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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. As I have said on another thread and there should only be one thread on this catastrophic episode in history there are more horrific weapons Russia can use and the west is cornering the rat maybe and I certainly hope so, so it cannot bite back or maybe decide not to.
  2. Yeah people should be careful what they say there are many weapons Russia hasn't use yet I really hope they don't use them but the rhetoric from the west and like of how people voice things here and other media platforms doesn't help it may make the push to the button on those type of weaponry.
  3. why would I mention that I have no idea whether that would solve the situation. What will be will be and it's seems nobody knows anything of what's actually going happen yet.
  4. Harsh it's a weird situation if you ask me what's really going on.. My POV is netral and much wider than yours I don't condone what Russia is doing. Ukraine reports 198 people killed, 1 is to many but seeing as it's a war that seems a low estimate of death. Ukraine reports over 4000 Russian solders killed it's a peculiar type of war so far.
  5. I don't thing some of them are, to be frank we still don't what the actual situation is. France 24 is still showing film from 2 days ago.
  6. I would say it depends whether you want to fight for you country.
  7. Men of conscription age are being stopped from crossing the border is the reality.
  8. Russia may use a bomb that disintegrate's people he would use that rather than nuclear weapon contamination.
  9. You can do a search but I've never found it helpful. Best just start a new topic on motorbike forum. Basically you find a bike and can do all the biz at a DLT office.
  10. did you miss the bit in my post that mentions watching about Ukraine on Al jazeera.
  11. There reportedly are Special Forces in Ukraine the Soviet GRU Spetsnaz special forces.
  12. If you can't the difference in the senario you portrayed and what going on in Ukraine I can't understand you.
  13. Well how true will it turn out to be propaganda is playing now.
  14. I understand but hardly the same situation or example in this case.
  15. I think you right which will be sad I just feel that's the case they don't care about peace.
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