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Posts posted by JoePai

  1. 21 minutes ago, MrMuddle said:

    You sound exactly the same as all of the idiots that voted for Brexit, in the UK. I genuinely feel sorry for you.


    So you (and others) are saying the majority of the people in the UK and America who voted in full and fair democratic elections for Britexit and Trump are idiots ?

    Maybe you should look in a mirror as there you will find who the real idiot is ?

  2. 49 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


    How can a US Jew be expected to take responsibility for the actions of a foreign government? I have no love for the actions of the Israeli government, but that doesn't mean that Jews worldwide should bear the brunt of public consternation. Should all Catholics be held accountable for the child abuse perpetrated by their Church's priests?

    The answer to your last question is yes - they kept quiet

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