, while the 4 boys were charged with assault and attempted theft. As one officer put it: "They picked the wrong farang to f _ _ k with!"

    This story never made the news, but I can vouch for it because that farang was me.

    I see from your profile that you like writing stories.

    You unofficially work with a local police unit. Is that what they are called in Thailand.

    From your quote the officer spoke very good English. 30 seconds Wow Average of 5 secs a piece. :)

    Does Force Recon refer to themselves as "Special Forces" As a former Marine myself i was under the impression that Army was used the term "Special Forces"

  11. The gym where i teach is hosting a UFC 101 party on suk 13. It is a really nice bar with big screens. Should be a great turnout as allot of the students from my gym will be there as well. You can check out our website it has the info. You can check out our website. www boxer-rebellion. net

    Or you can call me and i will let you know. 0849141055 (erik)

    It should be very well organized and will be the first of many to come.

  12. I have a 52 inch and we can order on PPV at my place. I have ordered a few ppv in the past. I would love to watch this one live as well. We cian order over the internet and I can hook up my computer to my tv.

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