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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. I like my dark gold mags and going from 16's to 18's has not done anything to make the truck speed more.
  2. When I find out which side put the swastika there and then maybe I would. People's emotions are played with to much these days which clouds the real truth.
  3. Don't interfere with other countries affairs a good stance for a country to take.
  4. As for the Wagner group like the Ukraine President said when asked about the Azov battalion ,"They are what they Are".
  5. Nuke attack which would be of a limited type I take it you mean. I don't and hope it doesn't happen but if it did NATO I reckon would do the same as as they did when Ukraine was invaded in the first place.
  6. Personally where we live what we do home and farm makes a truck all pro's no con's. Purchased over 7 years at low interest a small deposit saved a large outlay. A truck is what we need and we use it as car transport as well.
  7. I don't get published stuff like this I take it Russia doesn't know this. How will they get over the border into Ukraine. ?
  8. Here it is one of the similar posts and I am not an apologist for Putin.
  9. I posting sometime back along similar lines to your post and it was laugh at.
  10. Thanks all for the laugh. Whenever me and my buddy set out and get ready to ride the roads of Thailand we always said...." Are you ready to dance with the devil."
  11. Vikings Valhalla on Netflix. Had vivid dreams a few times over the years of being in battle on horseback welding a sword. ????
  12. Maybe the lady was listening to Ukraine President where he appears to thinking about giving Russia some demands to end the war. I think your right though the demands will be put to a referendum of Ukraine people and they will probably want to give Russia nowt.
  13. I would say she is right UK let Russian money into UK in the first place. Once the war is stopped it would be financially better for all living UK to benefit from resuming relationships.
  14. If you have a road disc the vehicle is insured with DTPL govt insurance. Many people ring the voluntarily insurance they have to inform them of the non renewal of Thai DL if they do not continue your cover cancell until you are able to get a Thai DL.
  15. I understand if you are not a person that is unable to carry out the work yourself. That said getting another incoming pipe from where the meter is situated could make a tank installation possible.
  16. Fair call, you obviously know more about the fighter jet situation than I do. As I said I heard on LBC UK radio sometime back the Mig 29's were upgraded and apart from other delivery problems the Ukrainian pilots would need training to fly them.
  17. Fair call but can Putin make that possible somehow I do think he thinks he can.
  18. If you have gov water install a storage tank and a house pump.
  19. Who would believe Putin. I would say Donbass has nothing to do with the NATO advance. I know nothing Moldova or Georgia. Yes.
  20. Well it a difficult situation and to get the people of Russia and possibly what generals he has left to remove Putin from power is the only way as I see it at the moment in time. Yeah the Cuba sinario gets mentioned in media. All the emotional reteric from the west will be going in Putin's ear and out the other. About the fighter jets that were going to be given by Poland some time back by way of getting them to Ukraine via a US German base as I remember apparently we're up-graided and it would take some 2 weeks for Ukrainian pilots to get familiar with flying them. As for NATO I regard them as not very helpful in the past and as of now.
  21. What other than I don't know what is going to happen do you want me to say. I think have made my position clear we will have to agree to disagree because your focus on me and what I post is a waste of time.
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