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Everything posted by JoePai

  1. How many cops does it take to apprehend 2 females - answers on a postcard please
  2. 10 secs : https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/general/2890118/travellers-clear-singapore-airport-immigration-in-just-10-seconds-using-new-tech
  3. Seems this neurologist has lost her own brain
  4. Ok I'll bite, who does own it ?
  5. Of course, it's owned by the Government
  6. to safeguard Thailand’s international reputation 🤣🤣🤣
  7. The Government Insurance is basically worthless and for a 25 year old car he would only have voluntary 3rd class at best
  8. Unfortunately not just in Thailand
  9. The car had crashed through the concrete fence, the front door, and the inner kitchen wall of the house Now that is impressive 🤣
  10. Get over it, at least they were enjoying themselves
  11. A lawyer and a cop extorting money - how strange
  12. Yet again we see how effective these Interpol Red Notices are - apart from one that is
  13. You ned help - and quick !
  14. No not a 'fresh policy, the same one, the only thing that will have change is the name on the policy- thus the 'new' policy holder retains the NCB should they wish to renew when the policy expires
  15. Does not matter what powers the vehicle, the policy is with the vehicle so when you sell (any) vehicle you can pass on the balance of the policy to the new owner - or cash it in
  16. Yes, they 'take over the policy' - remember the policy is on the vehicle in Thailand not the owner as in many other countries
  17. Yes, you supply the insurance company the name of the new Owner, copy of Passport and phone number - the insurance company will take care of the rest
  18. Meaning that I could go for 10 years without a claim, build up a full NCB, but must pay full premium on my next policy. And the new owner, who could have had multiple claims, gets MY NCB. Correct - and yes the Policy is in the name of the Policy Holder - welcome to Thailand 😉
  19. What about the overcrowded Baht Buses taking the kids to school, some having to hold on to the outside of the pickup ?
  20. raising the salary base for new civil servants to 25,000 baht per month Why not for all workers ? Plus they work(?) for the Thai people so should (if anything) be paid less
  21. No, you said quote : So if I sell my car, the new owner will have my name and address still on the insurance policy ... I said you change the name on the policy (to the new owner) or cancel it
  22. In Thailand the insurance is on the vehicle so the NCB goes with the policy to the new owner
  23. No - for the voluntary Insurance you ask your insurance company to change the name/address to the new owner You can also ask the insurance company to cancel the policy and return the remaining premium back to your bank
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