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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. As usual a lot of talk from experts but as Ukrainians keep saying we need arms now.
  2. I don't think health insurance would matter much to a Thai lady unless it had a big pay out on your death.
  3. I've seen it mentioned a few times by a Ukraine rep that something like 35 billion Russia has received since the war and in aid and arms Ukraine has only received 1 billion. That is being addressed I guess but not quick enough.
  4. Don't see as that doing any good Putin has already said he will cut cut gas if not paid in Rubals.
  5. Once you have a 4 week payment made to your bank account you could take out weekly amounts from your account. From what I remember if you want change of your money payments it can only be done yearly.
  6. Rice with fish food or something like kow Kat krapal is the regular meal where I live from my observation and som tam is just a now again snack..
  7. Any full face helmet around 3k to 5k will do as long as it fits your head correctly and comfortably. I find H2C full face helmets reasonable priced and importantly fit my head shape really good and comfortable, quiet as well.
  8. I cannot think of a reason to be paid weekly.
  9. If you think so, so buy a bell helmet then.
  10. Many make a mistake of buying batteries from dealers every year. If you want one that lasts 3-5 years get a OD gel battery from Lazada 530 baht or if you can use 5amp get a Chang battery from Lazada at 215 baht.
  11. I think black and white you either believe in something or you don't. Reincarnation plays a part in religions. Reincarnation plays a part in highly talented children being capable of amazing things and parents then turn it into something and feed the information. What me thinks of reincarnation once years ago, was having a very vivid dream several times it was like I was really there and living it, I was on a large white heavy horse, dressed in leather clad with weapons and I was leading an attack as a Celtic warrior leader. I put in down to being fond of Celtic music. My personal thoughts of when my times up and what is after is I will just have to wait and see, l'm in no rush. ????
  12. I made my breakfast today the Mrs is busy with the grandson. Hope the holiday is not too long. ????
  13. That's why OP needs a lawyer so a court judge ruling can be made if she is seen to be proved to be acting in an unreasonable way.
  14. Yes that happened to me and although talk from many saying the truck being a write-off I didn't think it was and it was fixed up OK. I guess many not familiar with motor trade repairs would be concerned. I couldn't claim car hire with the 1st class policy we had because it was my fault.
  15. I'm not so sure with Roojai our year truck is insured for a higher price that I see advertised, that said if it was written off I guess they still make an offer. ????
  16. Escalating things on LBC news they talking about about limited nuclear attack. The uk/ukraine solder that surrendered with his unit has been I assume made to read out Isis style against the Ukrainian President. The other news is SAS are on the ground and teaching Ukraine soldiers how to use the British supplied arms so they are at least must be getting the arms in.
  17. Like I said you need a lawyer. She has the right to remove you now you have told what the situation of name ownership is. If you are legally married then what you are entitled to will come via a court judgement usually 50% settlement . To end up with any financial payments from her, will and most probably be difficult. Also whether you can come to some financial settlement regards staying in the property will have to be agreed with you and your enstranged wife before or during divorce proceedings.
  18. The old problem "A woman scorned" Get a Thai lawyer to get a court injuction against her shows you are prepared to fork out some money to prove your innocence.
  19. Cheap deals are about if you look private also depends where you live. I have a 28 year old wave in perfect running order wouldn't get more than 5 - 8k for it.
  20. I was just saying you not having a Thai family commitment is why someone said you were off topic, comment as much as you like about your single life mush.
  21. If I was on holiday here for say 6months I'd by a secondhand wave for say 5000 - 8000 bht and sell it forwhatever when I leave.
  22. The insurance company you are insured with can give a valuation seeing as they would have to pay out on write-off. The year of manufacturing info is within your chassis number. The year for on the road register is in the blue book.
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