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Posts posted by jackdawson

  1. i'm glad this thread rose to the top .

    wondered what the story was on this dinosaur . walk by it basically 6 days a week . personally i liked it better as the ambassador hotel's beer garden than it is now as a hulking, "blade runner" like shell of a nothing . nice multi colored coverings up on the concrete through.

    interesting to read all the way from the beginning and to see optimism go to hope go to realism go to despair .

    i don't know ; what 8 million/100,000+ per sq. meter 2 much ?

    note to self: continue to NEVER buy real estate in Thailand

    ps while we're on this neighborhood, think they'll ever complete the sofitel at suk. 15 ? i've seen girls i know have a kind and send them off to nursery school in the time since ground was broken there .

  2. some of the private language schools are not doing so well, bad karma I suspect

    not sure what karma has to do with it. truth is, classes are expensive for most thais (in a weak economy) and english is not seen as the prerequisite for success it once was (see china as a/the world power)

    re: the job market for teachers; weak to quite weak. if u have a day job in the states, keep it.

  3. Do you feel that the cost of living is rising faster in Thailand compared to the US?

    they're probably rising at about the same pace but thailand is starting from a MUCH lower base.

    but i am (super) glad I started my early (at that time working) retirement here five+ years ago. the day is coming, more due to a strong baht, when thailand WON'T be affordable for retirees on a (low to moderate) fixed income.

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