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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Magnet to add to toolbox. ???????? Yes the V is very complex one of the reasons they went in-line 4 for most road bikes.
  2. I talk in terms of the iconic NC30 in the same way about my Blade the words from a top engineer unlike bikes of today it doesn't have anything on it other than what 's needed a true riders bike.
  3. Lot of weight for a small bike always Kawasaki's kinda not care thing but nice Kawasaki red line sound I would like though. ????
  4. Don't you mean the 750 so good for fun intermediate acceleration but still only a 120mph top speed same as the CB750 a much better engine and bike.
  5. I find 2 stokes a horrible irritating noise, nothing like the deep roar of a screamer 4 stroke which is music..
  6. Nice one. ???? Waiting to hear on LBC how the meeting went because he could lose his area seat.
  7. Nasty lot of UK banks my online bank is OK so far and Nationwide have 2 addresses of mine the UK one they kept as the main one, they also email me every month showing my statement with 8 pence in it for 14 years. ????
  8. Be looking forward to looking at the spec on the ZX-4R and it's weight.
  9. If you have a utility bill that comes to an address and it's in your name and it gets paid your not breaking any law for goodness sake.
  10. Go into the local DLT office where you are going to live, they will help.
  11. I like self-serving Bojo and him always having a good answer to any questions put to him whether they like it or not the perfect politician.
  12. Yeah renewals would still be say a year to go in most cases of your living abroad, while I've been here I've applied at 6 months to go, I believe if you're going anywhere you should have at least 8 months of value in your passport.
  13. They keep the old passport until the new one comes as they need it to pick up the new passport when it gets to Thailand. They will sent it back to you if you need it as they did me, i needed to show immigration i was applying for new passport right at the time covid started to go silly.
  14. No Key-visa did all the work for 5000 baht. That worked out cheaper than me going backwards and forwards to Bangkok a place I detest.
  15. Frankly I couldn't care less from a totally selfish position. l liked Bojo he made mistakes just like any other human being does not like the many with perfect haircuts stuffed into their suit and ties.
  16. I don't know you can message the UK passport office I believe or look for info on their uk website. I used an agent Key-visa sent them by EMS downloaded forms and a filled out a pay by visa credit card form. Sent old Passport after taking copies of it with new passport photos. When passport ready pay Key-visa and they send to your home address by EMS your new passport.
  17. Well I thought we were out EU but technically things still had to be sorted, covid got in the way so the Ireland thing still has to be sorted. The contrary uk people have changed their minds and the hard line remainers are going to be about until the UK economy is on it's feet which I can't see happening in my lifetime. I don't blame Bojo doing that I blame the many past Govt's before no matter what side your on.
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