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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. We will have to wait and see it's pitiful to severe the Ukrainian spokesperson at the UN he keep asking for help but they ain't gonna get and sending them weapons I see as just prolonging the problem. It's a sad situation and would of said to those soldiers stay alive and fight another day.
  2. That's the problem do you really think Russia is going to stop now after all the condemnation of the what the Kemlin see's as the hypocrisy of the west. China, UAE, India aren't supporting the West and I guess a lot of other countries aren't either.
  3. So what do you recommend call up Biden and tell him to start bombing Russian troops in Ukraine.
  4. I think you should think that through again what you are instigating.
  5. I don't know what your trying to imply this is 2022 and weapons have been improve don't ya know. I have given opinion and repeat Ukraine should surrender and negotiate a peace to save lives.
  6. The song contest report it laughable typical media. I'm English born of mixed races you tell me. Again your post I find supported by western media and listening to people without really thinking about the tragedy of the situation. The fact is Ukraine have no chance against the superior forces of Russia and the trouble should be stopped to avoid a slaughter.
  7. I don't know what ages the Russian troops are I would think there older experienced ones mixed with young ones is what I would do. If I was Russian I would think having 12,500 tanks and many of them 4th generation ones would make things a bit easy against the 2,500 tanks that Ukraine has. My advice to Ukraine would be get neutrality how ever they can do that and surrender to save lives.
  8. It's basically a war but a one-sided one because Ukraine cannot last long against a superior force. A say thing I just heard is that they are letting out women and children out of Ukraine but may be stopping 16 to 18 year old boys doing so as they may be called up to fight, how crazy is that this day and age.
  9. All I will say is have a look at France 24 news it gives a reason look at the situation. Gulliver Craig reportin a fair way. RT news obvious is reporting it's own views which are always dismissed as untrue. Al Jazeera reporting news with a lot of if and buts and what's about Ukraine putting up a good fight.
  10. None of my family thank goodness but I think it would be good for some kids to be in the forces as to say wanted to take up a career but hope they do not get into a war situation.
  11. If someone has a 5 year DL then they can teach your daughter to drive. They are driving schools in many provinces. I taught my daughter the basic and then sent her driving school.
  12. Well Russia has been banned from taking part in the European song contest. I still think the Ukraine president is irresponsible telling his people to fight I think it's pointless against the inward forces of the likes of Russia they have no chance. France 24 seems to be having quite a balanced report on the situation.
  13. I agree it is a big problem but Hitler didn't have nuclear weapons. This media hype and comparisons with Putin and Hitler is comical.
  14. Not a comparison and there ya go so typical an insult because I look at a situation from both sides and not from a close minded one way US and west way.
  15. The rhetoric and new way of west, Guilty until proved innocent.
  16. Ukraine has been doing nothing about eastern troubles for 8 years so that OK then.
  17. Without compromising for world peace there will be constant problems around the world like there is now until nuclear war.
  18. Yes US brainwashed Asians I can believe that kind of ignorance.
  19. Why are you upset that the MG is a better car than what you have and the MG costing many 1000's of baht less than other makes with the same spec.
  20. I have just been watching Al jazeera news and RT news it's interesting to see how both report.
  21. There's more to it than that, that's the trouble with the world today people like you thinking and believing one side of the story.
  22. The way the hypocrictical west keeps up hostility against Russia and China why not do what you want while you can, things will only get worse and don't forget Iran. Compromise and a open minded dialogue and understanding of different cultures is what's needed not content western media rhetoric and threats.
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