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Everything posted by RedRoadRunner

  1. ......when do people finally care about their own sh** ? I could puke whenever read stuff like this coming from ´holy´ Thais......
  2. as for me, there's something very fishy about this story 🙄
  3. Exactly, complaining about others to divert from their own dirt….. and they have loads of it !!!
  4. tarnish the country's image ???? What image ????? Only clowns running the country !!!
  5. When do people actually start to care about their own s… and leave others alone…. ???
  6. the BiB pulling another joke out of the hat ???????????? One mental cowboy checking the other one.......reallly makes sense ????
  7. Said it before and saying it again. How can an incapable clown get to this position ? ????
  8. How this guy can hold position in the government is totally beyond believe !!!!!
  9. Are we looking at another quality tourist entering Thailand which they are so desperately after ? When are the people here waking up ? For sure I know, some can’t be helped !!
  10. It's shame how Thailand is sponsoring a country that is responsible for death of thousands, and all just for the money. That shows the real attitude of the Thai government....Money before people !!! SHAME on you !!!
  11. ONLY GANJA PROFESSIONALS HERE..... ! ! ! You all need to go back to school.......????
  12. Question remains……. Which of both is 3rd world…. ??? You need more refugees over in the UK ?
  13. One can really see the state of the brains of people making statements like this and secondly the people who circulate such................. ???? dwl......
  14. Actually there’s no medication against stupidity………
  15. 2 of my cats died, cause (proven) was Covid and the vets couldn't help them. Sad but true, cats can carry the Covid virus.
  16. Go get lost with your c**p…!!!! I got 2.2.3 already and still alive when do you understand that there’s no cure for that and we have to live with it like the weather ???? ????????
  17. Another proof of insanity at the top !!! Nobody <deleted> is stupid enough to threaten Thailand…… and the ones who would belong here …..
  18. Who gives a F*** what that idiot thinks ? And for Thailand, not sure if that is something to be proud of !!!!???
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