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  1. Is it really that bad a choice given the alternatives? Sure at first it can be horrendous but many see it as the better option. Being a farm girl working in rice fields is not exactly a pleasant job either.
  2. What makes you suspect that? I have not heard anything to suggest that.
  3. You can go private in the UK as well. The NHS does not have a monopoly.
  4. This is the kind of man I want as prime minister in the UK. All this woke crap is out of control. We need people who say what needs saying without worrying about hurting people's feelings. A trump with brains and looking out for the majority instead of every winger that thinks their rights overrule everyone else's. Smokers are some of the most ignorant and selfish people around. This is how they should be treated until they start to respect those around them. Last night I was talking to my wife about a women who has to put up with her husband smoking 3 packets a day in the house. Utterly disgusting but all he says is, there's the door if you don't like it.
  5. Why come early if flights are delayed? Thais seem to love making you wait around for no good reason.
  6. Problem with that is women have falsely accused men and proving or disproving consent is very hard. Without a trial, who judges whether or not the evidence is beyond doubt especially in a place like Thailand? It is better that a guilty person goes free than an innocent person is convicted. As much as I want to agree with you I don't think it is the best solution.
  7. Most only stay 2 or 3 weeks but some of us do stay 5 or more weeks. Not having to do an extension this year will be a bonus as I often limit our holiday to under a month to avoid the hassle. I had already booked 5 weeks so hope 60 days is in place this week. Saving £50 and a 50 mile trip to immigration will be a good bonus.
  8. If that was my daughter it would be dead as soon as I could get near it. How any father could let it live is beyond me. How anyone could possibly want to keep a dog that has done that is beyond me.
  9. How does this spy on China? Here is good news about breaking up a criminal gang yet you think it is part of a conspiracy. You need to stop watching stupid YouTube videos and start watching real news channels. You are the sort of person who is fooled by the likes of trump because you can't think for yourself.
  10. Beging is a crime. This is why I don't give to any beggars meaning he is harming people in genuine need who resort to Begging. Put the <deleted> in prison and suffer cold turkey. This should be repeated every 6 months for 2 years or until drug free.
  11. A lot of jet ski opors are going to have problems getting their tuff off the beach if they can't take their pickups on the beach.
  12. "Both Blame Cannabis for Their Actions" - being <deleted> is more likely the truth. The plod should have cut off an ear and made one eat it and maybe they would get a proper confession.
  13. The reason is to encourage others to do better. If you find a cop who is better even if only very slightly, they should be held up as a shining beacon for others to follow. If you lump them altogether, there is no desire or advantage in being better. Unfortunately most Thais can't understand this which is why they are so far behind.
  14. Lady Gaga found out why Thailand is not a good place to perform with the flag incident. Why risk that kind of bad publicity over a minor discretion?

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