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Posts posted by Emster23

  1. No more than normal,it's just becoming more visible due to an increased use of social media and the like.

    Agreed, in the US on the other hand there's a definite increase

    Not so fast. Violent crime down in USA, if you care to look at facts. 1993 747 violent crimes per 100k, 2012 down to 386 per 100k, and 2014 365 per 100k. These are FBI stats, check the links. https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/violent-crime/violent-crime-topic-page/violentcrimemain_final


  2. Been there done that, I survived 3 years with my savings without any additional income. An average of 25k per month. No problem, just live cheap , rent rooms from 5k - 7k .

    I would be suicidal if I woke up in a 5k room in bangkok, let alone actually live in it

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

    You guys really do need to learn how to look for decent rentals. Currently staying in nice apt in Ramkamhaeng, 43 sq meters, aircon, pool, etc. Very clean, quiet street. All for 6000 a month, which ain't all that much more than suicidal 5k. Further you get from stupid farangs, better the pricings, the cleanliness, the demeanor of the people.

  3. Hard to expect Thais to know about Hitler, when they don't have a clue regarding Che Guevara who was so popular last few years (as a design). I would suggest film "Railway Man" over "Bridge", which seemed to portray only whites worked on railway & bridge, and was shot in Sri Lanka.

    My ex went to special school for gifted here so I asked "What did they teach you about WW2?" She said "America very bad for dropping atomic bomb on Japan". Ok..... "Did they ever explain WHY USA dropped the bombs?"

  4. I will disarm any intruder with my rapier wit. I'd like a cricket bat, go for a century on some ones head. Also a yank, and it is so tiresome to continually read US bashings.... far more likely to get in pointless brawl (and Thai passerbys often like to get a boot in) and/or shot in Thailand than USA.

  5. Perception of last several months is that Jomtien immigration is throwing any and all roadblocks they can find in the way of getting first time retirement visa applicants to use visa services. Go by office at night and see midnight oil being burnt. I wonder what they are doing up there? Hmmm far be it from me to guess.

    like the idea of guest house for 1 week. Be sure to give them change of address after you get visa when you go back to condo. So glad the PM is cracking down on corruption, btw.

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  6. In fact, they are in big demand in China, and as such, getting shipped from here to there to the extent where there is not so many around anymore in some places.....they are used as an aphrodisiac.....and as such get big money....

    Is that a lizard in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?

  7. Most of us can afford to pay the extra. I believe if you are willing to work for what Thais earn, then you should get Thai pricing. My beef is that it sets the precedent for the population that it is perfectly okay to charge far more to foreigners than locals. Role model thing ya know.

  8. The CIA already knows only too well. Check out the Frontline program about the "black" interrogation center in Bangkok. Extensive exposure to "music," usuallly rap or repetitive C & W or other obnoxious music was used as part of the advanced interrogation techniques. The Frontline program is very complete. I'm sure that it can be found on YouTube.

    Thailand with speakers is one big black interrogation center, if they would just ask us questions.... "please, stop the sound! I'll say anything!!"

    Under no circumstances give a Thai a mic and PA system. Never.

    I recall few years ago some Jomtien international bars football tournament. Kept blasting "Hey, sexy lady". I walked over to DJ or whatever and said "If you keep playing this song over and over, I will come back and destroy your equipment". I was calm, not aggressive, rather matter of fact. He changed the music...

  9. Astrology ancient science? When they began this scam, all planets in solar system beyond naked eye weren't even known..... Millions of years? Yeah, I think Leakey said Lucy was a Pisces.... and in those millions of years our solar system has moved in relation to those constellations.... esoteric in the sense it doesn't exist. If a science, how about some scientific proof?

    Me, I'll take the I Ching: more fun, free, and when give some rather vague reading, lets one wonder about question from a different angle, which may actually be useful. Something like looking for shapes and figures in clouds.

  10. I've gotten 10 retirement visas, last 7 years in Jomtien. They seem to want to throw up obstacles. Proof of residence they weren't happy with my account receipt (condo pays water & electric, deducts from account) as proof of residence. There are 8 or 9 previous retirement visas already stamped in my passport. They required to bring in my blue book. Heaven help anyone who tries to get first time retirement visa. Reports are they want you to use an agency, so throw up all sorts of roadblocks and diversions....

  11. First off most rental shops should take a photo copy as you NOT surrender your country's property. Your passport is the property of your government..

    As for using the old one your number and photo are the same as the new one and Thai's can't read English, so, I would.

    Sorry to say US changes number with new passport. I was going to get a bar code tattoo on arm of that number, but since it doesn't migrate... hey, anyone know the Thai page where they state (in Thai and English) that foreigners must have passport at all times? Seems if made photocopies of that and current passport, ought to shut them up. And always fall back of calling BIB to come and have chat with shop (big assumption cops know about that law, I know)

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