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Posts posted by Petbon

  1. I've never been to a rock concert, but thought I'd like to before 70! Discovered Clapton only a few years ago, mainly classical/jazz before, so think I'll go to his.

    Is it more costly for these concerts in BKK than elsewhere? Do they sell tickets on the night more cheaply?

  2. *Drivers are much more considerate than in Auckland. They trust others to be responsible, enough to leave parked cars in neutral so they can be moved to make more parks available. Fantastic. They gave us a hand out of a hole despite being blasted with mud.

    *Carrefours staff helped me choose the freshest fish, cooked it beautifully and asked me to return.

    *Tai chi in the park - they're forgiving of those without much coordination.

    *Everyone so helpful and nice.

  3. Sorry about being in wrong place, but only few minutes on pc.

    Read here last yr, that I have to fly out on 59 days which saved me from being few hours over 60 days.


    1. Can I apply for 30 day extension anytime during 60 days stay, or do I do it on last couple of days as they date extension from when I apply?

    2. Where do I go from Chatachuk, and how much does it cost?

    3. Must do events from Dec - Feb?

    Thanks a lot.

  4. Having lived in NZ for 62 years I now fully comprehend my abysmal ignorance of Asia as there is so little in the way of worthwhile commentary in our media...the old Queen takes precedence.

    Staying with my son in Bangkok, who is ensuring I learn via his mini-lectures and books, including Kishore Mahbubani's "The Asian Hemisphere", FTA's etc. has given me the impetus to address my total lack of comprehension of geopolitics, history, economics etc. in this area.

    Please recommend or tell me what you have found rewarding....thanks in anticipation.

  5. You can apply for the 30 day extension any time during your stay. You do not have to wait until the last day. Fee 1,900 Baht. Your total permission to stay would be 90 days.

    If you do overstay by 1 day it is not a big problem. At the airport when departing you would not be fined but would get a small stamp in your passport.

    Thanks. Just so I've understood:

    During the first 60 days, I apply for a 30 day extension, which won't start until the 61st day there?

    If so, that means I will be leaving on the 90th day.

    Does the red stamp count as a bad mark if applying for something in the future?

    Also, where do I near central Bangkok for the extension?

  6. Sorry, I know this has been already been covered, but I am unable to find answer quickly.

    I've just booked flights based on 90-days in Thailand, but realise now that I have to renew on 60th day, making it lst day of next 30 days, meaning that I shall be there 91 days?

    It would cost $150 for the extra day as economy fare seats sold out.

    Then agent said I could renew for another two months but that's not right is it?

    And are they likely to be OK about one day over the 90 max days?

    Thanks in advance.

    (oooops, wrong section, but don't know how to correct, apologies)

  7. One advantage is that your children growing up in Thailand could help in building their self-confidence and self-esteem as less subject to "putdowns" and told to "go back to where you came from", which arises a lot.

    Western education for its masses has evolved over a long time, and it shows, no doubt about that.

    While in BKK I noted that a couple of UK school brands have been set up.

  8. As an American and having an American employer you can sue him in American court. You would have to sue him personally and not his company. You should go to the American consulate and discuss - you may be able to get him charged with criminal fraud in the US since you were living in the US when you found out about the "job" and moved here (as I understand it). If he duped you over the internet or over the telephone, that's wire fraud also. It took you 9 months????????????

    When younger, two small businesses did not pay the $$thousands commission I earned. They kept stringing me along for mths and then I didn't know some small-time biz operators are hocked to the hilt and haven't any money to pay out anyway.

    Sounds like your outfit was equally dodgy.

    If taking legal action you need to weigh up:

    - Is it worth the time, upset, cost etc.

    - Even if you win, would they have reserves to pay you

    Know I did right thing just putting it down to experience as my NZ employers were dishonest and broke, but I hadn't realised.

  9. During August in Bangkok, several days in-a-row without rain, and in short patches when it did. Great having washing dry so quickly.

    Bit hot for me in BKK, first time I appreciated air conditioning inside buildings.

    Lovely at Jomtien with the sea breezes.

  10. I hope phetaroi's positive and important suggestion of being the best teacher that one can be is followed up.

    I do feel sad that some Asian students, who come here to learn English, end up with teachers who are inadequately trained, don't respect their students and are doing it only because they can't get other work. NZ does roadshows to attract them, as we need their money to sustain our economy. They are sometimes also "ripped off" by those providing accommodation.

    However, I accept that some very effective English teachers aren't always good at grammar or spelling.

  11. Sorry this is off topic.

    WOW your pension system is much fairer than in NZ where every citizen (and recent immigrants) gets around $19,000p.a. gross at 65, despite some never worked/contributed ever! A bundle of additional living allowances, medical/dental/old folks home etc benefits if no savings from no work or overspending.

    The average income retired, like me, live at a lower level because of a lifetime's frugality and saving.

  12. Surprising how a worldwide characteristic of some is somehow turned into a Thai fault. Why do nubile pretty young things marry ancient wrinklies with 2 pots (belly and cash) all around the world? They even run courses for how to nab millionaires in the west and ads appear for sugar mummies and daddies.

    What's wrong with liking rich people? Oftentimes they've worked hard for their dosh and don't expect us to support them ad nauseum.

    NZ guys tell me that women often want to know their financials first off! Smart girls to not waste time on men incapable of providing for children of the marriage. Lessens the burden on taxpayers who go without to keep the offspring of the irresponsible.

  13. <br />This is so obviously absolute bullshit............. there is no such thing as washing away karma.<br />The tenth precept a Novice monk takes is about not handling gold and silver, acquiring wealth, doing business, etc...... <br />just another sign of the corruption of the vinaya..... all forecast by the Buddha....that his teachings would last for five thousand years after his parinibbana.... we are over half way and on the slippery slope down...<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Isn't this just a variation on what's "sold" by western church rites and confession in catholicism - Vatican's pretty rich. So are Anglicans.

  14. <br />my wife before i met her had 3 underwear shops in a centre in bkk ,one day when she was working in the shop her thai man came in drunk with another thai girl , without even thinking she pulled out a gun from the draw and shot him in the arm hence she spent 6months inside and a lot of money by the family was payed , when it comes to another woman she just goes crazy , but she has been good to me .<br /><br /> cheers<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    YOUR WIFE SOUNDS COOL, you have good taste! Too often women have a go at another woman.

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