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Posts posted by BobMarleyWannabe

  1. Im quite hard to get angry and i would not use a gun when im angry.. the thing is there will always be people who will. I just don't believe people should own guns. Maybe if they are evaluated once i a while or so.

    Fortunately the forefathers of the USA scribed the right to bear arms.

    I am also very hard to anger but,

    I have owned various firearms most of my life for competition use. I am glad that our right to own is not determined by folks that have a unrealistic view of life.

    Study after study has shown that increasing gun control laws leads to increase in crime rates not decreases like the gun control folks thought. Nuff said as I have strayed off topic :)

    That is totally untrue regarding gun control laws lead to to increased crime rate, there are a lot of factors that lead up to the increaed crime rate and has nothing to do with gun control laws. Poverty, lack of jobs and urban decay is the reason for the increased crime rate and then add guns which are so easily obtainable to the picture and it increases the death toll. I am not opposed to responsbnile people owning guns but problem in America is that there are more guns then people and a good many of these people purchase weapons for the wrong reasons the biggest being motivasted out of fear.

  2. Many of you may remember me from previous posts about my adventures in Thailand. In those posts I talked about some of the wonderful and great times that I have had in Thailand. I talked about the friends I made and the exciting adventures that seem to lend them self to me while in the land of smiles. I also talked about some of the bad things that happened to me and near me. Some of those experiences caused me to put a return visit to Thailand on hold. It turns out that if I had come I would have been stuck in Thailand at the Airport for an untold amount of time and that would have lead to an avalanche of problems here at home.

    Earlier this year I decided that I would come back to Thailand and enjoy the company of the friends I made and explore more of Thailand and make some new friends. I was feeling eager to return and explore and enjoy the things that I have come to love about Thailand; the food, the shopping, the motor-bike taxis, the kindness of the people, the overall Thai style... I wanted that again. I also loved meeting visitors from all over the world who were vacationing in the land of smile.

    With all the negative things happening there that I have read on this board as well as others, I have decided to move my holiday from October to December, but as the bad new continues, I have decided to cancel my holiday there altogether. I won't be visiting Thailand this year at all.

    I hope and wish all the best for Thailand, its people and those who visit there.

    So there you have it. If any of you wonder if all that is going on there has any effect of return visitors to Thailand, yes it does. It had an effect on me.

    Living with all the gun toting cowboys in the States going to town hall meetings and such, I really don't feel that I am quite the thrillseeker upon my return to LOS in the next few months.

  3. Last night my wife found another snake in our garden. She has already killed 2 within the last month.

    Before she could dispose of this one it set off at speed straight for our pick-up and up into the engine.

    She called me and I openned the engine bonnet in time to see the tail end of the snake going through a

    1-1 1/2" hole between the engine and the front wheel panel. It reminded me that I had seen our dogs sniffing around the other front wheel a couple of days ago so maybe it has taken up residence!!

    As the pick-up is quite new I obviously do not want to rip it apart only to find that it was not at home!!

    I don't know what type of snake it was but probably 18-24" long.

    Any suggestions on how to get rid of the dam_n thing? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Reading this post and others about snakes and Crocs in Thailand makes me very exited to spend more time in the LOS, other then the usual one month a year I have been doing

    since 2000. I grew up as kid and teenager collecting all kinds of reptiles, from lizards, turtles and snakes, including some venemous ones like sidewinders here in the States. I have seen my shared of lizards in Thailand including one monitor lizard, too many geckos, plus the usual tourist stint of going to a couple cobra farms one in Kaen Kaen and another in Chang Mai, but I have only seen two snakes in the wild, both when I was in Koh Chang.

  4. I have the silent treatment from my wife , it used to make me even more angry to the point of wanting to rip her head off. However, after me losing my temper and going crazy at her, I have realised it makes no difference . Best option is to tell her you are no longer going to put up with her crap , she can either stop what she is doing to you and become a good wife and take care of the house or you will find another lady to come in take care of everything after she gets out.

    Then without saying anything else , leave the house and go for a beer for a couple of hours . It worked for me , so now all I do is say nothing and go to a bar .She soon woke up .

    Good luck

    I know the feeling my wife also gives me the silent treatment whenever she is upset with me but the good thing is during this silent treatment she also likes to make me feel guilty by cleaning the house, and I mean really thoroughly, making sure that I am fully aware of her hard at work. At first it did make me feel bad and I always ended up kissing her ass but after eighteen years I have used this to my advantage and I now get her upset two times a week, a little bit of guilt I can live with, a dirty house I can't, besides the makeup sex is pretty good.

  5. thaiman. Have you read my posts? They kinda answer your question.

    yes, thanks. I agree with you.

    The smile and politeness speak volumes here. You know yourself if someone is being polite wether in Thailand or Timbuctoo.

    However it has been put, there's been no bad advice or question answering here. (had a coule of funny parts too!)

    The only time I wai is if i'm Wai'ed otherwise smile and nod slightly (not a Japanese bow!)

    To make the wife happy when it comes to the inlaws I always wai Yai but everyone else gets a whats up ?

  6. There is one thing I do in the states religously every Saturday and Sunday, stay glued to the TV and watch college and Pro football. A couple years ago I was in Samuii during the college bowl games, and was able to pick up the Rose Bowl on one of the stations, I think at about 2 or 3 AM in the morning, but that was the only bowl game I was able to find. I think I was also able to pick up one Pro game to my memory. My question is what are my options in satellite or cable TV when living in Thailand long term, I plan to stay during this time in Koh Chang but may also be in Khon Kaen, I would dread to think that this is one of the sacrifices I would have to give up if I stay in Thailand long term. Giving up on college basketball will be tough but baseball and pro basketball, not such a big deal.

  7. I am moving to Bangkok in the next month

    I really hate lizards :S I would know is it common that in any part of city there are lots of lizards ?

    Because 3 years ago i stayed in my friend home for a while, which was far from city center, and there were lots of lizards, and they moved on the walls ,floor, roof any where you can imagine, it was really disgusting , I would know is all part of Bangkok the same?, Lizards is something you accept and there are many of them in your home / room / ... ?

    You really shouldn't be afraid of having a few lizards around they are harmless and are maintenance free as free roaming pets.

  8. This is a wind up that i think even muslims would find offensive, sounds like a crock,.... :)


    This is pure RUBBISH,if this guy is not a troll,i will eat the leftover skin from my fresh circumcision,and give it to my lady friend on the side,which BTW,i am allowed,because i live far away from my lover... :D

    :D:D:D:D:D love it !

    My wife and I been married for over nineteen years, she is a Buddhist and I belong to the tribe of David. Although I am not a very religious man, I still do keep to traditions. My wife has never asked me to become a Buddhist although I do embrace her beliefs and it does not seem to conflict with my own. I as well never asked my wife to convert to Judiasm. We both take part in each others traditions, she and our kids celebrates passover with my family and I take part in her Buddhist traditions as well. Our kids have been brought up in both traditions, my sons have both had their bar Mitvahs and also have become monks for a month as well. When they are at the age to decide what road they want to follow eits up to them and I will not push them either way. As I said in the beginning of this post I am not a very religious man, in fact I see myself more as a athiest, since I question those that believe in god everyday, the only reason I keep to my religion is basically for tradition only, my excuse I love to have a good time with family and eat good traditional dinners. I am not sure about Christianity or Islam how tolerant one must be to practice these beliefs but if either of you try to force their beliefs on the other it will not work in the long run.

  9. Hello,

    been living with my Thai gf here in bangkok for a few months although we have dated for over a year. Today went to her parents house because her mother wanted to speak to us. Should point out that she is from a poor family.

    They told us today they want 100,000 or 200,000 bhat plus gold because we are now "something".....this was all in Thai..but gf explained it as "kind of engaged".

    I quietly thought ...<deleted>?.... we are not engaged and are still at early stages of living together in a full on relationship.

    I have read that dowrys still exist here for marriage but has anyone heard of a custom of giving alot of money to the parents just to date the daughter. my gf could not explain it well. Also a little bit flustered because her family has not been especially friendly so far but today were all smiles. hmmm.


    Hi Kaosoi,

    I was never asked by my wifes parents for a monitary contribution, maybe because I got married to my wife in the States. After a couple years of being married to my wife her parents came to the US and spent a few months with us before moving in with my wifes sister. Never once did they ever ask me for money, although through the years they have spent a many a month living in our house, I really didn't mind in fact I liked them being with us because they kept busy tending to chores and helping out the with the young ones, maintaining my wifes garden etc..

  10. Just want to say hello, I have been lurking on this forum for quite a while and finally got the gumption to submit my first post. I am currently living in the States, I have been married to a Thai women now for over nineteen years whom I met here in the States. It took me ten years of marriage before visiting Thailand but ever since I spent a month in Thailand for the last nine years, and love it in the land of smiles. My wife owns a house in Khon Kaen, and we, I mean she just purchased a small place in Koh Chang.

    I consider myself a happy go lucky guy who ("thinks") can put up with almost anything after being married to my wife and her family for nineteen years. I have learned that patience goes a long way towards keeping ones sanity. My concern is that after reading so many post it seems that many of the members are very cynical about their stay in Thailand, I have always enjoyed my time in Thailand and travelled throughout the country, but again after reading the post on this board I wonder if I should plan on being a long term vacationer rather then having a permanent address. After all the problems I read on this board dealing with visas, extended stays, scams and other crimes, and now the hair in the soup :) I am getting a bit worried about that last house payment my wife just made.

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