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morning glory

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Everything posted by morning glory

  1. Wow, all the compassion and sympathy in these comments is so heartwarming …
  2. “Passenger service charges soar” Huh? Since when would an increase of 30 baht be considered “soaring”? It’s just clickbait!! Whoever writes these headlines is deliberately trying to provoke a negative reaction and raise our blood pressure! Don’t fall for it, keep smiling 😁
  3. When I retired ten years ago, Bangkok Bank was the only option for receiving SS, and it was their policy to only offer a restricted account for receiving SS funds (no ATM, no app/online transfers, must go in Bank in person to withdraw/transfer money). I was glad to hear that SS changed their rules several years ago.
  4. Thank you! It’s great to get confirmation from someone who has done it successfully.
  5. A friend told me that his SS goes into his SCB account, an account that has an ATM card.
  6. When I first set up my Social Security direct deposit 10 years ago, I had to set up an account with Bangkok Bank. This account does not provide an ATM card. The only way to access the money is to go into the bank and physically make a transfer to another account that has an ATM card, a process which is rather inconvenient. I have recently learned that now you can have a SS direct deposit made to any bank without such restrictions. Has anyone ever switched from Bangkok Bank to another bank for their SS deposit? If so, how did you do it?
  7. Speaking of 90 days, could he please also get rid of the silly 90-day reporting for one year visa holders???
  8. Nakohn Prathom immigration is also now requiring a 12-month bank statement to renew your visa. When asked the reason for the new requirement, the clerk responded, “We have a new boss.” ????
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