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Posts posted by watcharacters

  1. The tax system is a bit confusing to me.

    Last year I used snail mail but now i see it's not allowed. Last year as well, when I called the help line I got a message to leave my phone number. I figured and got confirmed that there will not be a return call to a foreign phone number. Funny as the idea behind it involves "foreign" bank accounts.

    What's a poor former altar boy to do?

    How can I get through this using my Mac?

    Should i go to an internet cafe and use a Windows based computer? 555


  2. I'm sorry about the misfortune of the OP. I never like it if someone's assaulted or threatened.

    The OP does pique my curiosity when he mentions the death of the offender. Is he suggesting using a weapon to kill this individual?

    That could sure turn every remaining day in Thailand into a very bad one.

  3. It seems to be relavitely easy to get secured credit card by using long term deposit as guarantee. Do Thai banks insist to keep the deposit for ever or is it possible to release the deposit after getting good credibility report?

    Or can I get credit card from another bank after getting the local credibility report?

    At the moment I dont have work permit and no long term visa either. I have had about four million baht in Kasikorn bank for three years.


    Getting a CC from K bank was about as much fun as walking across a bed of hot coals what with the 7 or 8 visits to the bank and innumerable calls to the customer service center. I was able to finally get one for both me and the wife without a WP by putting 50K THB in a fixed account.

    While I'm OK to leave the fixed deposit with them if I wanted to move it for any reason I think I'd simply try to get an automatic CC payment set up linked to my savings account. I can't imagine why that wouldn't work.

  4. The highest goal is to not have to come "back" at all but to enjoy the profound peace of mind of dwelling within the Supreme Being free of desire, aversion, and delusion forever.

    Until I've reached that point, I'd like to be reborn in the body of a gorgeous multi-racial girl living in New York City, but only cycling from 16 to 21 forever, and retaining at least as much knowledge and ?wisdom? that I've acquired so far.

    You need to be more specific, your gorgeous body may be strapped to a quadriplegic chair. Think more..


    Caution is a wise thing, as Dudley Moore found out in this great flick.

  5. The 5 year cannot expire, if you do your back to starting again with a 1 year.

    Not true. They will indeed renew 5 year licenses after expiry, without even commenting on the fact that it expired. In fact you are better off doing so. If you renew a short time after expiry then you get six years, since it expires five birthdays after you renew, not five years from the expiry date. I do not know how long after expiry they will renew, but it must be at least weeks based on my and others experience. I suggest that the OP ask at DLT.

    Yeah no problem renewing your 5 year licence late. My boss did his and it had been expired 8 years he just showed em his IDP and they renewed for another 5 years without blinking an eye. This was at Au Udon.

    Odd how a (presumably non Thai issued as they are annual and you say expired many years) IDP, based on a license that isnt Thai, had much bearing on reissuing a Thai one !!!

    I am on my second 5 year now and they made me sit through the laughable road safety video the second renewal round, not the first one oddly tho !!! First time was just paperwork, second time they did the eye tests, reaction tests, and made me watch the video.


    That's cuz u missed it the first time around.

  6. They proababy turn it up when you come in! So they dont have to listen to you, we dont have that luxury !

    The board's "Ignore" feature works ok

    Since his "Where do you live" thread, I can't see any of his posts

    You should also put username rct99q on ignore, too, then: he also posts under that name, equally pointless and annoying topics.


    I'm wondering how you determined that.

    just asking' ...

  7. reading what you have written, the issue is between you and the Mrs, nothing to do with the condo owners, the fact she handed over the "full whack" basically means you (she) accepted the contractural conditions, even though the written contract wasnt signed at that point, there is a verbal agreement/intent in place.

    Therefore to me the condo owners are well within their rights not to give you anything back...I would take the THB 3000 on offer and right the rest off as a lesson learned...

    ie only hand over the amount of cash asked for in a deposit situation


    I'm always happier to pay as little up front as possible until I want to finalize everything.

  8. As mentioned, the infection will have to be cleared up first with antibiotics, at least in my experience. I had two buried and impacted wisdom teeth removed at the same time and it was done in a hospital by an oral surgeon. I was put under with a general anesthesia in the dental chair so didn't feel a thing. As he started administrating the anesthesia he asked me to start counting backward from 100 and I can only remember 97. biggrin.png

    Woke in the recovery room a bit disoriented but no discomfort. You will need someone to drive you back if they do the general. They will pack the hole with gauze and believe it is removed before you leave. Will usually give you antibiotics, pain killers (for Thailand probably Tylenol with Codeine) and perhaps need to rinse your mouth with salt water periodically for a while. I was back to work the next day without any discomfort.

    Really wasn't as bad an experience as I was dreading.


    That's an accurate and fair description.

    Dental work is probably never relished or fun but the alternative can easily be simply horrible.

    I highly recommend getting it done as soon as possible.

    Edit: spelling correction

  9. This is not a Thai thing - it happens in virtually every city on the planet.

    It does get worse. Go to any city in the US or Europe, and you will find restaurant owners who place tables and chairs right on the footpath, and if that is not enough, then they remove the traffic cones they have placed in the street to block parkers and put more tables and chairs there.

    Sorry.....I don't know where you got your information, but it's certainly incorrect. I'm not Thai Bashing but if you tried keep the taxpayers from parking on streets that their tax dollars paid for in any of the cities I am familiar with in the U.S. the police would be paying you a "not so nice visit" and quite possibly fining you.


    I'd say you are correct about that Lee!

  10. To each his own but me and the wife decided we didn't want to return there again after one visit.

    We were lucky to arrive in the first place in the 15 passenger van/bus we took to get there. The driver clearly had a death wish and while I'm OK with that I didn't want to join him at that time.

    I've certainly no ax to grind but I do agree with many of the above sentiments.

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