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Posts posted by kosh

  1. My me falang Chan Thai koben cabb ,chan pud Thai di nitnoy, chan rackter , Cha kitten ker

    Not falang I Thai Thankyou I speak a little Thai , I love you , I miss you, I think

    Ok, Thongkorn

    Now we know you are female. :D

    So instead of Khrap you should use Khaa.

    Chan= I (femThank youOKThinkingale) :D

    well spotted . it was only done tong in cheek :D

    This thread must be translated :D .... (also english joke, we are not all english native...)

    I need to increase my thai vocabulary....(3 words at the moment....falang (l not r), sawadee and ting tong :) )

    BTW, how many thai can read thai written in western character?

  2. This also happened to a friend of mine recently.

    Its an appalling situation especially considering the state of tourism on the island now.

    The latest form of farang taxation. :D

    It's worse than that.

    If I decide to stay for long periods in Samui i have to do something, people need (usually) to have something to do. Nothing heavy, a nice part time job, 1 bath per hour :)

    I've checked the cost of a work permit and decided is cheaper to go to Bali every weekend.....

  3. The pressure is down but still Bangkok Airways are about 5 times mores expensive , with their promotions -

    How much is the cost of a transfer from DonMuang to Swampy and how long it takes?

    With 2 only flights getting a connections is a BIT EASIER with the hourly flight of BKKair.

    Also you cannot compare price launch ticket with normal ticket.....

    BUT to catch a trip to Bali leaving at 6am (so hotel close to airport) it will be the cheapest way to BKK....a 2 days flight :)

  4. The average price per unit of these villa units is Bt30.8 million.

    what moron thought you could sell Bt30M villas in Samui the first place? that's close to one million dollars, far more than most people spend on their primary home in any country, never mind a dodgy one where you can't even own the land!

    Well no more concrete truck speeding around, but the land is destroyed forever. :)

    even if after bankrupcy they sell it at 99% discount who is going to buy something is not yours by law?

    To buy a home i want 100% of land/building on my name, and at least a 10 years visa for starter.... :D

    rich and poor morons are extinct.....

  5. I wanted to add this: closing the bars on Saturday in Lamai is a serious financial blow to owners. Not holding the lady Thai boxing will affect the bottom lines of all the microbars there for the month. Just when the tourists had returned, we have had two Saturday closings something like a month apart.

    Everyone suffers.

    Tourists are back to the island? That is vey bad, i can already see the usual 20% price increase on december.... :)

    Is it so bad to watch lady Thai boxing drinking coke or pepsi?

    I tryed one time but the fight was delayed and the beer was overpriced, so after a coke i left...

  6. I recieved a dissapointing news letter from them this week. They have suddenly decided to change the award miles policy.

    it was the norm that if you didn't use the airline for 36 momths your award miles where cancelled for the first of the three years.

    They have now advised a 20 month expiry date.

    Perssonally I had aquired 120.000 awaed miles which I was hoping to utilise next March, that would represent a free ticket to the Uk. My miles have now all been cancelled so that represents a a few hundred quid write off.

    There is a way to redeem them by buying ticket before the end of September and they will reinstate my award miles.

    So it means buying my already earned award miles.

    So it looks like they have lost another long serving customer.

    So a bit more useless information for your memory banks.


    :D ..very unfair of K L M and if I were you I would call De Telegraaf, the largest newspaper in Holland, and tell them your story. It's now what the Dutch call Cucumber Time in news land and they are eager for a good news story !

    You have nothing to lose, everything to win. There must be thousands of frequent flyers like you, losing awarded air miles !!!


    Yes, i have expiring miles on at least 3 airlines....

    For my last "FREE" KLM ticket ams/bkk i payed 320E of taxes.

    Better to not have this kind of free ticket. :)

    For 120.000 miles i would have done at least a payed ticket like AMS/london.....

    Also with some airline you can donate miles to red cross instead of fliying...to get more months....

  7. Unfo the dead Foreign man was another Italian, age around 37 so not a kid, the worst thing is to call home and advise the parents.

    Not a good week for italian drivers.. :)

    Regarding the helmet i think it is marginally useful on small accidents, unless you have one with total front glass with complete bike antiskid wear, not likely...

    How much is the rent difference per day from a deadly bike and a small car, like a suzuki?

    What punishment are you talking about? In europe nobody gets anything for killing accidents, after 2 or 3 years they go on trial and the insurance pay. Even if they were moderately drunk....

  8. Is it at all possible to buy legaly in Thailand. The company route seems to be illegal -using a nominee set up. Buying in the wifes name is illegal if the money comes from the ferang husband. So what way can a ferang buy without having the threat of future problems?

    Firstly the Company route is not illegal provided the Thai shareholders are not nominees.

    Secondly the Thai wife of a foreigner may own land but he must sign away his rights to the funds he gave to her for that purpose.

    Thirdly, a foreigner may own a Condomnium.

    Fourthly, a house (as opposed to the land it sits on) can be owned in the name of a foreigner and registered as such. The land can either be leased or held under a legal company structure - ie no nominees.

    Maybe so but in reality most foriegners who have bought using a company have done so using nominee structure - as pushed by their lawyers. And as for buying in wifes name - who in their right mind would buy having to sign away rights to the funds.

    I have never met anyone yet who hasn't regreted buying a house in Thailand.

    I'm not surprised, only a very rich person or a very crazy one will buy a house at that condition....

  9. Speed, once again, kills.

    Just returning from Koh Phangan and Koh Tao last week I again noticed that there appears to be some ratio between how long you have been there and how fast you drive. The tourists seem to putter along like grannies (read: safe), while the folks who live there rip down the roads at white-knuckle speed (read: unsafe).

    All I can say is SLOW DOWN. Nothing is very far away from where you are going in Koh Phangan or Koh Tao (or Samui, really), so what's the rush? Particularly in the middle of the night.

    Wonder also if either was wearing a helmet.

    The main point is bike are dangerous, i will never drive at home on 2 weels, what happen if somebody open the car door without checking the rear mirror?

    I always go slow but if people crash on you very fast it won't help.

    the solution is simple, no bike :)

    I will spend more and rent a small suzuki.....and don't tell me that that "car" will not survive a collision with a big toyota SUV, i know, but at least with bikes i'll have a belt and 4 weels...

  10. I have a flu, maybe swine. Eyes watering, no energy, temperature high, appetitie low. Kicked in last night at buffet.

    Anyway what to do. I dont want to pay 9000 baht, can I just go to the local pharamcy (usually very cheap) and ask them for antibotics if im no better tomorrow. As to keeping away from others, the pub I went to before (couldnt even finish one beer) has a few people in same boat so too late...

    Take ibuprofen NOW after eat, 2 times a day, 400mg.

    if high fever go to thai international close to tesco.

    cheaper but not free, they will do malaria test if you are not thai.......

  11. From everything I have seen thus far it attacks the lungs add coughing to that get to a hospital yesterday.

    Got to be a less expensive hospital the that. Even if there is not it's still worth money. It does not sound like the medication needed is available at drugs stores.

    There aree no drugs for flu, just pain killer for side affects.

    If no high temp ibuprofen 2 times a day, 400mg.

    In UK they are giving everybody Tamiflu, but it must be taken the first day of the flu and there is no info about how it works, apart the fact that people cured with it have 1 day less of flu.

    In USA CDC is mad with UK becouse the widespread use of tamiflu will only create a new strain resistent to it.....

  12. Went to BKK hospital yesterday with headache, runny nose, aches and slightly high temperature. There are 2 types of flu, type A and Type B Swine flu comes under type B (along with many other types of flu) I tested positive for type B so they are sending samples to Bangkok for testing for H1N1 results back in 3 days. :D . In the meantime wearing a mask and keeping away from everybody was their recomendations.

    Oh yes and a bill of nearly 9,000 Baht, but what do you expect from Bangkok Hospital!! :)

    So the cure was the same as normal flu, ibuprofen 2 times a day?

    What is the point to know when it is gone (3 days test to bkk) that it was H1N1 instead of xyz?

    9000b for a reccomandation to not sneeze?

    gee, for fever avoid Bkk Hospital, thai international is much cheaper, and for any kind of flu they give you a full spectrum of antibiothics, that i trowed away after my skin changed colors a couple of times...

  13. nothing here (fingers crossed) but my sister is over form the UK atm and has informed me that my nephew has it :/. Apparently any one with a sniffle atm in the UK is being treated as if they have swine flu.

    I read some where that the virus is killing loads of fat people (people with 35+ bmi) i dont know if this is true or not.

    It is not killing fat people in particular but some kids in good health, only if they were not immunized by 1977 flue.

    Death in western country seems 50% kids, 50% older people or people at risk (fat, respiratory problems, etc).

    For normal folks nothing is necessary, it is less bad than the australian of last year.

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