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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Our Well on our small piece of farmland was dug to 11 metres before finding water thankfully because they charge every metre. We supplied large 50 CM high concrete rings. The rings are about 350 each. Digging the well was 30,000. The Hitachi surface pump was 12,000. Tank 2000 ltr was about 5000. Every now and again the Well needs cleaning say every 5 years at 10,000. It's been useful but with gov water available now it will probably be left alone in time and we will have gov water laid on.
  2. You keep asking me questions I do not have answers to. The mess that is happening now is what needs to be brought to an end. And to repeat again the only way I see that to happen is for the Russians to end Putin's reign.
  3. There lies the problem Russia or more so Putin doesn't see himselve as the aggressor Putin see's NATO closing in with US helping.
  4. To repeat I said its not over yet. Nobody knows what would of happened if Ukraine submitted. Putin's aim as said over and over again was to stop the advance of NATO to his borders. The price freedom is not cheap but it can also be paid by patients, intelligence, without great loses of life. War is so different these days it doesn't solve anything IMHO.
  5. It's not over yet that's the sad thing about it and why it all came about. The economic's of the western world will suffer for years because of the gunho attitude. The way past world affairs have been dealt with is now showing how wrong they are with there policing.
  6. Going to a bar and restaurant place I like and listening to music is a small part of my autumn years. I enjoy my evening TV time while in bed before slumber. I look after myself more and get to know my limitations. Always luved motorbikes and my hobbies. Maintenance of house and farmland take what time I want to give it or pay someone to do it. Have a good wife and family who I do things for sometimes to help out. Take everyday as it comes.
  7. Putin has his own agenda and it needs the people of Russia to stop him Ukraine cannot. 2 sides to every story and I hope your right.
  8. Yes I did and suggested it to save life and I stand by it. Bit late now though the only hope is Putin is overuled.
  9. Agree Putin should be stopped who got the balls to do so, EU are still buying oil.
  10. Don't think the west attacks were aim at western arms suppliers, Kiev was to keep many troops there to defend. What Putin wants is the eastern part of Ukraine.
  11. BBC world report Russia says it first part of the mission has finished and they are to concentrate on the east.
  12. Biden & EU are talking about stopping gas from Russia but nowt about Oil.
  13. Sticky Rice mango and many extra's I enjoy it. I like unripe mango too to eat like an apple.
  14. Biden said on a French 24 news report that NATO will respond if Putin uses Chemical or biological weapons.
  15. Yeah the fact that the war is still going on and cities are being pounded to the ground and people are dying regardless of any international law what silly thing to bring up, the only thing law does is rhyme with war.
  16. The Mayor of the city said they were forced. So as usual nobody knows what is happening except continuance of the Russians still bombing and shelling and media saying they have made no progress.
  17. My UK generation called bikes like Waves mo-peds many called them non-peds. When bikes looking similar to that first came out they had pedals. Scooters are scooters Thais call em motorsy.
  18. There ya go like with the sovereign country thing that keeps being spouted Putin and some Russians don't see it like that.
  19. Maybe that's why it is reported Russian forces are held up. What's probably happening is the General's ordered a halt to the advance and are just pounding cities to the ground at a distance.
  20. Baha the only thing I heard was on BBC World radio 8000 have gone to Russia into small village's they don't know where.
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