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  1. A lost construction on the biggest island
  2. Here are 3 locations you can find in north Pattaya. 1. A ruin, but people live there. 12.96439 100.89024 2. The Parody Art Museum, closed about 4 years. 12.95179 100.89543 3. The big complex with blue glas 12.95302 100.89496. Looks like many years in the same condition.
  3. Often they have lost it to the bank. Then it has to be checked which creditors are entitled. This procedure can take several years.
  4. Thanks 🍻 Post the locations in a forum, a group or give to new members is a problem. You never know who is the person looking this postings. Many thiefs are in lost place groups only for get good informations
  5. A former expensive resort of a rich family. But they lost this one, a very big hotel and a popular bar.
  6. Abandoned safari park, part 2 I think it is a victim of covid. But it is also a bit far away from the tourist areas. The shooting range there
  7. The old 220 Mercedes, about 60 years old
  8. When I visited this nice big building it was abandoned and not finished.
  9. No, the hotel has been abandoned for about 7 years. This is just a random page.
  10. The big lost hotel, part 3. They leave some private memories here.
  11. Lets take a look inside the big lost hotel.
  12. Look like Skoda 100, maybe a 1970 model 😁
  13. A big lost hotel with a great rooftop bar.
  14. Nice abandoned restaurant near the beach
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