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Posts posted by bina

  1. unfortunately Thailand is taking the middle road, due to saudi arabia et as lucrative customers, and a large muslem population. but when 'from the river to the sea' includes other countries as well, people will change their tune. israelis want Israel. islam wants everywhere. Thailand has always stayed neutral,for economic reasons not ideological reasons. 

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  2. btw, nowadays thai workers know exactly what awaits them here. brothers and cousins bring over family as employers like to know who is coming to them. my husband's first cousin has his visa finished in two weeks and would live to stay more. the pay is fair more ioften than not nowadays. the consulate here works better than in the past as she is actually american/ thai and super pro active, traveling all over Israel and not as inclined to HISO/ issaan bias. 

    there is only one main thai israeli manpower group that actually takes care of workers now, workers can change employer more easily, most employers dont withhold passports any more. living 

    conditions have improved.

    ( i am in contact with thais / israeli thais and translators etc). 


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  3. rabies comes to mind; prevalant in thailand, husband's father's dog had rabies when we were visiting last year... it bit someone, husband's father shot the dog and the bitten person went and got series of rabies vaccines. the dog was prowling and moving constantly, and acting very wierd... rabid animals in general dont lay donw and act sick rather move around, due to intense discomfort , lack of muscle control (swallowing, drinking, hence the term hydrophobia)... not saying its , but certainly could be if not vaccinated in the past two /three years by the thai vets that come around to vaccinate.

  4. Just thought I'd share my thoughts. ..sheep herded dogs have distinctive DNA traits including OCD which in pets can cause problems such as a aussie shepherds having to herd chairs around a table or other herding activities even when not used as working dogs

    as for thai hunting dogs _dime a dozen in issan villages...used to scent out sight down and grab any prey not specialized as European or American hunting types. ..FIL has an entire pack ...live in yard fed ivermec'd and mostly vaccinated although last year one attacked family friend while i and hubby visited (wasn't allowed to walk in yard atnight until said dogs disappeared as one did display neurological problems)acted weird so person received rabies vaccine series at local clinic and two dogs were dispatched to doggy heaven...

    the dingo and thai Ridgeback and other primitive dogs might share DNA

    sheep guard dogs are more likely what the OP NEEDS and a thai village dog or two raised as pups with the sheep will 100%do the job...speaking from experience here

  5. sometimes blood transfusions are given as well... sound like some kind of tick fever to me also....

    the best defense against ticks so far here in our mountain is ultra shield spray or seresta tick collar... nothing else works anymore... not sure if those are availabel in thailand but if someone can bring u, they are the best. ultra shield is not for households that have cats that lick dogs, not to be sprayed near cats. the seresta collars are great as well, but here are super expensive.

    and any of the drops should be used every four weeks against ticks, every two or three months for fleas... we also use seresta collars with frontline plus for flea protection... we are rural and every household has about three dogs and we have feral cats.

    in israel dog blood banks have been started, maybe someone could start in thailand if there isnt one (only large healthy dogs can be used to give blood, i paid 600 shekels for one pack of blood once for my bitch, it was sent by taxi from a city two hours away from us, donated by a great dane...) as tick fevers cause anemia which often needs the transfusions

  6. my (thia) husband is left handed but i guess in small village was also pushed to be more right handed. the end result, like for many htat were forced to switch, is that he uses both hands, but he also has learning disabilities (only discovered here when he started using computer as in thailand he neither wrote nor read books, and left school at 13)he writes with left hand, cooks with left but also does many things with right like using hair cutting clippers, scissors, hammer, etc...

    as many kids here were also 'switched' back in 'olden times' (until 1980's), it was noticewd that they had more difficulties in many subjects and in general as 'circuits' were switched rather then developed . OTH many people that suffer sided brain damage can relearn using other side of brain and switch 'handedness'....

  7. knomknom gve some of the best advice ive seen ; i would basically disregard most of the women hating /thai women hating contingency and their remarks...

    many thai women and many women in general, turn off from sex after having kids/work/worries... long time marriage... sometimes its just a phase. sometimes it really is their way of making you decide to break up...

    good luck either way...

  8. hahah.. in israel for 30 years so only drink nescafe or elite powdered 'coffee'... only recently have i seen those straws here, mostly for backpackers etc (mostly because it is a dairy not parve product so for many here that is difficult ) but loved them in thailand as it is impossible to speak with me before a cup of 'coffee' in the morning and it is great for when in hubby's house w/o fridge and i dont really drink real milk anyhow... totally dont like the american style of coffee (drip perculator or pod)...

    and birdy cold coffee is great wish we had it here...

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  9. have to point out that it isnt just the meat it is any part of the animal; and not just pork but any meat at all...

    not a funny post, and i am going to close it. if u want to complain about lack of meat to fat content in your shopping whether it is goat pig or cow, then do it an other way....

  10. not sure where u all live but my issan thai husband thinks that we spoil our children here (israel- ihave three now adult children, not his)- and from what i saw in his village, up til about the age of three, children were children. from age 3-4 they became little adults, having to do things around the house, yard, etc.

    as far as developing creativity, curiousity etc then yes there are cultural differences. also, depending on who is raising the child, remember that if you are working physical labour, then you probably have less patience and energy to actively work with your child; and also many parents in asia consider the school to be the educator /punisher and it is the family's duty to love/clothe/feed the child but nothing beyond that as education comes from the school. this btw is also a mid eastern attitude, i notice it among the arab school kids adn from what their parents discuss with me (they are middle class non educated workers with moderate sized families), it is the teachers who are responsible for educating the child.

    as far as independance, again, cultural expectations and whose to say what way is better. frankly, all my friends here always thought that the 'american ' style of child rearing that my parents used is 'cold, too strict, not fun, puts the adult before the child' where as here the adult is expected! to put the child first, children play in the salon, go to restaraunts, go basically everyhwere and are heard and seen, and are expected to be coo'd over and petted... i should show a video of our hotel lobby on a friday check in with all the families. americans would have a fit.

    my husband finds the kids here impolite to adults, dont help with housework, come and go as they please, and he says they treat their parents as throwasay objects to be used as ATM's.

    so possibly we are talkig about specific social levels, certain areas, local expectations, whatever. its true hoever that the boys are more spoiled in thailand and the girls do more around the house, but i see that here also in spite of the fact that supposedly we are 'european' here, the mid eastern/arab influence still is very strong.

    its true that 'good' parenting at home could give a child a head start in studies and leadership, howver, there are other aspects of childhood that are equally important, such as familial relationships, peer groups, social interactions within his/her own society. nature+nurture both equally important.

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  11. hmmm... the fact that he thinks his mom 'is an angel' and she 'thinks he is the greatest'... well then i hear bells ringing... from other chinese /hong kong families that i know here (middle class christian actually) i understand that although he might be understanding now but when u have children, there maybe much more interferance and 'bowing down' to parental (mother) wishes... chinese moms are similar it seems to what we in israel call 'polish mothers' - the world revolves around their children especially the son/first born, and they are also demanding and controlling ... not to say this family is that way but culture doesn make a difference especially if u will be living close by, and when there are grandkids nearby... for the thai chinese the status and 'nationality' are both important, but as boo pointed out, dress and behavior will help smooth things. the qustion is how much u will want to confrom to their style of things in the future... and how much you are willing to pressure your 'at the moment, compliant' boyfriend when reality of family pressure hits... good luck either way

  12. all of the above mentioned are wild animals and not pets and therefore you shouldnt be buying them even if they are for sale... a licsense is needed.

    dogs and cats are beneficial; in issaan most other wild animals will not survive for long in a village as they will end up on someone's plate; if u were really homesteading then of course u would know this...

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  13. yes she can feed the other baby also if she wants to; the more she feeds the more milk she will produce; maybe she will need an extra amount of nutrition either with vitamins or meat/veggies/calcium products if she is not able to provide them due to financial problems. at five months it is possible to start the baby eating small amounts of cooked veggies/or mashed bananas and/or forumula as well... iron is the other thing both the surrogate mom and the baby might need... women have fed other peoples babies ofr thousands of years, and i personally know of two different women who breastfed someone else's baby for long periods of time due to illness of the mother or other problem, so its perfectly acceptable...

  14. you can freeze colustrom : label each bottle (we stored in good quality baby bottles: label first day second day third day... thats all u need. we kept ours for about a year and farms in the surrounding area 'borrowed' from us when needed and kept so we could use whne needed. it has to be colustrom from the surrounding areas for all the antibodies to be useful... store in bottles per amount that is likely needed. do not defrost in microwave rather put in pot of water that has been boiled and is hot and let the colustrum warm up that way. do not refreeze. this is for goats, dogs, horses, humans cows. if u are worried about certain diseases like johhnes then i think the colustrom has to be pasteurized and not sure how to do that.

  15. Forgot to mention. ..scratch right above cakf's tail. .it will stimulate the nursing sucking refkex...every time u give her bottle feed... (bottle can be anything that u can attach ateat to. ..or do the open drench style bottle but let her nurse don't pour in like a drench...u can use electrolytes but not same time as a feed! It orevents proper absorption of the milk. Give between feeds. Make sure milk is cow temp. And not cold. Use rice water to stop scours as well. ..keep to small frequent feeds...use accurate measurements for milk powder. These are many of the culprits causing scours when hand feeding

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