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Posts posted by Emster23

  1. "Whats the difference between the Supreme court and the Supreme Administrative Court? Yeah got to laugh, they sound the same to me."

    Makes me think of Pizza Hut: they have the "Super Supreme" pizza. After they go to Supreme Court they will be told they have to go to the "Super Supreme Court" and then referred to the "Super Duper Supreme Court" and so forth.

  2. I seem to recall an article about sex ed test they gave students here. Something like "You feel the urge to have sex. What should you do?" and the correct answer (multiple choice) was "Go play some basketball". Not kidding.

    A major issue with education and mind set is that so many can not think more than 20 minutes into the future. They don't think "What will I do if I get pregnant?", etc. I taught at High School with teen clinic. In a basket by the door were lots of condoms, no questions asked and even encouraged. "Better to have and not need than need and not have".

  3. "But I know my fiancé will listen to mom." And she will listen even more as I would bet she agrees with mom 100%, but pretends she is on your side. Wake up! "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree": she probably has same values as mom, she just can't show you that side (yet). Anyone can act loving for two weeks. You are being played! You only spent TWO WEEKS with her. Would you marry a woman after only 2 weeks together in your home country? I hope not. So why do it here where culture values "telling other what they want to hear more than what is true"? And economic issue is far bigger than it would be in home country I would guess. If you ignore the combined wisdom of TVers, then perhaps you should change user name to Will B. Moore-Broke.

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  4. "One of techniques discovered recently was the use of a cellphone to set the detonation time, instead of using it to detonate the bomb through a phone call. With the new technique, the cellphone no longer needs a SIM card, so the police cannot trace the phone back to the culprit,' Terrorist response: "Hey, good idea. Thanks for the tip". Jeez Louise....

  5. Who picks those graphics? Wine glasses being filled? as if..... I would like to see some relationship between the population of the area and the drinking. Isaan has 40% of the drinkers, but what percentage of population is in Isaan? And one drink in last twelve months.... rather crude method I would think. I rarely drink, but have had a few in last year. I do not compare at all with the drunks that frequent my beloved Thailand. 7.1 per capita or is that just folks who drink? A bit of clarification would help. Maybe I need a drink....

  6. "AS the Yanks once said before being totally wiped out, "Remember the Alamo" "

    Okay, a little bit of correction: You call a Texan a Yank and he may probably want to give you a good crack in the jaw at least, and back in those days, who knows what? The US citizens that were at the Alamo were expats, unless they naturalized. Texas was part of Mexico. Yes they got wiped out (187 vs 5000 not good odds), but delayed Santa Ana long enough for Sam Houston to get his forces together and beat the Mexican army. Texas became an independent country for some time, and that is why it is the "lone star state" as was on it's flag.

    I don't think the analogy is quite right. The army is more owned by the yellow group than the red, and this would be like Santa Anas army fighting itself. But the army has been smart enough not to show it's hand, as it seems there are a few bright lights there that do not wish to see Thailand go the way of civil war.

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  7. "So you would rather see terrible people voted for in charge than good people not voted in charge. Sick in the head"

    Couple problems here: first, it is a false dichotomy. No third choice considered (vote in good people). Second is: why would you assume that good people would be put in charge? Who would decide what makes a person "good"? That they would serve Suthep's and the real rich elite would be my guess. That would not fall in my definition of "good". And how would these new appointed folks stay in power? By election? Already had one, and that group didn't win. They could win a new election if anyone opposing them was not allowed to run, but that defeats basis of democracy, doesn't it?

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  8. Seat belts? Government needs to blah blah blah and police should woof woof woof. Friend's pregnant wife and baby killed due to "driver error": that guy was fined all of 1,500 baht. And since they didn't die at the scene, I am sure not included in Thailand's traffic fatality list. Those who should make a difference (but don't) are far beyond any disparaging label available in any language.

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  9. I live in Jomtien, and have had it twice. Once last year, and then maybe 3 years ago. Both times lasted 8 days. Went to doc, got some shots (who knows what?), electrolytes. Not fun, and comes on very very fast. Not much hospital can do besides charge you lots and give you a drip. Rode it out both times at home.

  10. I vote for set up. As pointed out, he is nicely dressed, has some quality stuff on self, doesn't appear like one from out drinking all night. IMHO Thailand is more racist than USA, even England (ha!). Even against their own, hence all the whitening creams for sale. As in most crimes, may we ask what his motive may have been? She has a stronger motive (payoff), and same goes for police. Cut her finger a little bit? Sounds like self inflicted, maybe in kitchen that morning. We need more info of course, and that won't be forthcoming I imagine.

  11. Shutdown is illegal, govt warns

    "A rule that ceases to be enforced, ceases to be a rule". Legal or illegal..... as if there are laws that are enforced. Wake up and smell the coffee. Suthep: "I can't come turn myself in for warrants regarding insurrection as I am busy leading the insurrection" Gov: "okay, up to you!"

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  12. China in a very tough position. Can understand their wanting a buffer state in N Korea, at least in the past. Seems that has outlasted it's usefulness. And engagement as means to somewhat keep on a very loose leash. However, Un is so looney toons that his nukes might be used against China if they cut him off, saying China is now tool of imperialists. Biting the hand that feeds him sort of thing.

  13. This whole thing is a bit much. The mob was breaking the law, would not disperse, correct? Rubber bullets, tear gas etc were tried, but mob didn't leave, but continued to break the laws and attempt to overthrow the legally elected government. It is governments right and duty to stop that. If it takes lead, so be it. If someone breaks into your house and tries to destroy it, you have rights to defend it with force. I have no sympathy for those killed. They brought it on themselves.

  14. If any religion could offer one shred of scientifically valid evidence that god exists, I would accept that. But it hasn't happened. And the "near death" experiences are just that, near death, not dead. I think Hawking said something like "religion is fairy tales told to those afraid of the dark". Someone once said religion is one way to get good people to do bad things. Think of shooting girls and blowing up schools because you think god wants women to be ignorant and subjugated, etc etc.

    I am a Buddhist because it does not require a god or faith in myths. Whether Buddha existed or not is not important. The teachings are. This is a good quote attributed to Buddha (see if you can find something like this in other belief systems!):

    "'Do not believe anything merely on the authority of your teachers and priests. But, whatever, after thorough investigation and reflection, you find to agree with reason and experience, as conducive to the good and benefit of one and all of the world at large, accept only that as true, and shape your life in accordance with it.''

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