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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Apsolute rubbish you have loss the plot because you are not capable of seeing through the western BS. If you don't like or believe the truth of what's really going on then just wait.
  2. Solution is an extraction strategy attack and rescue them. What the point of supplying weapons if you do nowt. The truth of getting weapons from the west is BS. I'm glad that they are not under your comand.
  3. Marapol steelworks soldiers they are doomed along with Ukraine unless the west stops mouthing off and actually does something. The one sided westen reports are pathetic IMHO get back to reality.
  4. There still abandoned what's wrong with you its pretty obvious.
  5. Yeah mum & pops shops always save the day for those it matters.
  6. Asking google about the Marapol steelworks fighters seems like they have been abandoned.
  7. If google search Shoei GT air-liner it will come with a page showing Lazada selling them, 1,300bht to 4000bht.
  8. Not unless you spend more than 180 days a year in the UK.
  9. A hop up kick around stall is good to have in the kitchen for my midget.????
  10. Yes the sliding bar system for the shower spray head is essential.
  11. With all the equipment and weapons etc Ukraine is receiving it's a shame they cannot launch an offensive to get the brave soldiers out trapped in Marapol steelworks. In negotiations Russia doesn't sound like they will except anything other than surrender.
  12. All of what you mention can be determined by any decent builder who would know what to use or follow architectal instructions. We had kitchen counter top height built to suit my wife. All doors are 2.2M. Ceiling height differs throughout the design of our house to some degree the higher the better. As for furniture and fixtures after main build is just where common sense comes in on choosing what you want.
  13. DWP sent my pension application forms here to my Thai address. They must have got my address from HMRC I had lived in Thailand for 7 years up to then.
  14. I don't care I'm alright jack ask a guru on the subject, if you don't understand what I write about what happens to me I can't help you.
  15. I'm an alien in Thailand nothing is in my name, if my wife want to do something I will of course voice my concerns but at the end of the day it's up to her.
  16. Only a joke buddy it's only from experience of watching falangie Thai wife marriages when they husband start coming down hard the relationship doesn't get better.
  17. I can only explain this, my pensions in UK include 2 private pensions and the Uk gov pension so I pay a bit of income tax because it's only just over the threshold. If Thailand baht goes below 30 to £ I would not have to pay. My extension visa money left in the Thai bank gets interest which is taxed by Thailand I don't bother to get it back which I could if I wanted that's how I understand it, if this thread was in the correct forum you would get a better answer.
  18. I have been here 16 years and pay Thailand tax, could claim it back but don't bother.
  19. Maybe you would do the same if you were told give us Kherson or we will torture you until you do.
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