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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Couldn't be bother with bothering get free at 500 there rough, at 3,000 now that's the ticket.
  2. Nah it's been 10 years I like it paid direct. I only use Wise to get my private pension payments now that they have come about.
  3. That doesn't seem to matter your the one with a wallet. ????
  4. Most if not all Thai company voluntary insurance policies covering vehicle require the people who drives to have a full Thai drivers licence. As for hire companies they may require an IDP as well with a foreign DL. For example my 1st class Thai insurance on my truck require the driver to have a Thai DL and be over the age of 25 years old. If someone drove my truck without a DL or under the age of 25 then the truck is only covered by CTPL govt insurance.
  5. Frankly I'm just trying help OP with advice of what falangies have to do to get a Thai DL today. My own experience was just going into my DLT near my Sukhothai home and get the 2 Thai DL's by just producing my UK DL but it was over 20 years ago. Now it's a bit different and depends on the DLT offices as some have different rules. Basically it's what country DL do you have. Does it require a IDP with it. The home DL may need to be the photocard type with picture. It will need to have in English all the categories of vehicles you are licensed to drive.
  6. Well again its a maybe question as in maybe Trans would back me up on because until somebody actually inspects all y'all joints shown in his picture some maybe sealed joints with faulty rubbers or there maybe gear nipples on them. If you bring to Muang Kao I'll look at it for you. ???????????? Get it to a B.Quik or a Cockpit outlets is what I recommend for usually an honest check out.
  7. Not sure what you are on about but I drove with my UK home licence in Thailand until I did both Thai driving licences at my home location DLT office with my UK full driving licence to get my 2 Thai drivers licences. The OP has a Canadian driving licence so if he goes to his local DLT he will find out what he needs to do to get a Thai DL for a motorcycle.
  8. Thailand is just the same as anywhere else the difference of what your use to simply takes you back to the "live and learn".
  9. Whow the guru ???????? wish body these days could back up my thoughts. ????
  10. Don't bother with clever socks on here the search facility is rubbish. Does your Canadian license have motorbike category stated on it. The only way and I don't know where you stay but just go DLT and ask for a motorcycle license the worse that could happen is they book you a motorbike test and that's easy it's kids stuff. Goodluck. You can use your Canadian DL if its a full license for car or bike. You can use your Home DL for up to 90 days if you get stopped by police who just want buck just pay the 400 baht fine.
  11. Good few years back mind we used larger trucks on about 1/4 rai and just got them coming with the cost of a tractor. 35,000 from memory. Also the road out side was being resurfaced so giving a guy 200 baht to drive a roller over it was a bonus was surprised how much it compressed.
  12. Yes the train station area but these days bit more like 65 kilos. ????
  13. Trans is right I use to grease em my self but when I had squeakies creakies call me what y'all like on my Vigo I took it to Cockpit and no more squeakies or creakies. ????
  14. To stop messing about on this thread I admit I do complain under my breath. ????
  15. Yeah I found retirement a good job done. ????
  16. I call it TV too since the change the forum has got too compliant. I do like a wind up though but like it being called trolling. ???? As for the new pub forum what's the good of that without beer. ????
  17. Probably that's what it is go to a Cockpit or B. Quik if you cannot do it yourself.
  18. Just because you believe what your told don't worry about what my answer is.
  19. To complain about the rules of you staying here service is not the same.
  20. What a ignorant thing to say, why don't you have a right good complaining go at your immigration office and see where it gets you.
  21. Go to the local DLT office in your area and ask them what they want. Take passport, proof of address of stay, medical certificate may be needed, your Driving license from your home country, if your home country Driving license is not in English you will need a IDP.
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