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Posts posted by watcharacters

  1. BPH, whilst staffed by many skilled specialist, has a questionable reputation concerning diagnosis and cost of treatment. I have direct experience with this: Allergic rhinitis was diagnosed as a pre-cancerous growths in all sinus cavities. The prognosis was that, without immediate 265,000.00 Baht surgery, I would develop cancer. My BS alarm went off, so I saw an ENT at CM Ram. He ordered a Cat Scan - which showed all sinus free of growths. The treatment? Antihistamine, antibiotics, and nasal spay.


    A second opinion or even third is never a bad idea.

    • Like 1
  2. Some people say that he was suicided.

    Yes, Trembly.

    All indications are that Aron Swartz died by his own hand which means he died by suicide. You don't give any indication as to whether or not you watched the video. Did you watch it?

    There are thousands of videos available on the internet and I have watched a lot of them. I found this one especially meaningful.

    I think Aaron Swartz is one of those people who will be written about long after every single person on this forum is dead and long forgotten.

  3. I downloaded and watched this documentary last year sometime when it came out.

    This guy was bullied by DOJ officials which resulted in his suicide. Apparently this is acceptable behaviour for the DOJ.

    Thanks for the reply ukrules.

    I posted this because Arron Swartz was very much out of the box as far as most people go. Calling him a genius is an obvious but besides that, he also didn't allow personal gain issues to cloud his moral principles.

    He could have easily been alive today and a multibillionaire and still hope for transparency. He just fought too hard for his beliefs and died by his own hand as a result of it.

    Anyway, I hope you had the time to watch the documentary and thanks again for the reply.

  4. I wonder if the Grand Palace is considered a National park? If it is, at it's current admission price of 400 THB for falangs, a 4,000 THB entrance price would surely drastically lower the number of foreign visitors to the attraction. Also, since Thai citizens are allowed in free it would effectively cut the income down to ZERO.

    Having seen it three times I doubt I'll be back at any price until the closed to the public areas are opened for viewing.

  5. Perhaps I'm missing something, but surely you could have performed the same test before taking the car the Honda and wasting all that time?

    I try to find a car lighter around my street first. I found out that most new cars come with the jack but not the lighter, and the dealer is just 6 blocks from our home. We drove there to resolve another problem, result of a painting job done days before, If the jack was a problem too, was a chance to fix it.

    Do you want to know what was the problem with the painting job??? It is hard to believe too.

    Anyway....Not EVERY Thai experience with service is bad.....Our car insurance company service was wonderful dealing with the painting job...

    If you want to spend a few moments to relay the issue you had with the pain job at Honda, I'd be interested in hearing it. Our car had two or three small dints and another 5 or so paint scratches/dings after the first year. Per suggestions, we sought the insurance company to sort it out. They did and the repair cost estimate was around 12K THB I believe.

    I was pleasantly surprised at the quality job done all around. I didn't expect it really. I couldn't find the spots where the service was done so I was completely satisfied and the insurance handled everything perfectly. We have renewed the insurance with them twice now after that incident.

  6. Learn some basic Thai if you want to live here, prevents a lot of problems.

    I have lived here---(quite a few years) & my Thai is woeful , on a good day its enough to make people collapse with laughter. I have traveled the world a lot, & not had many problems with other languages, but I just can not seem to get my head around Passa Thai. I also brought a Honda car, traveled down to BKK to buy it thinking (hoping) that the showrooms there would have an English speaker. No-- So now I realize, that I just can not survive out there without my "Long Haired Dictionary"

    Sorry, strongly disagree. Want to live in a country, learn to speak the language.

    But that would be for a different discussion.

    I may be mistaken but honestly you seen to be a broken record on the matter of Thai language, StevenL.

    Ever hear about a "dog with a bone"?

    • Like 1
  7. Purchase a decent VPN and Netflicks. You will be able to see many movies and other streaming TV shows.

    Cost will be about $7 a month for the VPN and $8 per month for Netflicks.

    Probably other TV service you can buy also once you have the VPN.

    Before you sign up for either, be aware that NetFlix are starting to block customers who use DNS alternatives or VPN to get round Geoblocking.

    Where did you find that information Chicog?

    Do you have a link to confirm?

  8. I think it's really hit and miss and depends on what side of Sukhumvit Road you're on. About 2 months ago I left Soi 11 at around 3am and the taxis wouldn't take anyone western or Thai on the meter. I stopped 5 taxis myself and must have seen more than 20 taxis turn down fares. Crossed over the road and walked down to McDonald's on the other side and the second one I stopped took me.

    I don't think they are as bad as some people make out but at certain times in certain locations you can have a nightmare.

    I've started using the Grab Taxi app and it is proving to be a godsend - every time I've used it I've had a friendly driver with a clean car and no quibbles about turning on the meter as they have chosen the job via the app.

    Thanks for the tip about the Grab Taxi app. Rarely in Bangkok but when I am there I'll certainly make use of this based on your description.

  9. I had a "small" pizza from The Duke's the other night. I ate all I could and took the rest home for breakfast and was full in the morning too. I have no complaint about quantity, quality or price for their pizzas.

    How would you describe the prices at Dukes, ranging from inexpensive to pricy?

  10. This happened to a friend of mine. He had a million baht Thai life insurance policy and died about two years after he took it out. He was intoxicated and walking along a mountain road near his home. He slipped and fell off the edge then off a cliff to his death. The insurance company refused to pay based upon his blood alcohol level at the time of his death (determined by blood alcohol tests during his autopsy). In small print the policy had an exclusion for dieing when intoxicated. They paid nothing to the widow. So if you get a policy here read it carefully and you can be assured if the circumstances of your death do not meet what is in the policy your beneficiary will not be paid.

    Sorry to hear about your friend but a situation like this most insurance if not all will not pay out. Your friend put himself in a situation/risk that contributed to his death.

    Exclusions, Thai insurance being sold in Thailand are loaded with these exclusions and you get them after you decide you buy them and get the rest of the paperwork. Ask the company to provide you with the find print and not just the selling points to get you to buy.

    His situation he would have been denied payment if he was drinking a car or motorbike.

    Sorry. I can't resist.

    "His situation he would have been denied payment if he was drinking a car or motorbike.

    He would have had an impossible time finding a hospital with a stomach pump to handle that condition.

  11. If this is a law to prevent terrorists using a mobile phone as a detinating device, then a stolen phone could be used. No, this is a law to eavesdrop on calls and to track down ppl posting anti government protests on the social media. Similar to the patriots act in the US. Big brother knows who you are.

    Germany since 2004 and Switserland since 2010 (?) have made registration of prepaid SIMs a requirement by Law. Lots of other Eurpean Countries considering the same (or may already require). Just read a (Dutch) report from October 2014 with the police asking for such requirement as "mostly criminals would use such SIM's" and the MoJ having the issue under consideration.

    BTW from the description of the Law it's not easy to determine whether it is aimed at terrorists, criminals or just to make police work easier.

    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." B.F.

  12. Funny that, and I get what you're saying.

    I always made sure to buy a ticket that had an "open" return date. Then you're in the drivers seat. I once changed my departure 6 times with an open return ticket. No charge whatsoever. I just hated to leave. Now I don't leave at all except for trips with the Missus.

    And as an aside, I have a Brit friend who absolutely insists on calling the departure card an arrival card. Heck, he continues to do that even after I showed him the "departure card" in my passport.

  13. Japan for safety, nearness, hospitality, quality, and the cultural experience.

    Suggest Sapporo in Hokkaido. Enjoy the wonderful nearby hot springs resorts nestled in the snowy mountains. Plenty of nearby ski and snow play areas as well.

    I didn't even think about Japan. To me the words 'Japan' and 'expensive' go hand in hand. Maybe worth a "once in a lifetime" trip?

    I hope no one suggests Japan is anything other than expensive. You and I are in the same boat so to speak. My Missus just wants to be in snow for a while. She's not interested in skiing and such but wants to experience what, for all intents and purposes, does't exist in Thailand.

    I'm hoping to find a good alternative to Japan. I almost wonder about South Korea.

    I don't want sticker shock every time I turn around.

    • Like 1
  14. I think the shuttle busses should be operating at the airports like in Australia where you get door to door service ...this would shut up the ripoff taxi drivers

    every time I have caught a taxi from the airport I have tipped the driver

    well that has changed now with all the bullshi......t they have been going on with...they want this whey want that ...the law says they have to use meters but they have their own law and using the meters is not one of theirs

    shuttle busses could take upto 20 passengers and would be cheaper than taxi's....drop off points in the BKK CBD and other places on the way would be better than Taxi...shuttle bus service like the BKK van service ...maybe would take a month to work out the routes but would be a better service

    Have you tried the train on the lower floor?

    You can then get your taxi in Bangkok.

    Edit: Lower floor of the airport , that is.

  15. 1. Yes. If your income comes from abroad you proof it with a letter from your embassy that confirms your income. The embassy decides what they will accept as proof. In case of Australia it is an affidavit in which you swear your income is XXXXXX a month.

    2. Extensions are 1,900 baht a year.

    3. You can go out freely, but for that you need a re-entry permit at a cost of 1,000 baht (single) or 3,800 baht multiple. The re-entry permit is only valid for the current permission to stay. In otherwords you must be back in Thailand before your permission to stay ends.

    And I'd just add that if he chooses to go for the single 1,000 THB re-entry option and forgets to do it on any given exit from the country, he begins the entire process again from scratch upon his re-entry to Thailand. I personally just opt for the 3800 THB model which avoids that potential pitfall and eliminates having to deal with immigration more than absolutely necessary. But to each his own..

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