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Posts posted by WhisperingJack

  1. Nice pics.

    It's such a shame that so many posters on Thai Visa call for bloodshed.

    It's very strange that these people calling for bloodshed are not banned.

    I wonder why ?

    is it i wonder that they don't know what it is like to live under a dictatorship and democracy is for the rich only or may be they are communists. the reds are the people there are a lot more than the yellow belly's who took power by taking it not winning it. and the reds they have nothing more to lose this will be a big problem for the government who are traitors to there own people apaist should stand down he has lost it .

    this is killing the king as he loves his people in the north as well as the rest of Thailand. stop the killing now. all yellows should be ashamed of them selfs, you have all gone mad with power. when will it end.

    stop the bloody war now!!!!! before its to late.

    Dictatorship? What planet are you on. The last two times Thaksin surrogates were in power they were thrown out for vote buying and then Samak for moonlighting as a TV cooking show host. The Dems formed a coalition, which is the way it works in a parliamentary democracy.

    Who are the traitors? The ones taking an entire city hostage or a government that has done more than any other in recent memory to reach out and help the poor communities. The majority of the economic stimulus funds went to the poor rural communities. He's also been pouring funds into improving the schools in the provinces.

    Also if life improved so much under Thaksin, Somchai and Samak, why are all the people in Isaan still as poor as they were 20 years ago?

    No Thais are repressed, they're not discriminated against, they're not oppressed and their not jailed indiscriminately.

    If the Peua Thai party can get its act together and not buy votes in the next election, then it will be the Red Shirts' turn to run the country. Abhisit has helped this country along through the worst economic period in the history of the world since the great depression. let's see the red shirts leader de jour, the thuggish Yonchaiyudh, who pulls strings so his murderous son can walk free, run the country. Let's see how that guy bastardizes and corrupts.

    Well said Snaggletooth. I am in Isaan (Khon Kaen) at the moment and I have yet too see more than 10 Red Shirts in one gathering.

    I sympathise for the poor people here but unfortunately the Red Shirt leaders are trying to effect change the wrong (illegal) way. They have a hidden agenda which will only benefit them at the expense of the poor and disadvantaged.

    The Red Shirt leaders claim they are fighting for democracy. I very much doubt the veracity of this statment as in a true democracy you can attend a protest rally and then leave when you want to. My wife had a phone call from her Aunty in BKK last night who advised that Red Shirts who wanted to leave the encampment were told by the leaders that they would shoot them if they tried to leave. Demovracy I think not.

    I really feel sorry for them as they now face the prospect of being shoot by thier leaders if they leave or shoot by the army if they don't.

    "Wenged if they do and wenged if they don't".

    By the way Khun SweenyThailand where is Dr Weng who is a self confessed communist? Oh he must be with the rich people now. Try to get your facts right next time.

  2. Meaning what exactly? As per the State of Emergency in those 15 provinces?

    Meaning the government is scared sh1tless that Bangkok will burn if all the red shirt supporters ever made it to the capital.

    Don't know why they would be. I am in Issan at the moment and I have only seen 1 Red Shirt supporter in 5 days.

    My wifes family and other villagers wiped thier hands of Wacky Tacky after the Hun Sen fiasco.

    "He no good he China not Thai" was the comment I repeatly heard.

    It is amazing that I have not seen a report by any media outlet where they have spoken to any Isaan residents to try and gauge the actual support that the Red Shirt movement has.

    All we hear or see is the red shirt leaders spruking about the mass following they have up here.

  3. What could the PAD, Peoples alliance for DEMOCRACY, possibly have against calling for elections ????? -



    Sure, they love democracy so much, they want elections every 6 months. :)

    Part of democracy is not being forced into having elections and everyone waiting until they are actually due.

    As the Chinese man replied when asked how often they have elections in China "evely morning"

  4. <H2 align=center>Green panic

    (Panicum maximum var. trichoglume) </H2>

    • short clump grass
    • subtropical
    • fairly drought tolerant
    • responsive to showers of rain
    • combines well with twining legumes.

    Green panic is a variety of guinea grass, and is sold as Petrie green panic.

    It has fine soft leaves, slender stems growing to 1.5 m, and a richly branched root system that allows allowing rapid growth after light showers. The stem is hairy compared to the smooth stems of Gatton panic. Despite having a concentration of roots near the soil surface, green panic shows good drought resistance and survives well in situations where rhodes grass dies out. It can grow in areas down to 550 mm annual rainfall, but also in wet coastal or tableland areas receiving over 1,700 mm annual rainfall. It has some shade tolerance, and is often found growing under trees or shrubs, even under lantana.

    Green panic's soil requirements are versatile. It grows best on friable softwood scrub loams, and on self-mulching grey and brown soils of heavy texture, including most brigalow soils, but it is not really at home on deep sands or on the wide-cracking, heavier black clays of the Darling Downs. It is very responsive to nutrients and yellow foliage is a good indication of nitrogen deficiency.

    Green panic is very palatable and is usually grazed preferentially in a mixed sward; spelling may maintain sward vigour. Sparse stands will thicken up if allowed to seed, and a damaged stand will regenerate from natural seeding.

    Green panic combines well with lucerne in subtropical areas, and with glycine and green-leaf desmodium to form very productive dairying or fattening pastures. Seed of green panic and Gatton panic are sometimes not differentiated in New South Wales.

    Suggest you do a Google search - Pastures Tropical

  5. What is so sad is that the Reds could have walked away as winners after the talks with the PM. They not only should have gained credibility through these talks but also should have gone back home knowing they got the PM to agree to hold elections a year early as well as dissolving the house. Instead they now look like a bunch of crazed idiots whose leader is leading them to a slaughter.

    Had they gone home and moved to intelligent rhetoric, they would be sitting so strong right now in the hearts and minds of the Thai people.

    You are spot on. During the talks I thought what progress the "red shirts" had made by getting Abi to sit down and hold discussions with them.

    When he comprised and offered to hold new elections 12 months early I viewed this as a great victory for the "red shirts".

    Now I am dumb founded that the "red shirt" leaders did not accept his offer (without discussing with the rank and file members).

    The "red shirt" leaders have "wenged" the rank and file members!!!!

  6. My wife is just sure the "weng" thing will go "inter". She and her friends are already cracking themselves up over it. I made the comment that I have a certain sympathy for Weng. Her response: "you can see he took the money now, som nom naa".

    My wife's thoughts also plus she added "They are supposed to have meeting to fix problem why he boxing about what happen before, he stupid and not want to fix problem only try to make himself look like big boss"

    Maybe Politicians and wannabe Politicans should listen to Bob Dyland: -

    The Thais they are a changin

  7. What a sad, pathetic, desperate, lonely old man who will clutch at any inappropriate and unhelpful comment without realising he's shooting himself in the foot. Pretty much the same attitude which got him into this mess in the first place.

    A lot of what makes people like someone, is when they know how to self-censor their comments. It's like watching a rat die on a glue-mat... he's clutching at straws when he really should just give up.

    You are absolutely right and the comparing him to a rat is spot on. I have more respect for the dingo who chews his foot off if caught in trap.

    How about a new name for Mr T maybe:-


  8. It is interesting that everyone refer to this as Thaksin rally not uud or democracy rally


    That is because this rally has nothing at all to do with democracy. It is all about Thaksin and his money, fullstop.

    "Democracy" is what they have right now - the current PM is from a party aptly named "The Democrat Party" and the current government was in fact democratically elected, without having to pay the voters in cash for their votes like a couple of other parties under Thaksin did.

    If they truly wanted some different kind of democracy all they have to do is wait for the next election and show Abhisit the red card, literally. And in the meantime give the guy a chance and let him govern for the better of everyone. Having mobs in the streets doesn't do good for anybody and certainly not for the image of the country. They could spend their time and energy getting an irrigation system built in Isan (see another topic).

    But no - Thaksin knows very well how to control a small bunch of followers and have them find more followers (something every religious sect is successful at), money talks, and most of those red-shirted people indeed only notice the 200 Baht they get today, they can't see beyond next week..... education, or rather lack thereof, plays a big role there. Thaksin would do everything to keep that exact system in place, to make sure he has a country full of sheep to follow him without questioning his motives (which there are greed, greed and more greed).

    Sorry if i have offended anyone, yes i am on the yellow side but i strongly detested any acts of violence from them, too, when they happened. And i know they DID happen, there is no point in denying. However in terms of violence, the reds still lead the yellows by a huge margin.

    Best regards.....


    You have hit the nail squarely on the head. This is all about a megalomanic. wanting to return to power to rip more money off the Thai people. not Democarcy.

  9. "Thailand to impose security law for Thaksin protests"

    Has ISA been enacted or is this just more scaremongering.

    I think Mr T and redshirt leaders want ISA imposed so then when only 5,000 supporters turn out they can claim that the other 995,000 were stopped from coming because of the ISA.

    Don't fall for it Abi.

    This is the only chance you will have to prove once and for all that Mr T supporters were only there while they though they could have thier palms crossed with silver.

  10. Wow 20,000 Monks!!!!!

    If this many turn out they will outnumber the "red shirts".

    My Issarn wife's family and friends use to think that "Mr T" was a great person and accepted that corruption was a part of Thai culture, however since he closely aligned himself with Hun Sen they will have nothing more to do with him.

    My father in-law has even disowned him by now declaring "he not Thai he Chinese".

  11. Stop whinging we're all lucky to be here.

    Surely you jest! That's right. Can't complain. Not allowed to... We're GUESTS here. poppycock

    yes we are lucky be here. we come. we come buy we set up companys we employ a minum of 5 thai people. just to buy a house. then get taxed through the roof.

    this is polictal. Taksin paid off all of thailands debt hen he came into power. kept taxes low. no this govement wants to live by the book and live off money gernerated in the country. Basically yes. just like living back home. 1 problem the forangs go home who is going to pay the tax then for these thais who are now living a nice luxury life styles expensive things. Not to mention the toursime industry is going to be hit hard over the next few months with all this protests going on.

    If things go on and example the forangs did leave. then it would be like enngland the rich pay less tax and the poor get it hard. This prime minister as educated in England he know hw to look after the upper class

    The rich actually pay some tax. If you would stop pulling your pud and grew a brain you would know that the poor in Thailand pay zero tax. Zombie!!!!

  12. I have my wife & 4 kids in the lovely land of not so many smiles :D I think I'm gonna think about spending less of my hard earnt UK salary out there & get the family settled in the UK. Once foreigners cut back on holidays & spending, etc in Thailand & holiday elsewhere they might notice a difference. I used to love coming to Thailand :D but now some changes are on the books.

    Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... :)

    Your hard earned salary is going to go very much less far, back in the UK.

    Still, you have a choice, Use it wisely.

    Spend your hard earned UK salary as quick as you can because what are you going to do when the GBP is worth less than 40 baht. Whingeing POM go home and see what sort of a house you can buy in the UK for 2 or 3 million baht

  13. How will we ever know the truth in Thailand.

    It is a copy Country with copy Politicians and copy Public Servants who are all like pigs and are only interested in getting thier noses in the trough.

    The most disheartening thing that I see is that most Thais think it is acceptable for these people to be corrupt and lie. I suppose that this is all they have ever seen.

    If anybody knows how to solve the problems in Thailand they should be awarded the Nobel prize

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