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Posts posted by anamore

  1. Hi Dave,

    I'll also visit you in the weekend of mei 14th.. I'm curious about your place.

    Keep up the good work and don't get upset. just remenber :Your friends know who you are and your enemies wil never believe what you say.

  2. Dear Johann,

    You should have considered the possibilities of this subject before starting a thread about it.

    At first you try to make the topic feminisme and Nina sound ridiculous.

    Your pouring out your own experience in Austria still makes you outrageous.

    But this is not a good base to start a discussion. You are thinking with your hart not with your head. You feel victimized by women and there is no good woord you can say about them.

    But society in Austria is not dominated by women. The decisionmakers are men and so are the politicians. Austria is quite conservative let me tell you and others living far from it. You see it in so many things around, even in Wenen.

    I'm a woman I don't call myself feminist but it could be that Iam one.

    When I wanted to go to work, because I wanted to do something with my education and earn some money of my own everybody would say:no because you have young children, this was 16 years ago. At the first job I was among men (28)the only woman and I had to give advice to guys that wouldn't take it. They were om the field and I was at the office dealing with the legal aspects of their work everyday. I was younger than them. Can it be worse? I had to became assertive and stop pouring coffee in their mugs, because they couldn't handle the different sides of a woman.

    It took a long time before they would relate to me on a equal basis. It was not their fault, but also not mine. We had to change the status quo. I also had to learn lots of things about men. We are in this together. "This" meaning the world we live in. I don't want to export my opinions to other countries and I certainly won't paternalize women in other cultures. They are doing fine and they wil get there where they want to be at their own pace. End of the week I'll be in thailand and I wil look at the women and the way they live, but I won't tell them what to do. The way I live and think is different and they know how to solve their problems.

    I could give so many examples of laws and uses that create a gap between men and women, their situation and possibilities in society in Holland and sorrounding countries.

    I have much more freedom than my mothersgeneration had, but I have had to work hard for it and still do. There have been times that I wished I could be a housewife like my mother was, because at home she was the boss and my father wouldn't be anywhere without her, they completed each other.

    Nina is really busy with the ideology behind women's rights, but in many things I agree with her and with Natee too. Just open up your mind to this matters.

    The pain you suffered in the past doesn't have anything to do with feminisme.



  3. when I use capital leters I'm shouting so to speak and wishing you hear/read what I have to say.

    But I am reacting at the ones that don't respect the girls. In this case the men that find it normal that their girl goes prostitute herself to bring in the money for the living expenses. you call those people pimps don't you?

    So who isn't one should not bother about my shouting. :o

    The point is I can't stand so much lack of taste and sensitiveness towards the thai women, not even if it is a joke, because today there are to many threads in the same direction in this site and I strongly disaprove of it. :D

    Think about the fact that many thai people read or hear about this site and it's contents. Is this the image you want them to have about you? :D

    No Blue I didn't drink, I'm never drunk and I also don't smoke. I am just a woman who stands up for her opinions that's all. And I have to be sharp because otherwise I won't came across. I want to have fun but I also want to experience positive things when I am reading this site.

    Don't most of us want the same?

  4. That's what keeps puzzling me: Tutsi and his (human) nature.

    The one time I totally disagree with you and the other time I just like the way you put things into perspective, and this I want you to know. :D

    By the way does anyone know something about the pilots from China Airlines? Not their religion but their qualifications. :D

    I'm flying this week with this company from amsterdam to thailand for the first time. In the worste case scenario I wil never reach my destination and the rescue team wil only find 2 black boxes but no piece of my body to send back to my family.

    Considering that I really believe a funeral and the blessings of a prister are essential to get me to heaven, I'll be stuk with a religious problem as wel.

    There you are religion can be a hassle ( but also an asset in times of distress) :o



  5. Wil someone put an end to this thread.

    The men in Thailand can better stop wondering why they are looked at with prejudice by western visitors and maybe even by thai people. You do it yourselves with this kind of threads.



  6. Let the girls know that those creams are no good at all. They bleach the pigment in the upper- and underskin and that is quite dangerous for the skin. pigment is made to protect the skin especially from the sun.

    I saw om Tv something about darker coloured women doing it with major skindamages as result and even skincancer.

    Another probleem is that the bleachingagents in the creams go thru the skin into the body. It's poisson.

    This behaviour has to do with the social status of a ligthter skin in asiatic countries

  7. Blue cat is right. When a relationship goes wrong you can't blame the whole nationality for the failure.

    At the other hand I guess some features are common to a certain way of life and education, which is mostly common to the nationals of a country. It's their culture. I'm sure I'm quite different from thai women in many ways, and thai men from western man as well.

    But the worse thing I see at the forum is the lack of respect many men seem to have for thai women. And that really bothers me. Most of you have, had of wil have relations with thai women, but you don't respect them. That says more about you than about the women. Think about it! :o

    And no not every woman does it for money (or for the fun). Some of you have been far too long outside the normal world, where 2 people commit to each other and work at building a life together. When you have that you don't jeopardize it for a little adventure with someone else. Not even when you 're having some difficulties in the relationship.

    There is no better man than the one you have at home, I say as woman. if he knows you think that way about him and this goes also for the way around there is no urge to fool around.

    Of course a little flirting is allowd and looking at the other sex also. :D

    Even being tempted can happen, but staying honest is the best om the long term. :D

  8. I agree with you samram, but don't call them Muppets.

    I just watched a old muppetsshow om Tv and had a very good laugh. How old are those Muppets? 30 years or something like that, but they're still great fun and I think the reason is that their humor is innocent and from all times.

    Great miss Piggy and Kermit the frog. :o

    That's what I miss in most people just some fun, a joke a comment whatever, playing with the subject and respecting the suject. But this needs some flair and inteligence of course. :D

  9. I was in jakarta last summer 5 days after the explosion in een hotel, later I was in Bali at the place of the explosion 7/8 months after the explosion, and I cried because I couldn't handle it another way.

    I spoke to muslims I meet in Indonesia. They told me they had pain and were ashamed of what had happened in their country. They told me Allah would never agree on terrorisme, and the people who are terrorists aren't send by Allah, they just use their God to justify their crimes.

    I really believe this is true, but I don't want to live in fear because of a couple of murders.

    I wish people wil see that terrorisme is the worse thing there is: the worse crime one can commit because it causes so many victims: the direct victims, the families and friends of the victims, the witnesses, the rescue teams, the hospitalpeople and all the ones who read or watch it om television. It makes wounds and scars in the flesh and even dieper in our souls that wil never heal.

    It makes children and young people unsure about the future of the world and the goodness of people. It destroys dreams of peace and understanding between the countries and the religions.

    It makes it more difficult for the adults to say to each other:don't worry everything is gonna be allright.

    But still I want to say it:


    This week I go to Thailand. :o

  10. I agree with most of the mails in this thread.

    I am 45 years old and travelled a lot in europe the last 25 years. So much has changed and not always for beter.

    pollution has been around for awhile but we weren't aware of it, wars have been going on the hole time but we forget quick. Most of the times we don't even notice.The sources came to an end but we won't believe until we see it.

    I brought up 3 children to be nice adults, have worked along while doing the household and the children. we pay lots of taxes, but until now the healthcare was very good, schools as well and if someone runs out of job there is welfare. everybody has a roof and many even can buy it.

    However this things we took for granted just vanish away as economics aren't doing well and society gets hard, but this happens everywhere.

    But given the choice I think it's better when everybody has to pay taxes. Infrastructures can be built, healthcare and education are a possibility for everyone and this is the best thing for the future of us all. See it as an investment. The pay off isn't direct but long term.

    Around 1987 I travelled in the inland of turkey, as close as 15 km from the border with Sirya. The people were very poor, but they were managing and the little villages were clean and everybody clothed.

    Last year I travelled thru Indonesia and the poverty and dirt and other signs of decaying, often brought tears to my eyes.

    Thailand has the same kind of poverty without hope for lots and lots of people.

    I wouldn't stand being around it everyday. And this is not the only difference with home. they have their own way of doing things and you'll never understand it.

    Visitors are always outsiders and foreigners stay outsiders most of the times in such a different culture. nothing compares to life in thailand. It's just another world. And if you burn your bridges behind you can't go back home that easy.

    but you already knew this.

  11. hi everybody

    since some weeks I've writing in this forum, before that only reading.

    I'll be in thailand from may7th until may 27th. Would like to meet people.

    speak english, dutch, french, spanish and portuguese.

    What moves me: interest for the country and people in general. Like socializing: talking and drinking some, share life experiences of making jokes.

    Looking at the bright side of life I think that there are more things that can bring people together than put them apart.

    I'm woman, 45 live and work in holland. After the holiday go back to my usual life. Not looking for adventure, not looking for a man of a woman.

    e-mail me if you want to know more about my background :o

  12. Childabuse is nowadays punished in europe when the thai authorities send the abuser bach to his country and a repport to the police. Having of marketing childporno is punished by law as well.

    I've seen on Tv stories about children being abused by foreigners. This things have been so often on tv and magazines that they must be true.

    For the ones who are against any kind of childabuse I would say let everyone know your opinion and if you notice someone being busy with it bring the police to him/her. Don't tolerate it, don't look the other way as if it's none of your business.

    Om your own modest way you can just make a difference. Specially the ones who live in Thailand should take this shore upon their schoulders together with their thay relatives and friends, because children deserve protection.

    Thai people need to know that in western countries this crimes are not tolerated, so they shouldn't tolerate it as well.

  13. Connections won't help in sweden.

    The country is ruled by law and order.

    You asked an schengen-visa, but this doesn't help because you were using this visa as a way to escape te longer way, and evryone sees it right away.

    Sweden is in fact one of the most difficult countries in europe, lots of control everywhere and all the borders are fully controlled as well. Add to this that their computersysteem works perfect and the job is done. :o

    Beautiful country thou. :D

  14. yes, you can try to get a visa for other eu country, but you can't use it as a way to get to finland or other eu country afterwards of during the duration of the visa. The visa for for instance france is no good to go to germany. If the politie gets in touch with you during control they just wil want to know how many days it takes before u'r off the country(you have 2 way ticket to show) of they wil bring you to the border.

  15. I would say get into the law of thailand and it's traditions to see if you can became one with it. And into the relations between both countries as well.

    IF you are not able to stand up for thailand and be a good citizen, just don't do it, unless you are one of those who just want to profit from the benefits the country can offer you, putting aside the duties. :o

    I'm also double nationality but one doesn't get in the way of the other. I love my both countries with my hearth and for both I'll stand up when need arises. :D

  16. indeed Richard the one or the other both is not requested. as long as there is money enough.

    By the way about pregnancy: Ireland is the only country in europe where a newborn, unregarded the nationality of the mother of father or even without known father, gets irish nationality by birth. Short ago the government decided they wil change this law as soon as possible because there are different threads of smugglers bringing pregant women into the country from outside the eu with the sole intent of getting a child with irish nationality as a way to move freely in all the other eu countries. Conclusion: No need to pitty pregnant women they know well what they want and how to take advantage of the situation.

  17. People who don't show respect for other people are a sad sight.

    Respecting others is respecting yourself.

    And erco is the worse but not the only barbarian on this site.

    Some of the people writing in this site live in thailand of go there for their own profit.

    But thailand would be better off if they would stay away because they are worth nothing and have a worthless attitude: they look down on the country and it's people.

    But the countries where they came from are also happy they go away, because they don't even fit in the countries they came from.

    And the worse of all are the men making sick jokes about the bargirls while they abuse them as much as they can or their gf or wife used to be one of them.

    Don't ever think because you have some bath in the bank that you are better than those people on the street.

    Prostitution in Thailand wouldn't be such a big business if it wasn't for all the foreigners going there. There is demand and that's why there is offer. As for the fellows who go there for the sex:Will someone tell the bargirls to feel at easy and pity the poor men cause they have to go so far to get something most men get in their hometown from their wifes, girlfriends or even prostitutes. And just add to it that most of them aren't even well to do, in fact they go to Thailand because they don't want to work or don't have enough money to have a decent living in their countries.

    Note:the innocent guys shouldn't react to this mail,

    the guilty ones can attack but I don't care. They'll only expose themselves.

    Thailand has my respect and its people as well, that's why I'm reading about the country and will visit it soon.

  18. weedhopper,

    the guys who reacted to your mail really sound serious, sad and wiser thru own experience, but they live and can tell the tale.

    Forget the thai woman and remenber the lesson.

    Don't ever believe you can buy love.

    the beste things in life are free or cost more than money only.

    Turn around go away and start again somewhere else maybe alone or with someone else but take the time.

    beste luck


  19. Dear Mouse,

    I'm happy I have nothing to hide.

    Even then I write this cause I think u are right.

    Gathering info happens in many ways most of them undercover when people aren't aware and speak/write freely.

    As far as it concerns tracking criminals, childmolestors,rappists, terrorists and all kinds of scum authorities can go quite far with my approval, not that they need it, but safety has a price and the innocent pay the highest.

    beste regards


  20. Hi Richard,

    you giving me a lot of work reading this lawtexts in english, because english is not my motherlanguage and lawdecisions have many but's and considerations before they get to the point.

    Anyway because working with the law is my job and I enjoy it I don't go out of the way when I find something interesting and want to learn all ins and outs about it.

    Analize this:


    1- non eu citizien expelled from Britain

    2- " " illegally back in Britain and legally married to british national

    3- 1 year married life in Britain

    4- couple moves together to Ireland half year married life there

    5- demand of legal stay in britain based on the half year stay in ireland

    Considerations of the court

    -according to communityrights a eu-citizien can work in other eu-state and has the right to have with him his spouse from a non eu-country;

    -the fact that the couple moved to Ireland with the intention of claiming europeanunionrights, which means abuse the facilities of the law to 'create' a right to move legally back to britain is considered fraud but in this case isn't used to affect the communityrights of both

    -there is a marriage of one and half year which by the court is considered genuine (no fraud of deceiving authorities to get eu rights thru a papper marriage)


    Because of this true marriage there is familylife as described in the treaty which is a principle which overrules (i mean is stronger,higher) the applyable national rules and therefore based upon this the court decides that the couple has the right to legally live in Britain

    In fact they didn't have to go to Ireland. But the question is: would the british court recognize their right to familylife if they had asked for legally stay just prior or after the marriage? Probably not. Based om the history of being illegal and thrown out more than once, authorities probably would have said that this marriage wasn't genuine but a cover to legally stay in the country. And the couple would have no way of proving their good intentions. So they would have to appeal.

    And before they could do something the fellow would be thrown out again and the differente courtcases costing at least 2 or 3 years would break the couple. However waiting for a decision on appeal should mean delay of performing the decision until the higher court speakes out, most of the times the police just puts unwanted people on the plane back home. And a couple of years late when the decision of the court is made and gets publicized, poeple are far gone and busy with a new life. But they open the way for similar cases in the future.

    I hope I was clear with this text, however it's 6,30 in the morning, I didn't sleep and have to start at 9 o'clok.

    beste regards


  21. Richard W to say it in other words:

    If you go to live in an european country, you register at the countryhall or at the police and you also get a taxnumber.

    If you have work/business and earn enough you can stay, if you don't work but have funds or some kind of income enough to live from you can stay. If you have family with you you have to prove that you can also support them and you need to have familylife with them.

    What's enough money is decided in the law and not up to the persoon to decide, because the government wont give welfare benefits to citiziens of other european countries, unless they have build up rights by working and paying taxes in this new country.

    Of course the first requirement is that the persoon is not considered a danger for the security of the country.



  22. Why not ask her "former" husband? :D

    Maybe he doesn't know about this divorce thing :D but again maybe he knows :D and at the same time you could get to know some more about your fiance. :D

    With this knowledge you could (re)consider the situation. :o

    In the worste case of in the beste case you could even find out that she isn't worth all this effort .

    Don't get me wrong, doe yourself a favour: just think it over and read the other threads over thai women. You'll be surprised.

  23. Richard is right: child born out of a married couple is under custody of both parents, unless by the judge decided otherwhise. But this is more of a western rule. When travelling alone with children in europe nobody asks at the airport for a permission from the other parent, at least it never happened to me with my children with another surname and even more dan 20 years ago. Only one time I had to show another passpoort wich proved that they where my children.

    I don't know about Thailand but in the middle east if a man decides he wants to keep his children with him the law wil help him and even at the airport the children wil be taken away from the mother by the police even if they have dual nationality and parents are not divorced.

    In this case in thailand the child is thai, abroad the child can be thai of english depending on the choice of the parents (wich passpoort they present to identificate the child). If Thai authorities decide to act om defense of the fathers interest they can forbid the mother taking the child abroad and give it back to the father, and the english embassy can't doe anything against it.

    If this thai man thinks his wife wants to go out of the country he can warn the police at the airport and other borders. In the worste case he can accuse her of kidnapping the child.

    Maybe she could better go to the embassy and ask protection for her and her child until living the country, this is if the child is also english, or even to mediate in this probleem if living unoticed proves impossible.

    Quite scary situation and them think that in other threads foreigner couples write about having children born in Thailand who don't even have a passpoort.

    I am sorry to say but thru this site I get the feeling that there are quite a lot of farang idiots in thailand. :o

    People get into all kind of things without realizing that they can't count on protection or legal aid as if they were in their homeland. :D:D

    When you live in a 3rd world country you should be able to live/run out of the country on a short notice. It can be the only way of keeping you away from trouble or even saving your life. :D

    good luck

    good luck for the lady and her child.

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