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Everything posted by killblues

  1. Hi, Can anyone tell me if it’s possible for my wife to renew her Thai driving license whilst in the UK or would she have to do it in Thailand ? She’s just moved here and can legally drive on it for 12 months before needing to pass a UK test but unfortunately her license runs out in December of this year. Thanks
  2. Hi all, submitted all the documents for my wife’s uk settlement visa application a few weeks ago but we’ve been struggling to get an appointment for her biometrics . Finally got one today for March 18th. Can anyone tell me the average waiting time for a decision once the biometrics are done or is that just like asking the length of a piece of string ? thanks
  3. To wait a couple of weeks would indeed make it a historical statement but I’d still have to make a withdrawal to trigger it. I too have several accounts that I can print statements for free of charge but unfortunately they don’t pay as high an interest rate as the one my savings are in hence the terms and conditions that state that any month where a withdrawal is made will not accrue any interest.
  4. Thanks but yes , I’m sure I’ve explored all options. It’s not downloading the statements that’s the issue (I can print or save historical statements) it’s the fact that if I want to trigger an up to date one then I have to make a withdrawal/lose a months interest. The only other option is to take a screen print but doing so doesn’t show my name on the printout (sorry, I probably didn’t make that clear in my o.p.)
  5. I’m using a savings account , the only way to trigger a statement is to make a withdrawal but any time you make a withdrawal you don’t get interest for that month which in this case would amount to around £190. I think I’ll just have to suck it up.
  6. Hi all, My wife will be applying for a UK spouse visa soon. We’re going down the route of using proof of savings of £62,500 which needs to be in my bank for 6 months before she can apply. My question is do the bank statements I supply need to be the original statements supplied by the bank or will an online print off suffice ? The issue is that the online print off only shows my account number and not my name. Does anyone have experience of this ? I know it’s easy to to order a statement but it costs me a months interest to do so ! (£190) Thanks
  7. Thanks , I’ll do that if I can’t figure it out 👍
  8. Nothing like that as far as I know. I was only in Thailand for 8 months and had no dealings with hmrc in that time other than the freedom to marry certification. I’ve been back over the application 3 times now and there’s nothing in the there that would lead them to believe Im not in the UK. In fact there are several answers that show that I AM in the uk! Seriously confused 🤪
  9. Thanks , I did consider that possibility but have been back over the application and can’t see anything that would lead to that conclusion. I’ll check again though.
  10. Hi all, I’m currently helping my Thai wife apply for a spouse visa to join me in the uk permanently . One of the questions asks if I have a “confirmed offer of employment in the UK starting within 3 months of my return”. I don’t understand how to answer this as I’m already in the UK (I returned from Thailand 6 months ago) and have been working since August. I tried to put in the date that I started work but it requires a date in the future. Has anyone else had this issue and if so how did you answer or work around it ? Thanks
  11. Hi all, maybe a daft question but I just want to check - can my wife apply for a uk settlement visa whilst she still has an in-date 6 months visitors visa or would she have to wait until the end date of the visitors visa ? Thanks.
  12. Hi all, I have just returned to the UK after 9 months in Thailand , my Thai wife intends to apply for a spouse visa to follow me in six months as soon as we can meet the financial requirements through having the £62,500 cash savings in a bank under my control for 6 months as per the gov uk website (as neither of us has been in employment during the last 12 months) . My question is does anyone know if the account the money is held in could be a joint account held between myself and a family member that is lending me the money or does it need to be in my name only ? Thankyou.
  13. Hi all, I plan to marry my tgf in the near future , I was previously married to a Thai although we are now divorced , we were married and divorced in Thailand. I have been looking at the gov.uk website to find info on how to get the “freedom to marry” confirmation from the UK embassy and it states that if you have been married previously you must provide a copy of the “decree absolute” issued in the uk. Obviously I don’t have one of those as I got divorced in Thailand. Can anyone tell me if my Thai divorce certificate (I have a copy in english) will suffice ? Thankyou.
  14. I used the same method I have used on previous successful applications. I haven’t sent any new documents since the application was submitted therefore the fact that my visa has now been issued would imply that the original documents were sufficient.
  15. Firstly , the holiday period is quite clearly irrelevant as they had time to consider and refuse the application before I left the UK. Previous applications (in the last 12 months) have been granted within 48 hours. I know I left it late but I had my reasons and understood the consequences should the visa not be issued until after I arrived in Thailand. “The Embassy would take it that you were in the UK at time of application unless you gave them reason to think otherwise.” I’ve been back over my application several times and I’m 100% sure everything is correct. The only thing I sent in reply to the embassies most recent email was the copy of my flight tickets of which I had already sent an identical copy. There was absolutely nothing that could imply I wasn’t in the UK at the time of the application.
  16. The embassy refused the app on the grounds that I wasn’t in the UK when I applied even though I was in the UK. How is that not their mistake ?
  17. Hi all , I posted on the 12 April how my 60 day tourist visa application from the uk had been refused 6 hours before my flight as they said I had to be in the uk at the time I applied even though I actually was in the uk. I thought (as did everyone who replied on here) that I would just have to suck it up even though it was the Thai embassy’s mistake not mine. I was surprised to receive an email on the 17th April (I arrived in Thailand visa exempt on the 12th) asking me to forward copies of my inward and outwards flight tickets which I forwarded to them more out of curiosity than expectation. Imagine my surprise when today I’ve received an email from them saying my visa has been granted ! Ok it’s a pain because I’ll have to leave the country and re-enter to validate the visa but at least they’ve done the decent thing and admitted their mistake. Let’s hope this is a sign of things to come ???????? Don’t hold your breath though ????
  18. Hi, I’m a uk citizen . Applied for a 60 day tourist visa on April 1st entering Thailand 12 April. I was asked for an extra document which I emailed to the Thai embassy in London on April 5. At 16:59 today uk time I received an email from the embassy saying my application has been rejected as I need to be in the uk when I apply . I am in the UK and have been since I applied !!!! My flight leaves before the embassy reopens at 9am so I’m going to have to enter visa free but does anyone know if I can appeal against this once I get to Thailand or am I just going to have to suck it up even though it’s their mistake ? Thanks
  19. Thanks for that , very clear and concise and very much appreciated. Just one more question - would it be possible for my parents to act as a sponsor ? They have a mortgage free home with plenty of space , are both retired but have savings in the bank. Thanks again.
  20. Thanks Tony , I will have around £20k of savings so it seems that would not be enough. I didn’t phrase the last part of my question well, what I meant was how long would I need to be in employment to meet the requirements ? ie would I need to show so many months payslips or would the fact that I can prove I have a full time job suffice ? My gf has a house in Thailand in her name worth around 2 million baht . Could that help at all ? Another thought has just sprung to mind - I was self employed up until May 2022 therefore my most recent tax return posted posted in January of this year would show that I met the earnings requirement for the most recent full tax year. If I showed that would that work or would they also need payslips from the current tax year ? Thanks
  21. Hi, my fiancée and I intend to marry soon and we want to live together in the UK. I have been in Thailand for the last 6 months and haven’t worked for almost a year therefore won’t be able to show payslips until I return to UK and gain employment. I have money in my bank and have been making money from an investment for the last 4 months in Thailand (does this help towards the financial requirement or would I need to be in employment?) Can anyone tell me how long I would need to be in employment in order to meet the financial requirements for a spouse visa to be issued ? Thanks
  22. Hi all, I’m currently in the UK applying for a 60 day single entry tourist visa with a view to applying for a “retirement” visa once in Thailand and just wondered if anyone can clear a couple of things up for me with regards to the online application form. 1 - With regards to the proof of accommodation in Thailand requirement - I currently have a six month lease on a condo in bkk but unfortunately I don’t have a copy of the contract here with me to download. If I were to book a hotel just for one night on the date of my arrival and download the booking would that suffice ? 2 - I don’t work anymore as I earn a living from an investment in Thailand , the application asks for a confirmation letter from employer,school,self assessment or pension statement. Non of these apply to me although I do have an old self assessment statement from April ‘22 . Would this suffice or if not can anyone suggest how to get around this ? 3 - “Applicant for evisa via specific embassy/consulate confirming with his/her consular jurisdiction and residency. Applicant is required to upload document that can verify his/her current residency.” Does this mean that they just want proof of my UK address eg phone bill or similar ? Thanks
  23. Hi, I plan on applying for a “retirement” visa in the near future. I’m currently in the UK for the next two weeks and will be returning to Bangkok after that. Can anyone tell me if there are any advantages or disadvantages to applying from the UK or waiting until I am back in Thailand ? Does anyone know roughly how long a decision would take if I were to apply in the UK ? ie would the two weeks I’m planning to be here be enough time ? Thanks
  24. A lucky escape mate , thanks for sharing that. I was told that as I’m on the 90 day and not an extension that it would be ok but if anyone else on here can clarify this it would be a great help ????????
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